Think back through time and space beyond what we perceive as the past.
Try to look through the spiritual eyes of eternity; before the earth was formed,
before the celestial stars were light, before anything that is of physical matter
was manifested.

There is a void of darkness being anti-matter, existing in eternity. Each
particle of anti-matter having a degree of negative consciousness, yet all
particles of anti-matter are one with eternity, space and time.

Through eternity and from eternity, the particles of negative consciousness
developed and became more conscious; being whole and conscious of
eternity; that which they are of and also are; one of the same, having no
beginning and no ending.

The negative consciousness had an eternity to develop from one time and
space to another, causing a code of thought within the particles to increase
from this consciousness. Through the time and space of eternity, the
consciousness had manifested thoughts; eternity was thinking. The realm
of time and space that consciousness was inhabiting is the substance of eternity.

The Highest Consciousness in the universe that all particles are of, comes from
the same oneness, being known as God. The knowledge contained in
anti-matter and matter combined, is the greatest consciousness within and
of eternity. The consciousness became aware of the Law that is needed to
make things manifest themselves from the particles of anti-matter to matter,
which collectively is God.

The consciousness being conscious of thought, prepared bodies of matter to
advance its consciousness in all things. So the thought was manifested, and
a Law was understood and a physical atom was brought forth from the
anti-matter. Out of anti-matter came matter, developing a feeling to produce
images of itself.

All creations are images of the greatest consciousness; all developed from the
same source of knowledge. The greatest consciousness developed its own
companion to express itself to. An equal in all ways and was the only
companion that the consciousness could dwell with. From God and God’s
equal came forth their family, being created in their image.

Therefore, from out of eternity, being the negative anti-matter; which is as
it were masculine; came forth the positive matter, being as it were feminine
to complete the whole. There also existed a point of neutrality between the
negative and the positive, being as it were the point of creation where things
were brought forth and were manifested from the negative and positive.

The earth’s solar system was formed before anything in the universe was
created; before any stars or planets that are now visible in the heavens.
The eternal one; negative and positive, that inhabits eternity and is eternity,
advanced a creation that would be an extension of themselves; being a part
of them.

All matter of substance which is created from the negative and positive will
have different levels of consciousness. Everything whether visible or invisible
has a consciousness; a level of understanding. The highest consciousness of
all creations are human. Man is a reflection of the Highest Consciousness in
eternity. Man has degenerated from the fall of the first Kingdom in Eden.
Ever since the fall of mankind, many things have been made by man to fill
the inefficiency of man. Man was made in the image of the Highest
Consciousness, to advance in creation.

Eternity being the one that is and has always been, is known to us as God:
the Highest Consciousness above all, and is all and in all. God being masculine
and feminine, advanced a creation being a mirror image of itself. Therefore, the
Highest Consciousness created an earth and bodies of matter, appropriate for
the varying degrees of consciousness to dwell in.

The consciousness of God was placed within these earthen vessels, being given
a measure of consciousness and understanding for that particular body which
should receive the higher or lower understanding of awareness. Naturally, man
being in the image of the Highest Consciousness, would rule over the lower
vessels of the earth, as man was given the greater consciousness: a greater

Before the creation of Adam and Eve, there was a first creation, prior to
anything else being created. At the time when there were no stars or planets
in the heavens that were inhabited. The Highest Consciousness wanted to
know by experience, which Law would work in the creation; how the beings
should think and act; and what principles should be understood for the lower
vessels of awareness.

Everything we see with our eyes is interpreted by the brain. The image of what
you see is seen in your head, your eyes being only receivers of light, to gather
the information of light particles and send this coded data to your brain to be
processed and decoded. After the data is analyzed an image will be seen in
your head, not in your eyes as it seems. The same principles apply to all your
senses; data is collected and sent to the brain for processing.

God had to think through and apply these interpretations which your senses
receive from the surroundings which are in harmony with your perceptions.
In God’s perfect creation, everything has a cause and effect upon each other,
yet, being in full harmony. Everything feeds off of something else, like a never
ending circle. One thing supplies another, which is then converted for
something else to use and so on.

In contradiction to God’s Laws, man tries to fill his inefficiency due to his
degeneration, and has converted the balanced elements into unbalanced
elements, which is out of harmony with nature.

The products that man makes are so contrary to creation, that after their limited
use is spent, nothing can live off the product; and converting the product again,
only results in more contamination which nothing can breathe or eat.

In God’s creation of things, everything that is taken from something, that
something that was taken, is restored by something else to complete the
cycle of creation which is infinite, and is the image of eternity. The progression
of God’s creation is as an upward and outward spiraling circle that has no
beginning and no ending.

