Brahmin Samaj of Georgia, Inc.


A Happy and Prosperous New Year
To all Members, Families and Friends

New Year Prayer

Oh God:        We all join together to pray that on the beginning of the New Year
                      the beginning of the New Year,
                      Strengthens our knot of unity,
                      helps us make our decision
                      Firm and Strong.

                      Grant us everlasting brotherhood, friendship and highest
                      Order of love and prosperity.

Om bhadram karnebhihi shrunuyam devaha
bhadram pashyema kshbhir yajatraha
sthirai rangaihi tushtuvan sastanubhihi
vyashema devahitam yadayuhu

Oh Lord! We will listen to blissful/happy promises with our ears.
Oh dear Lord! we will look at artistic/beautiful shapes and forms with our eyes.
With our strong body(soul and mind), praising you all the time, we will become powerful (in the mind) to strive for a long lasting life that you have created.