My Eye's have beheld the sunset.......

My vision has seen the dawn...........

My spirit soars with my Eagles........

On fathers face we soar...............

My trail is carved forever............

On the face of Mother Earth...........

My tracks there chiseled solid........

Like the rock that was before.........

My dreams are of my people............

Their here now as was before..........

Thev'e beheld a million sunsets.......

We'll forever see the dawn............

                    Hume` Itsa' Na'hi`ssee`l'
                    Apache Eagle Dreamer

                    Allyn Eagle Dreamer Chissay


He soars above us  way up high......
He covers the face of Father Sky....
He searches the face of Mother Earth
for Eye's that peer above...........
of those of his many children.......
who seek him for his love...........

When his eye's behold them..........
His voice lets out a cry............
His spirit rains upon them..........
As the tears fall from his eye's....

His tears of joy fall upon the face Of Mother Earth
There to water the seeds of love....
As he cry's for them to grow........
Then the seeds sprout forth.........
They florish and grow...............
They reach out thwords the sky......
They become a bond of love..........
From Mother Earth to Father Sky.....

Rooted deep in Mother Earth.........
Beneath the smileing face of Father Sky
They grow and bloom into flowers....
To praise the Eagles eye............
As the flower comes full circle.....
From birth to beauty ...............
To fruit to die.....................
It returns from whence it came......
To seed  once again.................
Carried away by the winds of time...
To wait upon the Eagle..............
To once again cry...................

                          Hume` Itsa' Na'hi`ssee`l'
                          Apache Eagle Dreamer

                          Allyn Eagle dreamer Chissay

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