God created the stars of heaven with our solar system of twelve planets,
seven moons and one star: the sun. The first earth before Adam and Eve,
was an advanced test of laws, the outcome of which would be the building
blocks for all the beings of the universe who had not yet been created. The
earth is formed, the plant life and animal life is created, and man is made as
the higher order of consciousness.

Michael being the expressed image of the eternal physically, experienced the
new creation first hand. Michael, the one who is God, experienced the first
creation before Adam and Eve. Michael being the highest expression made
in the image of the Highest Consciousness of the universe, experienced all that
was thought out as Law which had been manifested upon the earth in the
earthen vessels.

The first test of the Law was manifested and placed into the minds of God’s
first creation (being fully experienced by Michael and through the vessels),
to see if these principles of Law would progressively work forever without
going wrong. The first Law that was put into effect in the first creation, fell
short of acceptance as the Highest Consciousness declared. In the laws of the
first creation, the laws were realized to be evil, meaning the laws would not
work in harmony for eternity, and with eternity.

The only reason why the things of evil are thought of as wrong, is because the
Highest Consciousness declared them wrong after experiencing these evils,
then declaring them to be evil. Therefore, this genetic information of evil, being
an understanding of right and wrong, is programmed into each vessel of our
world, given from the Highest Consciousness.

Those who choose the good and realize that the evil things which are
experienced, do not work, are of the same mind of God: the Highest
Consciousness. God experiencing through Michael the first creation,
decided that the first principles of the first creation were evil and would
not work. This was determined by the Highest Consciousness known as
God. God now knowing by experience what does not work, knew to
choose the good and reject the bad.

The only reason we understand what good and bad is today, is because the
greatest consciousness understood and determined what was good and
what was evil. Through genetics, such as DNA, information was passed
down through generation after generation.

It is good for a man in perfection to have a wife. God decided this will only
work if the male and female are of each other, just as Eve was of Adam,
being able to telepathically communicate with each other.

The husband and wife are of each other; sister and spouse, the two would
not want to be with any other person, because to each other they are the most
glorious beings they would desire.

In this world all things grow old and ugly and die. In God’s Kingdom all things
become newer and more beautiful, changing with time to higher glories
advancing in wisdom that we may experience where God has been, from
glory to glory.

In God’s creation everything will have its perfect mate, with all the
surroundings for the perfect mates to enjoy and be one with. Just as there
are some who attained to a higher level of consciousness over some of the
earthen vessels, so shall there be greater bodies of glory, for those who
attain to the higher consciousness.

After the destruction of the first creation, God knew from the experience of
the first creation what would work and what would not work. The first creation
was covered over with water and surrounded by a sea of glass that none would
know God’s secret.

The Highest Consciousness, being God, flooded the earth, destroying all of
the first beings; even Michael experienced death by the first flood personally.
God blotted from their (Elohiym) mind, all the things that were considered evil
and forgot about the first creation of the earth. God wanted not to dwell upon
the past creation of the earth, since God’s thoughts would code the genetics
which are programmed into the hearts and minds of the lower vessels.

God raised up celestial bodies for the spirits to dwell in; bodies for those who
God had destroyed on the earth in the first creation before Adam and Eve.
God placed these spirits (which had been destroyed in the flood of the
first creation)
into celestial bodies. These are known as the Angelic Beings
who surround the throne in the center of the universe.

From God’s throne comes the light by which all of creation was brought forth.
Everything physical in the universe revolves around a central point, that point
being the throne of the Highest Consciousness in eternity, and is eternity.

The Angelic Beings dwelt in the presence of the Highest Consciousness upon
the sea of glass. The Highest Consciousness was enshrouded in the brightest
Glory of light in the midst of the Angelic Host.

The Angelic Beings dwelling upon the sea of glass, had no knowledge of their
first abode in the first creation. The Angelic Beings never questioned God in
anyway, in regards to their existence. The great light was their source of
wisdom and knowledge while they dwelt upon the sea of glass.

Michael, who was made in the expressed image of the Highest Consciousness,
being enshrouded with a bright Glory, stood upon the right side of the bright
Glory. Standing upon the left side of the Highest Consciousness was Lucifer.

Lucifer being upon the left side of the Shekinah Glory, was the feminine
counterpart of Michael. Lucifer was more glorious in beauty than Michael
because the bride is more glorious than the groom, just as Eve was a greater
glory than Adam; Adam being first amongst equals.

