Some important notes:
One September 24, 2002 terrorists attacked Akshardham (BAPS
Temple) in Gandhinagar, India. Several innocent people were killed
and injured by terrorists. Our heart and prayers go to the families
who lost loved ones and to the BAPS. The BSOGA members attended condolence
meeting and group prayer called by BAPS organizers in Atlanta.
Community News:
2002 BSOGA picnic was enjoyed by members at Fort Yargo State
Park on August 25th. Everybody enjoyed lots of games, lot of food,
fresh air and boating. I must say that best part about the picnic was
seeing how well our community responds to each other. No task was too
big or too small to be handled by our Brahmins. Special thanks to our
joint secretary Varshaben and all other dedicated sisters (too many to name)
for coordinating the entire event from food to fun, successfully. So
let us say three cheers to them and all of us.
Congratulations to Mayur Raval, son of Indubhai and
Anuben Raval for his engagement to Pinecca on August 24, 2002.
If you have some community information,
please send your news to Vichar Shakti for publication.