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Chapter 2

The light of the new day broke the mist and lifted the dew off the land. Flex was already standing by the window watching the band of Elves getting ready for the trip back to Vine Glade to start the fortifications for the upcoming battle. The plan was to train every Elf that could do so. Women included; to use a bow and arrow. The Elves had learned how to construct a new type of blade. It was light and to their surprise. Was extremely sharp. When this blade was successfully made they proceeded to make their arrowheads out of this same manner. They were trained the way the Ogre's had trained the elite force. So there fore the Ogre's would be defeated by their own ways of battle. Then when the time came the Elves would attack Oztoria and destroy the Ogre's rule of their lands once and for all.

Flex prepared and started off with his newfound army. Back home to his kingdom. His Elven kingdom. The band traveled all day along the path that they had marked for a road of travel that for now would be safe. They had set camp for the night and were getting ready to settle in when word came from a sentry that a band of Ogre guard were on there way to intercept the band on its journey home. In fear of loosing the supplies and children. Flex with some of his best soldiers traveled ahead to intercept this confident band of stupid Ogre's. The path that they were following would lead them straight to Vine Glade. So they were to be stopped at all costs. None must live to tell the tale. They caught up to the band within an hour. The plan was to surround them and take them out with arrows. If this did not work completely then they would find out how sharp and how well their new swords could cut through Ogre skin.

Everything went as planned. The Elves surrounded the Ogre band without them knowing. They were moving slowly; though constantly moving closer in the direction of Vine Glade. The band of Elves which out numbered the Ogre's two to one proceeded to take out the Ogre scout with no problem. Flex drew his first arrow. Cocked it aimed it, took ready and screamed his battle cry. Used only by the old Ogre king when he was in battle. Then in one swift motion there was a rain of arrows come out of the trees at the Ogre band. That one round of arrows leveled half the Ogre's small force. The Elves drew their new-fashioned swords and ran into the open to meet the Ogre's face to face.

Flex was the down there, and with one swift swipe tore a limb with his sword from the side of an Ogre. Then with a follow through swipe he removed his head. The next who was there to meet his blade lost a junk of flesh and bone from his side. The whole time there were screams of agony and victory ringing out through the air. Flex proceeded to remove the feet of the Ogre letting him drop to the ground screaming; in complete un-comprehendible pain. Flex then proceeded to remove the Ogre's right arm. With a look of pure insane blood lust sliced the Ogre's stomach and chest cavity open. And proceeded to mince his insides. And just before he died Flex removed his head from his body just like the last.

One Elf had fallen during the Battle. But he was not badly hurt. For where there was more Elves then Ogre's he was saved by some of the others. They returned to the encampment to find a battle under way. The odds were even but starting to fade for the Elves. The men joined the battle and made the odds a little more in favor of the Elves once again. They proceeded to mow down the Ogre's once again. By now about ten Elves had fallen prey to them. And several others were mortally wounded. Flex joined to see that one Elf was being torn apart piece by piece. Then finally they started throwing around the young Elf's entrails. As he screamed his last breath; then gurgled and choked to death on his own blood. Flex out of pure hatred drew his sword and charged into the battle. These Ogre guards were not well trained at all. So they were easily disposed of. No one who saw his face lived to remember, or even had time to say his name. Flex wasted no time in removing he head of every enemy he came to.

It infuriated him to see what they did to that young Elf. Soon the Ogre's had no choice but to turn and run. But as soon as they did; a virtual wall of arrows bombarded them from behind. Then it was over. Those who lived were disposed of quickly. The wounded were tended to and prepared to be transported for the journey home. Flex gave the word to move out. Because if there were two groups then there would certainly be more. For the Ogre's would have sent for back up as soon as the battle had begun.