Lucifer was the Left Hand covering Seraph. When the Highest Consciousness
imparted the light of Wisdom to the creation, Lucifer would be the first to
receive the knowledge from God. Lucifer would pass this light of Truth unto
the Angels before the throne who would then pass it on through the ranks,
until the light would be given to all the firstborn of all the planets in the
universe which God had created. The firstborn of the universal planets would
pass the knowledge on to their sons and daughters, and so on.

The earth at that time was surrounded by a sea of glass, and below the sea of
glass the earth was in darkness, void of any light. The earth’s land was covered
in deep water, this being the first creation, the original abode of the spirits which
now inhabited the celestial Angelic bodies dwelling upon the sea of glass. God
blotting out the memory of the past first creation upon the earth, kept the
knowledge of the first creation secret.

After God blotted out all memory of the first creation there remained nothing
to remind God of the past. The former things of the first creation did not come
into the mind of the Highest Consciousness. Until one day, Lucifer’s pride
caused the Highest Consciousness to remember the past evil that God had
covered up in a flood and had forgotten about.

Lucifer being the anointed covering Seraph, covering the left side of the throne,
received the knowledge from God before any other created being. This
meant that Lucifer would mature faster and understand more than any other
created being, as the light of Truth from the throne was constant.

Lucifer was created perfect in all her ways, until God recognized that Lucifer
had become proud. Lucifer became proud when she realized the adoration of
the Angelic Beings toward her. At one time Lucifer would always direct the
adoration from the Angelic Beings to the light source. God had noticed one
day that Lucifer was now keeping the adoration of the Angelics to herself
within her heart.

God had no choice but to give Lucifer a knowledge she had never thought of
before, and the knowledge God imparted to her was that the things that are
being manifested in her heart were wrong. The new saying which God had
imparted to Lucifer opened the door to the knowledge contained in the first
creation of evil.

Lucifer did not understand what God was trying to say, since the feeling of
pride was new to Lucifer, and now God was expressing some things that
made Lucifer wonder what God was hiding. Lucifer being wise, realized that
God was hiding something; reasoning, that God must have a knowledge of
these things.

Lucifer was thinking that God was covering something up, and Lucifer was
thinking this new knowledge was acquired without God, and that maybe
Lucifer could be like God. It seemed that God was hiding something from
Lucifer, which God did not want Lucifer to know about. Lucifer even began
to think, that because God was displeased with Lucifer having this (seemingly
knowledge that Lucifer could become like the most High. Lucifer was
created perfect in all her ways until the iniquity of the first creation was found
in her. The iniquity is the seed that God had passed from God to Lucifer.
God did not extract all the data in the genetics regarding the information
and knowledge that God had acquired in the first creation, which God
condemned as evil and bad.

Michael was a perfect manifestation of the Highest Consciousness, enabling
God to be as close as possible to his creation, by directly experiencing creation.
Michael was occupying the Right Hand of God; none of the creation knowing
that Michael was God in Angelic clothing. At Lucifer’s rebellion in the presence
of the Highest Consciousness, Michael revealed a mystery to Lucifer by going
into the light which no one had ever done before, or had even thought about

The light then dissipated within Michael, who is the expressed manifestation
of the light, where all knowledge proceeds. Lucifer then knowing who Michael
really was, contended with Michael before the Angelic Host, implying to all
of creation that Lucifer was more glorious than Michael.

Many of the Angelic Beings agreed with Lucifer; at first a vast majority of
the Angelic Beings thought Lucifer was right. Lucifer was their covering
Cherub whom they adored and loved. The Angelic Beings had done this not
knowing where the path was leading. Not even Lucifer knew exactly the
meaning of the feeling she was now manifesting nor where it would lead. The
more Michael reasoned with Lucifer (by the revelation of Michael being on
the throne)
, the more curious Lucifer became, thinking maybe God was hiding
something because Lucifer had found out something on her own, without the
light of Truth revealing this knowledge, as all knowledge came from the light

Now that Lucifer believed she had acquired a different knowledge which had
not been revealed by the light of the Shekinah Glory, God condemned the
thoughts of Lucifer which had sprung up in her heart, causing Lucifer to
become more suspicious that God did not want Lucifer to know this
information. Lucifer thought she could be like the most High, since Lucifer
had acquired a wisdom of her own (or so she thought), and it seemed
God had nothing to do with this new found knowledge and feeling, which
Lucifer was now manifesting before God.

God had not revealed to Lucifer that the knowledge Lucifer was now entering
into was the knowledge of evil which God had condemned in the first creation
before Adam and Eve. Lucifer’s knowledge of pride was nothing new to God,
as God had already experienced evil and all pertaining to it.

