Baba Nyonya

Heritage MUSEUM

The Babas & Nyonyas are descendants of the early Chinese traders who intermarried with the local women.

 The men are known as the " Babas " and the women,

" Nyonyas ".

 The Babas & Nyonyas are said to be very Chinese in spirit and tradition but Malay in form. Also known as the " Straits-Born " Chinese or " Peranakans ", they speak the Malay patois which is the Malay language, interlaced with Chinese phrases.

The house can described as " Chinese Baroque " or " Chinese Palladian ".

Architecture is neo-classical European, characterised by Greco-Roman columns. Floral and pictorial motifs grace parts of the front of the house whilst the interior is adorned with intricately carved fittings, finished in golf leaf.

A visit to the house would be an unforgettable experience of a journey back in time.


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