
1: Jack Daniels and Pizza 1:00
2: Angry Neurotic Catholics 2:47
3: S.M.D. 2:26
4: Race War 5:56
5: Inner Conflict 5:02
6: Jesus Hitler 5:06
7: Technophobia 3:58
8: U.S.A. For U.S.A. 3:21
9: 5,000,000,000 Dead 3:02
10: Sex and Violence 3:48
11: Predator 4:34
12: Carnivore 3:22
13: Male Supremacy 7:30
14: Armagedon 4:10
15: God Is Dead 4:08
16: Thermonuclear Warrior 5:31
17: World War III and IV 7:28

---------------Jack Daniel's and Pizza---------------


---------------Angry Neurotic Catholics---------------

I'm suffering from depression
the anger turned within
what do I gain for all my pain
perhaps a seat in heaven?

Don't do what you want
do what you're taught is right
your life is built on paranoia and guilt
don't forget your valium tonight

The agony I must endure
my mind is painful and swells
the punishment for what I've done
is forever the pains of hell
how come what is natural
has to be a sin?
why would God give me this urge
if I cannot give in?
they say don't give up
that Jesus loves me

I went down into my basement
confused and depressed
put Black Sabbath on
razor blade in hand
a Wilkinson I think
ten slashes on each arm
my only wrongdoing
was being born human
and following my instincts
I never was happy
I never was sane
so I shall be extinct
the growing pool of crimson
at last I am pure
witness my sanguineous penance
I don't need anyone
my soul's been set free
death is total independence

stand up straight
stomach in
shoulders back
sound off

Angry Neurotic Catholics
It's a sin
Angry Neurotic Catholics
It's a sin

---------------Suck My Dick---------------

You don't like the clothes I wear
I'll shave my head or grow my hair
what makes you look over here
what are you, queer?


You call my music sonic poison
turn it down it's annoying
but it gives me pleasure to aggravate
the ones I hate

Walking down the street a bottle
grazes off your head
from a window someone laughing
spitting on your head
find a weapon bash their skulls in
don't they make you sick
kill these fuckin' pricks!

Skins and bangers joining fight as one
those who persecute battle 'till they've won
tired of being pressured
to join their plastic army
you conforming clones will be sorry

I won't change for anyone
Keep fighting 'till I'm done

I 've gotta right to be myself
and you can go fuck yourself

---------------Race War---------------

Black against white
yellow versus red
the fighting won't stop
until we're all dead

Burning, looting, riots destroy the masses
Nightfall, brings death, city reduced to ashes

Don't call me your brother
'cause I ain't your fucking brother
we fell from different cunts
and your skins an ugly color

Race War
we're going to a race war
Hate War
we're going to a hate war

Bloodshed, rampage, torture is not subsiding
Chaos, bedlam, violent ethnic uprising

Moslems against Christians
and the Arabs versus Jews
the Catholic and Protestants
no one wins we all lose

Everybody's gonna die

Xenophobic tendencies
instilled in us at birth
are misabled racism
hostilities getting worse
accept the fact my distant cousin
we cannot live in peace
isolated environments
may just be the key

Human beings suspicious
soon fear grows to hate
we'll have each other by the throat
when forced to integrate
mothers watch their children die
at each other's hand
Cain and Able set the course
ethnocentric command

Race War
Hate War

---------------Inner Conflict---------------

Nothing can stop the pain
and nothing can stop the pain
suffering from anxiety
it seems like an eternity

Somebody somebody kill me
somebody put my out of my misery

Inner Conflict
Inner Conflict

The pain it only gets worse
and the pain it only get worse
give up 'cause there is no hope
life is hell when you can't cope

Large two inch maggots decorate my vomit
infecting eyes oozing pus
acknowledge the stench of human excrement
swamps of mucus prevalent
every hole in my body drips blood
every hole in my body drips blood
every hole in my body drips blood

Hate is fear
I rip at my face in the mirror
death approaching
expiration growing nearer
I'm rotting inside
I'm disgusted with myself
I'm in hell

---------------Jesus Hitler---------------

Jesus Hitler
Adolf Christ
Is this the second coming
Or the fourth Reich?

His mother a nun raped by a nazi
near the end of the second great war
gave birth to a son who could change the future
for better or worse he's not sure
I am what should never have been
the ultimate abomination
Have I returned to save the Jews
or to destroy them?

Hear thee my fellow nazolics
come join the Neotheofacists
keep the race pure practice eugenics
and swear to the holy swazafix

I have returned

Reich und Roll!

