Revelation 12: 1
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven;
a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon
under her feet, and upon her head a crown
of twelve stars:
The woman in heaven is the Shekinah Glory of God, the
Holy Spirit who is
clothed with light (sun), see Rev.1:16 ref. to Her
countenance. The moon and
twelve stars is a literal description of our solar
system. There is a crown upon
the head of the heavenly woman, signifying that she is
the Queen of queens. The
twelve stars upon her crown also symbolize her Angelic
children that surround
the throne (Sun) in heaven.
The woman upon the earth in Rev.12:5, is the earthly
image of the heavenly
woman. The woman upon the earth in the first instance
represents the Word
of the Holy Spirit which is written in the Seven Seals
Scroll. The woman
(words of the Holy Spirit) on the earth also
symbolizes the Lamb’s Bride
who is written on one side of the Seven Seals Scroll. The
heavenly woman
in Rev.12:1 is the Holy Spirit, and the woman upon the
earth in the first
instance is the Seven Seals Scroll.
One side of the scroll is written of the Lamb (Man-child)
and the other side of
the two sided scroll is written of the Chosen Vessel. The
Lamb’s Bride who ate
the Seven Seals Scroll (also typified by John in
Rev.10:8-10) becomes the
woman upon the earth because she has received and
understood the Seven
Seals Scroll.
In the past Eve was the image of the heavenly woman (Holy
Spirit), see
Gen.1:26,27. In the past Jerusalem was symbolized as the
image of the
heavenly woman (Holy Spirit), see Jer.7:18 ref. to
the Queen of heaven
represented by Jerusalem. The cakes that were baked for
the heavenly
woman in Jer,7:18 (symbolized by Jerusalem) were
according to the
Levitical Law, see Lev.2:4; 6:15; Num.11:8; 15:19,20.
Rev.12: 2
And she being with child cried, travailing in
birth, and pained to be delivered.
The woman being the words of the Holy Spirit, is
travailing in birth. The reason
why the written Word of the Holy Spirit is travailing, is
because God’s Word
will bring forth the latter day Lamb from the womb of the
Holy Spirit’s writings
which reveal the Lamb to be a sinner in the flesh.
The latter day Lamb who is written through the words
of the Holy Spirit(scroll)
is revealed to be a sinner (Son of Man with sin,
Is.l4:29-32) whose spirit is
born from the Seven Seals Scroll. Therefore, the words of
the Holy Spirit are
travailing (birth pains) to bring forth the latter
day Lamb who is spiritually
born as a transgressor from the womb of scripture (Holy
Spirit), see Ps.40:7,12;
Is.48:8,12; Is.53:10; 57:17.
The latter day Lamb is an anti-type of Jacob. Jacob (type
of the Lamb) was
called a transgressor from the womb. The Lamb came as a
transgressor from
the Word (womb) of God (Holy Spirit). The
words of the Holy Spirit
(heavenly woman) travailed in bringing forth the
latter day manifestation of
her written Word that was made flesh. The latter day Lamb
came as it was
written of him: to be born like all humans with the same
propensities to sin.
The Lamb having fully experienced the weaknesses of
the lost sinner
understands how to save the lost sinner to the uttermost.
The Lamb was
spiritually born from the womb of scripture with
iniquity, being typified by
Jacob who took unto himself four wives and having brought
forth his twelve
sons, who then gave birth to the twelve tribes of Israel.
Jacob’s name was
later changed to Israel (Prince of God) instead of
The Lamb was manifested from the Word of God as a
transgressor (as
typified by Jacob) to bring forth his Bride, just as
Eve (image of the
heavenly woman in Rev.12:1) was brought forth from
Adam. Thereafter
the Bride (typified by Eve) brings forth her
spiritual children (Fellowservants
and 144,000) of the tribes of Israel, see Rev.7:4-8.
From one of Jacob’s sons (Joseph: type of the
Lamb in the Kingdom) was
born Ephraim (symbolizing the Great Multitude;
Gentiles) in the land of
Egypt (type of God’s Kingdom) when Joseph was
the king of Egypt equal to
Pharaoh, see Gen.41:39-43,50-52; 48:17-19; Jer.16:19;
Is.5:26; Mic.4:2;
Rev.7:9; 17:16 ref. to spiritual Ephraim, being the Great
Multitude of Rev.7:9.
Rev.12: 3
And there appeared another wonder in
heaven; and behold a great red dragon,
having seven heads and ten horns, and
seven crowns upon his heads.
The Great Red Dragon represents the kingdom of Satan (Lucifer).
Lucifer at
this time still abides in heaven, though Lucifer has lost
her heavenly position as
covering Seraph over God’s throne, upon the Left
Hand of God. Lucifer
(Satan) has her kingdom challenging the Kingdom of
God for dominion of
the planet earth’s people.