They proceeded through the night and by mid day they had reached the valley where Vine Glade was. A signal was given for there return and they proceeded to bring the supplies into their newfound home. To Flex's surprise their forgery was invisible. It seemed as though the leaves in the trees acted as filters so the smoke was never seen unless you were in stone's throw of the building itself. It was the only building on the ground because it was too hot to be in the trees. No time was wasted. The supplies were distributed and the next party was prepared to depart. The town it self was surprisingly large. It took up about two miles of treetop. A pulley system was used to bring anyone to the level where the town set. It was also well hidden even from the prying eyes that would try to see it from the ground as well. Some had even built their homes right into the great trees themselves. Amazingly the lower branches muffled the sounds of the great city above. From the ground you could hardly hear the activity.

Flex settled in to his hut in the middle of town for another rest. This time he would not be disturbed. He slept well with no dreams this time. For the last couple of weeks he had been having these strange dreams. They were of this old Elf woman. She seemed familiar; almost like he should have known her all his life. There was also the presence of something very powerful, Very evil. It came in the form of a shadow. Large and terrifying; and it swallowed the Elf woman like she was nothing. And all Flex could do was yell for her to get out of the way; but every time she heard him it was too late. The shadow overcame her just as she turned to face it. This was usually when he awoke with a yell with beads of sweat rolling off his body. This night was different though. This time he did not dream at all. He just slept. When he awoke he felt fully refreshed. And ready for the long trip back into the cruel and evil hole that he use to call home.

Flex would accompany the group as far as the forks. Then would depart for Oztoria. He had plans of his own that were needed to be put into action. Flex was going to find out if the rumors were true. If there was a servant being held because he knew too much. If so Flex wanted to know why and what he actually knew. Starting the same way they came they started the long journey back. He also did something else. Flex sent a small band to the south towards the great waters to find out if there was anywhere that the Elves could start another new town if the need be. He also gave the order that upon his return that he would be embarking on a mission to the west. To find out for himself if the humans were truly alive and existing as he was told by the rumors from town. Once they reached the forks on the second day without confrontation they parted company. Flex and a small group of Elven guard proceeded north to Oztoria while the others proceeded back to their new claimed victory. This victory was enough to encourage the elves to try harder for their freedom.

They were into there second day when the scout gave word of a search group coming their way. Flex and the others made it look like some rebel Elves attacked them. When the groups met Flex was surprised to see an old friend of his leading the group. Torpack was his name. He was another rebel Elven guard that was Flex's eyes and ears while he was away. A friendly exchange was given and Flex proceeded to tell Torpack of their newfound victory.

" Yes! You would have liked to have been there Tor. You would have had a blast. It was a mighty victory for the Elves."

"Yes, indeed it was, but we must be careful of where that is said Flex. There are many eyes and ears about these days."

" Quit so Tor. So what is the good word from Oztoria? Any more successful attempts at escape?"

"Not since they doubled the patrols at night."

"We'll have to devise another plan of action again I see. What of Joklake? Any change for the better in his attitude?"

"None I'm afraid. But for some unknown reason he has embarked on a mission to the north and to everyone's surprise has left you in charge until his return."

"Me?!! But why? You would think he'd put one of the councilors in charge."

"I think this is a test to see your loyalties to him. It is probably to see if you will keep everything in order while he is away."

"One good thing is we don't have to tell him about the town falling just yet. This also means I can find out if my suspicions are true about the locked away servant."

" What servant sir?"

"Exactly my point Tor. Exactly my point." They rode for the rest of the day and set camp for the night. Flex and Tor started to talk about old times when they were still in training. For Tor was almost like a twin to Flex. They were of the same build; same facial features and lasts but not least they both wore the same mark on them. That patch of skin like an Ogre's. But the only thing that still puzzled Flex was why the king had treated Flex so differently and not treated Tor the same way. He was beginning to ponder this thought when a cry of warning was heard from the other side of the encampment. Flex and Tor came to realize that this was not just any warning. They realized that this was a Wharebeast warning.

All of a sudden the century's yells of alarm and warning turned into now screams of torture, and agony. As he was tore apart limb from limb. These animals did not just attack. They attacked in packs of sometimes five or six. Flex with Tor's help rallied the men and proceeded to commence the first onslaught. They were lucky; this batch was only three in number. The first wave of defenders attacked. Then the second followed and then the third.