Hess to my left and Peter on my right
will it be war or peace
totalitarian on his throne of blood
commands both man and beast
a pair of souls trapped in the body of one
both prisoners of reincarnation
torn between good and evil
I have returned for salvae-elimination


You fear change and all that's new
stand in the way of progress
like primitive man afraid of fire
'till he explored it's many uses

The power of the atom at our disposal
yet it is called unsafe
nuclear energy so clean and pure
your ignorance is a disgrace

Do not resist
it is your destiny
have we not all become
the children of technology

Holding your fate in a magnetic grip
of all your irrational fears
the shadow of machinery cast upon the flesh of man
blood, sweat, and gears
the robots of dawn offsprings the industry
spot you in the cobalt blue light
one fell swoop and you've become a memory
away with your intrusive life

Into the reactor!

You worship a dead man hung with nails
only a fool would die for the sins of humanity
on your knees before electronics
lets replace this religious insanity
tear down the churches instead on the ground
build there the holy reactors
give us the children science and math
in place of bibles and pastors

You bleeding heart liberals
who oppose the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
must be compelled to retire
you serve only as obstacles and should be used
to fuel the nuclear pyre

---------------U.S.A. for U.S.A.---------------

Listen to all this all you douchebags
it's time that we laid down the law
we're tired of taking your shit
and we ain't 'gonna take it no more
be prepared to fight and die
so that we may be free
and if you don't like it here
than pack your shit and leave
our forefathers died in war
so that you could live better
we at least owe it to them
to keep the stars and stripes forever

Planting bombs in planes
blowing up our ships
kill our kids and woman
find these dickless slobs
hang them by the scrotum
lets end the terrorism

You think yourself a god
would follow to the death
a spineless yellow faggot
a bunch of stinking slobs
hiding behind masks
show yourself 'ya maggot

United we stand
divided we fall
and that's the way it's gonna be
don't ever forget the soldiers
who died for liberty

All the bullshit countries
who think they'll beat the giant
world peace upheaval
we'll nuke 'em to the stone age
send the message clear
ya don't fuck with the eagle

---------------5 000 000 000---------------


---------------Sex and Violence---------------

Money wrench in my hand
in my groin a swollen gland
tonight perform brain surgery
or some gynecology
clockwork orange fast becoming
rampant street gangs overrunning
after darkness raging war
what do they keep living for?

Sex and Violence

I love to hear you scream in vain
splattered blood and semen stains
rape and murder lesson learned
meaning of life? - Pain and sperm
prey upon the old and helpless
reconditioning is useless
ultra-violent offsprings of gore
what do they keep living for?

Sex and Violence

If you can't eat it or fuck it...
then kill it!
Sexual deviation
Religious desecration
Civil mutilation
Violent procreation

Bleed for me


They live beneath the ruined city call the subways home
anxiously wait to see the sun and a land as of yet unknown
gone below to escape the death of the nuclear winter
ice and darkness due penance for the sinners
six generations 200 years later their ancestors crawl from their holes
hungry and frightened and barely surviving they're tired of living like moles
up on the surface a fate worse than dying meeting the end of the food chain
teeth yielding pain

I sense that living human beings dwell below my feet
an important source of protein, you are what you eat
post Armageddon, neo-barbaric, the nuclear warriors due battle
to satiate our hunger we breed human beings as cattle
hunting in packs ready for the attack we eat our prey raw-rabid animals
frothing and ripping the carcass we're stripping our own yes we're cannibals
eat or eaten beat or beaten I am on my life rest assure a predator

broken splintered bones, boiling blood
torn and bleeding skin
blackened burning flesh melting fat
amputated limbs
eviscerated, lungs torn out
heart ripped from the chest
decapitated, a meal of
vagina and breasts
Eyes plucked from sockets, gaping holes
through which picking brains
phlebophilia love of blood
life spills from the veins
I detect the scent of prey by
her menstruation
you have been chosen the main course

-Bon Appetite


Drool dripping out my tongue hanging south saliva flowing free
my eyes full of lust my balls gonna bust give yourself to me
thirst I can't quench c'mere you wench there's something that I need

I'm a meat eater
I'd like to meet ya
I know I'll reach ya

The hunger I feel makes you a meal oh girl you sure taste sweet
by my hair pull me there guide me to your treat
spread your legs I'll seed your eggs oh, feel me deep


Lick me she begged she pulled down my head I love to eat pussy
a taste so fine like sweet april wine I won't trade for any money
did you cum I eat and run I live for sodomy

