Corporal Dirk Squarejaw

Level Three                   Hit Points: 32
Veritech Pilot                S.D.C.:     63 
I.Q. 20                       Sex:        Male
M.E. 14                       Height:     6'2"
M.A. 14                       Weight:     240 lbs.
P.S. 20                       Eyes:       Blue
P.P. 16                       Hair:       Brown
P.E. 20                       Birthplace: Utah
P.B. 14                       Alignment:  Scrupulous
Spd. 17                       Disposition:Too daring for his own good.
                                          Loves the thrill of hand to 
                                          hand combat.

O.C.C. Skills

Pilot Jet: 94%, Pilot Veritech: 82%, Mecha Combat Veritech, Weapon Systems: 96%, Read Sensory Instruments: 71%, Navigation (air, land, water): 91%, Hand to Hand: Martial Arts

Other Skills

Radio Basic: 66%, Pilot Destroid (Gladiator): 76%, First Aid: 66%, Tracking: 51%, Mathmatics Basic: 96%, Computer Operation: 76%, Cook: 71%, Pilot Motorcycle: 74%, Navigation Space: 76%, Wrestling, Boxing, Gymnastics (Sense of Balance: 76%, Climb Rope: 84%, Climb: 38%, Back Flip: 92%, Prowl: 46%)

Combat Skills

Martial Arts:
Number of Attacks: 3

Strike: +2, Parry: +4, Dodge: +4, Roll: +6, Damage: +5

Karate Style Kick: 1d8

Other Bonuses:
+10% to save vs. coma/death
+3 to save vs. poison

This character is the creation of Clayton Hall

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