"This secret fraternal Order, also known as Ladies of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem was originally named Ladies of Malta. In 1902 it was consolidated with the DAUGHTERS OF MALTA, and assumed the names 'Dames of Malta.' These Dames are an auxiliary of the Ancient and Illustrious Order Knights of Malta....
Their governing body is known as 'Zenodacia,' and branches are called 'Sisterhood' and are under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Grand Commandery of the A&IOKM. ...
The 'ritualistic work' of the Order unfolds 'the marvelous history of its glorious past [the Order claims to be the direct descendent of the Sisterhood of the Hospitallers Dames of Jerusalem] and 'the deep religious significance of its institution,' and glories in 'the fact that it is the only Knightly Order having one Universal password that admits to all Council Chambers around the Globe.' The present membership of the Dames of Malta [in 1923] is 28,000. The headquarters are located [in Pennsylvania]"