---------------Male Supremacy---------------

I live to war it's in my blood if I want it I take
the men I've killed the children slaves and all the woman I've raped
between my legs I've got what it takes to be called a man
fighting, feasting, fucking all I can
moonlight on horseback till death we will ride
northern winds pushing us towards suicide
Mars god of war masturbating in rage
wild libido I've freed from its cage

Male Supremacy

I eat the brains from my enemy's head I proudly wear their scalps
I burn their towns to the ground to me the prisoners bow
muscle, sweat, long hair and dirt leather, fur and chains
my uniform torn and worn covered with blood stains
testosterone mates with adrenaline bearing a son of insane aggression
woman will never know or understand the power men feel to kill with their hands


After the war I come home weak and sore I fall into your arms
we lie by the fire you feed my desire with me safe and warm
outside the wind blows cold inside the embers glow shelter from the storm

Years been away I fought night and day for my land and my king
woman it's true I do battle for you, you my everything
when on the fur I make love to her how her body sings



A grey and sunless sky above lies heavy on the earth
fire storms acid rain celebrating birth
fall on down to corpses rotting in the streets
baste in their own blood upon the pavement from the heat

Maggots crawl from festering sores soon will turn to flies
spread disease across the land to the lucky who've survived
minds asleep are restless with reminiscent desire
sinners writhe in pain and fright baptism by fire


Cities once great of stone and steel now lie black and burning
drifting far and fast away a dying world stops turning
a shroud of darkness steals the earth its solar womb
hopelessly I've given up prepared to meet my doom


---------------God Is Dead---------------

God looked down from heaven shook his head and wept
his flock had gone astray wolves mingling with sheep
you tried to save man once by sending down a son
but the bastards nailed him up and laughed at what they'd done

You gang raped mother nature I love a virgins cry
blood poured from the earth she suffered and she died
rusty scissors still in hand you castrated father time
feed his balls to the hounds that drink his cum like wine

God Is Dead

You've taken all my precious gifts
I gave unto you life from by breath
you a product of my love
your gratitude shown in my death


The devil has taken your spirit
keeps it chained up in the night
tells you that evil is good
but you will never see the light


Eat his body drink his blood then we'll sing our song of love

Now you come crawling on your hands and knees
you beg for forgiveness suck me till I bleed
and for your transgressions heretical blasphemy
the punishment is damnation you'll burn interminably

Look what you've done to nature
and what you 've done to time
there's no more room in hell
your sinners you steal what is mine


Now the dead walk the earth
there's nowhere to hide
the devil and his disciples
rejoice my suicide


Bustin' heads breaking legs smashin' faces spreading hate
screaming out this can't be real
broken bottles chains and knifes bats and pipes to end your life
crush you beneath my wheels

And of course no regret give me freedom or give me death
you're flirting with disaster
riding wild running free no one's gonna govern me

---------------Thermonuclear Warrior---------------

The atom germ wars gone precipitate genetic mutation
social degeneration
creatures born of malignant science
the children of technology
plutonium anthropology
who will cleanse the mess left by the past
who will expurgate the scared cytoplasm
to rid the earth of abomination I proclaim my nomination
as the thermonuclear warrior
Strands of malformed DNA strangulate our future
chromosomal executioners


I seek the dying, sick and deformed all who would taint the species
stabbing and choking and burning and drowning exterminate subhuman feces
to every problem an answer must lie to this I have a solution

Crush kill destroy
I will smash any resistance
crush kill destroy
the reason for my divine existence

You may ask what's right have I to take human life this way
well I'm in control I make the rules and I don't need your o.k.
genocide is my way of life it's a fact I will not hide
the millions I've killed to sterilize euthanasia's not homicide

Crush kill destroy
I will not tolerate imperfection
crush kill destroy
I will impede the spread of infection
I was born my own master


---------------World Wars III And IV---------------

A bomb hits the city all life instantly vaporized
but I'm not so fortunate burning right before my eyes
stumbling I trip over pieces of descending flesh
leaving a pile of smoldering humanoid mess
coming in waves
leading me to
a nuclear grave

Are you ready
will you be
will you fight WW III
are you ready
are you sure
will you fight WW IV

Humanity somehow stood up on its mutated feet
reeling with pride man just would not accept his defeat
into the missiles deadly disease and poison gas
launching them off terracidal journey kills the last
vomiting blood
I choke on my tongue
the gas from above is filling my lungs


Silence and darkness the species of man is extinct
the boiling oceans into which the continents sink
gravity gone the moon collides with a dead earth
flaming world out of orbit flying into deep space
prey for your death
if you survive
you'll die in pain
in world war V
