Last update...

October 16, 2001 - I have added yet another gallery to the images section. This new one is an Angel's gallery. Hope that you like it.

I have just finished adding some links around the website so that it is easier to navigate instead of tapping BACK alot.

My other new addition, and if you are reading this you will know, is that I have decided to post the 5 most recent updates right on the main page, as it seems that no one ever bothers to look in my Updates Section, I will continue to archive updates so that people can look back if they want to but for the most part the most current updates will be found on my main page.

October 15, 2001 - I have made an update to the poetry section, I have added a few new poems.

I have also updated the music section by adding a section for FF7. Hope that you enjoy it.

October 14, 2001 - This is getting all too scary with the updates and everything, I have done more on this site in the last week than I have in the three years, it has been on here.

Well I have made some more updates. I have added a second dragon galler, my tribute to Ruth Thompson. It is absolutely amazing. I highly recomend checking it out, and checking out her site while you are at it.

I have added a poll booth so that I can get some visitor feedback. And I have also added a neat little quote machine, that will say wise and insightful things that I have thought of.

I have changed around my FF3 music section some, and you can expect to see an FF7 section for music going up very soon.

October 2001- Ah-hah. This is two months in a row. I shouldn't keep doing this, I might start a pattern or something. Well my biggest changes are not really visible. I have changed a lot of the files around, so that the site is easier to manage, namely, all of my pics are no longer in my main directory. Secondly, I have altered the dragon image gallery so that it is now a thumbnail gallery. I like this better but it takes an awful long time to load so I don't know if I am happy with it. I may break it up into several smaller galleries.

I have also weeded through my dragons and have started to remove some that I don't feel are the best, and have either fixed or removed dead links in the music section.

For now I am just repairing what has been here for the last 3 years. Soon, (although I remember having said this before) I hope to add to the site and perhaps get some new stuff.

I also intend to post more of the story The Tales of Runne, and I have quite a bit more poetry to be posted.

September 2001- Lol, I guess my website has been dormant for a while, but I have continued to receive information as such I am going to see about putting up some more updates. I am hoping to extend some of the galleries and do to the feed back I will be adding some entire new sections.

June 1999- This has been a big month for the page. I have finished my FF3 midi gallery which I have been working on for sometime. I have also created my dragon image gallery. The dragon image gallery will be updated propbably more often than anything wlse because of the quantity of dragon pics on the net compared to FF7 and FF3. I have also got a good start on the FF7 gallery and the FF3 gallery although it can be expected that both will triple in size by next month. I have rearranged my opening page to make it more convienant to have access to all parts of the page. In the upcoming months I hope to finish my Chrono Trigger midi gallery and perhaps create a Chrono Trigger art gallery. I am also about to begin the construction of my Animation Gallery.

Check back often for many more updates are on the way.

April 1999- What the heck has been going on. Well after the complete system crash which erased all of my files, I have spent a great deal of time restoring my page. Now I am ready to make it work again. In the next few weeks some big changes are going to occur. Taking into consideration what messages have stated I will try to act to those. To all of those who are patient enough soon there will be a new array of pics, and my newest gallery of animation. The DarkAngel ---Prophet of Blood

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