The Interview
Stephen Bozak
The role it plays in the admission process:
Areas of discussion:
A. Informative
1. Goal of talk, information exchange, "do you offer biology? what is …
2.The student has a high degree of control.
3. Student should generate questions.
B. Evaluation
1. Goal to answer how will the student contribute to the existing community at the school.
2. Interviewer has high degree of control.
3. Questions usually generated by interviewer.
2. Preparation for the interview
a. Know what type of interview to expect, its OK to ask
1. Questions to ask:
Can an application be reviewed without an interview?
b. What will be the purpose of the interview?
c. Can you tell me what may be covered in the interview?
d. What will you be looking for in the interview?
e. What would you like me to bring to the interview?
1. Prepare questions that come from your area of interest or concern
3. Procedure information, I would like to:
a. Speak with a student.
b. Speak with a faculty member.
c. See lab facilities.
You may want to do this the same day, if your only luke warm about a school, otherwise visit the school twice or more. Showing interest.
4. Next step information:
a. If I decide I want to attend, what's the next step? Deposit information
b. Boarding information
c. Financial aid.
Summary- informative
1. Prepare questions from your areas of concern.
2. Read the information about the school before interview.
3. Remember you are ultimately in control of your image.
4. What is the next step if you plan to attend this school?
5. How do I speak with current students or faculty members?
C. If the interview is an evaluation"
- Your goal during the interview is to develop a "fit" between your interests and experiences with the college.
- The weeks before the interview develop arguments for acceptance based on:
1. You're academic performance.
2. Examples of contributions you made to your schools community and how you intend to develop these contributing skills at Xyz College.
3. Something that you believe is similar between the university and your education, philosophy, or professional goals, attributes.
-- Anticipate the greatest, weakness, attributes questions and answer in essay form.
-- Speak with current students / alumni to learn of faculty research or special projects that the university is involved in.
Boston University example:
Is studying the feasibility of prioritizing elementary and secondary education for the Boston public schools
-- Read, 1st know rounded figures for numbers of students participating in specific majors or projects.
Summary evaluation
1. Read
2. Develop "Fit" between you and the university
3. Prepare for tough question greatest/ weakness/ strengths questions.
4. Speak with current students/ alumni/ faculty
Ask them about strength/ weaknesses of university and how to prepare to attend.
The goal of an interview is determined by the admissions philosophy
Being unprepared can:
1. Leave important unanswered
2. Weaken your candidacy for admissions
Being prepared can:
1. Allow you to learn about specific programs that you may want.
2. Strengthen candidacy, by letting the school know more about you.
3. Made good impression.
4. Let the school know positive information not gathered from the application form.
Role play: