Stephen G. Bozak MA, CEP, Psychometrist

member of the IECA

8 Timberwick Drive

Clifton Park, New York 12065,

Tel: H: 518-373-0290, Fax: 518-373-0701, UIN :4254325

Born: 3/13/53 in Troy, NY, 10 LB! On my mother's birthday!

Likes: Ham Radio, Traveling to faraway Places, Camping, Fishing, Going to church!

Dislikes: Long airplane rides to Korea or anyplace. Sitting next to some nerd in the plane who wants to talk for 16 hours! The smell of fish in my house. , Noise

Favorite movie: Bushman and Gangshi! (I have a copy from Hong Kong)

Favorite music: Black rap! And raga, loud on the CD. Korean Pop songs. Old Church Hymns

Steven and Steff looking at the map trying to find their way home! (From Orlando)

Is this Stephanie or Steven? Still likes Watermelon!

Just getting out of somebodies car!

When Mon goes to Korea we go to Orlando! At the Beach!

Dad takes our picture every Sunday after church, so we don't have many of him!

Steven on Realm and Stephanie on AOL chat! Dad watching Star Trex ! Mom cooking something good!

Our Dog Fluffy, We got it when Mom wasn't home so we con't ask her, sorry!