Why Is This Book Important?

The contents of this book will enlighten a person who is searching for
Present Day Truth. This book reveals the meanings that pertain to the
prophecies of the Bible. Those who believe in the Word of God above
all other forms of inspiration, will find in this book, a vast amount of
treasure that has been hidden from the eyes of creation until the
appointed time when all would be revealed.

Why Are The Prophecies Of The Bible So Important To Know?

Without the understanding of prophecy as written in God’s Word, a
person would be stumbling in the dark. The understanding of God’s
Word is an illuminating light that pierces into the darkness. Those who
have been illuminated by the Revelation of the Seven Seals prophecies,
will see their path and destination ahead. God’s plan for the latter days
was kept secret and hidden until the time of the latter day people who
are to fulfill the prophecies. That day has arrived, and the meanings
of all the written prophecies in God’s Word, have been revealed.

What Can This Book Do For Me?

This book will open the vaults of prophecy, which have been locked
since the beginning of this creation. The mysteries of God’s Word shall
be clearly seen, that God’s plan of salvation may be understood for
those who live in the latter days. To not heed unto Present Day Truth,
which this book reveals as never before, is to have no regard for the
Spirit of Prophecy, therefore showing that you have no interest in God’s
Word. The goal of the Author, is that this book will impart a great
understanding pertaining unto the plan of salvation for the latter day
people, through God’s Word. The student of the Seven Seals Revelation,
is to study the contents of this book, using the Bible; preferably the
King James version. Thereby the seeker of God’s gems may receive
the knowledge of the Seven Seals Mysteries into their minds and
memories, once they have eaten the spiritual food which will make
them ready for harvesting.

Why Is It Important For Me To Know And Study This Book?

This book is a series of complex teachings, having been written as
plainly as possible; written in such a way, that the more a person reads
the more a person will be able to understand; as a stream of water
that gently moves into a river. It is evident that God’s people have
always been destroyed because they rejected present day knowledge.

In the days of Noah, God revealed Present Truth through Noah. All
who would board the ark would live, yet, how many heeded to the
present day message of Noah? The same application is true in our
day, being the latter days. Those who refuse the knowledge that is
contained in this book, will lose the opportunity of acquiring an
awesome glory in God’s Kingdom. Therefore you must read and
study this book, using your Bible as you read, to look up every
verse that is quoted, and that which you do not understand in this
book, you must ask and make inquiry until the meaning is clear
and your perception true. This book is not written like a novel,
neither is this book designed to be entertaining. Only those who
thirst and hunger to know the mysteries of God’s Word will be
enlightened after studying this book. To the hungry soul every
bitter thing is sweet. The plainest of words and the simplest of
illustrations have been used to show and reveal the prophecies
of God’s Word.

Now That This Book Exists, What Are The Implications?

The final warning has now come. This book unlocks the prophecies,
whereby if you believe the warnings that are contained in this book,
you will escape the terrible time of trouble such as never was, which
is at the door of being fulfilled. To not understand God’s prophecies
in the latter days, is to have rejected the Revelation of the Seven Seals
Scroll. This book will explain and unlock the plan of salvation for those
who live in the last generation.

There are many laws in this world. If you break man’s laws, then you
shall be punished according to man’s laws. However, if you break
God’s laws by rejecting Present Truth, then you would have committed
the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost. All manner of sins against
man’s laws shall be forgiven you, but those who sin against the laws of
God, as revealed through the Seven Seals Scroll, shall not be forgiven,
neither in this life or the life to come. It is imperative that you study the
writings of this book, to such a level that you yourself could present
the same teachings that you learned from this book, directly from
your Bible. Truth has never been popular, but the hungry shall eat
and be satisfied with the contents and explanations of this book.

By Whose Authority Is This Book Written?

You are to judge for yourself, by what authority this book is of. Try the
spirit of the book, by applying the test of God’s Word, for out of the
mouth of two or three Prophets of God, shall all things be tested.
Everyone is to be convinced in their own mind and not someone else’s
mind. Take no man or woman’s negative reasoning for rejecting this
Revelation until you have personally studied every word and page
of this book, and looked up every verse that is quoted therein with
your own Bible. A fool follows a fool, and both will be outside the
pearly gates of God’s Kingdom. That which is written in prophecy
shall soon be fulfilled.

Those who believe the warnings contained in this book, and fulfill
the prophecies that this book reveals, shall stand upright and true,
in the terrible time of trouble such as never was. The great and
dreadful day of God’s wrath shall be upon all those who have
rejected the Spirit of Prophecy, which this book will be seen to be.
I have kept the faith, and fought the good fight, and endured the
battle and followed the course which was laid before me. That
which I have been given to do, I have done.

This book has materialized that the reader and believer of the
Seven Seals Revelation may run when once they were lame, and
see when once they were blind, and be fed when once they were
hungry, and be clothed when once they were naked, and be saved
when once they were lost. To understand biblical prophecy, is to
understand this book, which is the Spirit of Prophecy sent out to
many nations before the coming of the great and dreadful day of
God’s wrath. Those who have just one ear, let them incline unto
the words of this book.



Hidden Manna PO Box 789, Jesup, GA. 31598