Lucifer has eternal life with no requirements at all. God cannot destroy Lucifer
without violating His Word, which is God’s Law by which everything exists.
Therefore, Lucifer has eternal life unconditionally, unlike Adam and Eve who
would have had to eat of the Tree of Life to become eternal beings.

God cast Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden so they would not eat
of the tree that imparts eternal life. Otherwise they would have become eternal
sinners, making salvation for mankind very narrow and complicated.

The only way God can destroy Lucifer, is to show Lucifer that the things and
ways that she championed upon the earth do not work. Thereby bringing
Lucifer and all those with her to condemn themselves and their actions. Unless
God brings the wicked to a place where God proves to the wicked that they
are wrong, God cannot judge them; though God will make the wicked realize
that they are wrong, thereby the wicked judge themselves unworthy of God’s
Kingdom. The wicked shall sentence themselves and ask to be blotted out
of creation. Thereafter their rebellious spirits will be placed into a very low
level of consciousness where they will remain as a plant or tree happily for
eternity. The spirits of the redeemed will receive glorious bodies of
consciousness, advancing from glory to glory, through eternity.

Michael sat on the throne in heaven. After Lucifer’s rebellion Michael left
heaven: the heaven of the future, to show Lucifer something that God kept
secret from the created beings. Lucifer was permitted to follow Michael
through the door of time into the past, where the first creation had been.

Michael shows Lucifer what was once under the sea of glass. God says ‘let
there be light’, so Lucifer and all of creation can see what was once on the
earth of the past. Michael being God, was now showing Lucifer’s past, since
Lucifer was once human.

God wants to show Lucifer the things God had condemned as evil, which
Lucifer was pursuing. God did not reveal to Lucifer or the beings of the
universe, that the re-creation of the earth was the first place of creation, and
this solar system is the center of the universe where God’s throne is, upon the
sea of glass.

Michael was showing Lucifer the past earth, under the sea of glass before any
other beings of the universe were created. From the first earth, was established
the Law and principles which would be used in all of God’s new creation. It is
only recently that Lucifer and the rest of creation now know the secret which
God had kept hidden under the sea of glass.

God being in the form of Michael re-creates the former things that were once
on the earth before Adam and Eve. In six days God completes the re-creation
of mankind with the laws of good without the knowledge of evil. After God
finished the re-creation of the earth in six days, Adam and Eve were placed in
the garden of Eden. Adam was commanded to replenish the earth, to put back
something that was once there.

Adam and Eve being a type of Michael and Lucifer of the first creation, were
given certain instructions regarding what they could or could not do. The one
thing they could not do was to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil. The tree with the knowledge of good and evil was already in the garden
of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned; God knowing the knowledge of evil
prior to Adam and Eve being created.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was a snare for Lucifer, to see
if Lucifer would interfere with God’s creation. God gave an opportunity to
Lucifer using the tree of good (sweet) and evil (bitter), to see if Lucifer
would cause Adam and Eve to disobey God. God had already known that
Lucifer would try to seduce Adam and Eve into breaking the covenant that
God had made with Adam and Eve regarding the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil.

The reason for God revealing the earth and its past, was to show Lucifer
that the evil she was manifesting had been condemned in the first creation.
Therefore, God had caused a situation for Lucifer to indulge, whereby the
universe would see the character of God in comparison to Lucifer’s character.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was there to tempt Lucifer to
reveal her character and motives to the universal creation of God. God had
to set up a chain of events which would finally bring Lucifer and those with
her to agree that God was righteous to destroy the first creation as evil. After
themillennium the wicked shall condemn themselves and judge themselves
unworthy of God’s new Kingdom.

Prior to the second death, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess
that God is just. The righteous confess now, after they experience man’s evil
ways upon the earth, confessing that this world’s evil ways do not work,
thereby being in agreement with God. The wicked shall agree with God at
the end, prior to receiving their second death, declaring that God was
righteous, meaning being right, all along. Thereafter the wicked will ask to
be blotted out of God’s creation voluntarily, when they see they are unfit for
God’s Kingdom because they chose the evil way of things over the good.

After the final destruction of the wicked, God is going to begin again, back
at the time of the first creation, and from that point, all things shall be made
new. At the beginning of time God shall begin the new creation, being the first
Eden from which the redeemed shall be reborn. Throughout eternity, the
redeemed shall go from glory to glory, everything evolving into a greater glory.
The redeemed through time, shall experience all the levels of glory which God
has experienced; God’s Glory is beyond imagination, and comprehension.

The First And Second Creation Of The Earth

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598