The Great Red Dragon of Rev.12:3 is the IMAGE (reflection)
of the
Babylonian Dragon Beast of Rev.13:1. Therefore the Great
Red Dragon is
controlling the Babylonian (Christian) governments
and nations (seven
heads and ten horns) of the earth in these latter
The Great Red Dragon shall be cast out of heaven as
stated in Rev.12:7-9,
when the Chosen Vessel and the Remaining Bride (woman)
are killed in
Rev.11:7-11 and resurrect after the three and a half days
of Rev.11:9-12,
fulfilling the 1,260 day (42 month) prophecy. The
Great Dragon shall be
cast out from heaven by the Lamb and the Chosen vessel
who resurrect
with the 200,000,000 army of Saints (Brides: Horses),
see Rev.9:15,16.
The image of the Holy Spirit (heavenly woman)
upon the earth is
represented by the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride
who are now
prophesying again before the expiration of the 1,260 days
(42 months).
The image of the Great Red Dragon upon the earth is
represented by the
Babylonian Dragon Beast of Rev.13:1 and 17:3, who is the
(image) of the Great Red Dragon.
Rev.12: 4
And his tail drew the third part of the stars
of heaven, and did cast them to the earth:
and the dragon stood before the woman
which was ready to be delivered, for to
devour her child as soon as it was born.
The third part of the stars of heaven, represents the
rebellious Angelic Host
(stars) who are a third part of the twelve stars upon
the crown of the heavenly
woman in Rev.12:1. The third part of the twelve stars in
heaven, are the same
third part that is darkened in Rev.8:12. In Rev.8:12 the
third part of the twelve
stars shall be smitten by Michael (the Lamb) and
Gabriel with the 200,000,00
army of Saints (Brides), see Rev.12:7.
The Dragon that stands before the woman (Holy
Spirit’s image of the Bride)
in Rev.12:4 is not the Great Red Dragon of Rev.12:3. The
Dragon in Rev.12:4
is the image (reflection) of the Great Red Dragon
in heaven at the time before
the Man-child was born (before the sounding of the
Seven Seals). The
Dragon has crowns upon its heads, symbolizing that the
Dragon of Babylon
who has crowns upon its horns in Rev.13:1 had not yet
The Dragon Beast of Babylon began its reign when the
Lamb sounded his
seven trumpets (Seven Seals Warning). The
religio/political system (Beast)
rejected the Lamb’s Song (Seven Seals Scroll)
thereby the Beast of Egypt
(no crowns upon its horns) became Babylon (confusion;
with crowns upon
the horns (kingdoms), showing that the horns have united
with the heads).
The Beast of Babylon killed the Lamb, and in doing so
was wounded by the
Lamb’s (Man-child) Rod of Iron (two edge
sword). After a short while, the
Beast healed its wound, see Rev.12:13; 13:3; 13:11. The
healing of the wound
signified the beginning of the 1,260 days. The Beast
continues for 1,260 days
(42 months) after it heals, see Rev.13:5. When the
wound healed the woman
fled into the spiritual wilderness for the same time
period of 1,260 days (42
months). Babylon shall persecute the woman (Remaining
Bride of the Lamb)
for 1,260 days (42 months) until the woman is
killed (see Rev.11:7-10).
The very beginning in Eden is the past type of the
woman being ready to
deliver her child and the Dragon standing before the
woman in Rev.12:4.
The woman in the past was Eve, and the Dragon was Satan
who used the
Serpent to beguile Eve. God had told Adam and Eve to be
fruitful and
replenish the earth.
The Dragon at the time of Eden was represented by the
Serpent who was in
the garden of Eden. The Serpent (snake) was once a
dazzling Fiery Flying
Serpent, who represented the image of the Great Red
Dragon (Lucifer) in
heaven. After the sin of Eve, she was to give birth to a
redeemer (Christ) as
stated in Gen.3:15. Christ (Man-child) was to be
born from Eve to redeem
Adam and Eve from their sin. The Dragon in Rev.12:4 tried
to destroy the
Man-child in the same way that Eve (woman) was
beguiled, causing Eve to
bring forth children of sin which destroyed her firstborn
The latter day woman of Rev.12:4 represents the Word
of God that is written
of the Lamb and Chosen Vessel. The people in the latter
days who received
the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll from the Lamb (Man-child)
symbolized by the woman (Word of God).
In Eden, Eve was symbolized by the woman in Rev.12:4
because Eve
(woman) was made in the image of the heavenly
woman (Holy Spirit),
see Gen.1:26-28. Therefore, the woman in Rev.12:4 first
represents Eve
in the garden of Eden. In the latter days the woman
represents one side
of the two sided scroll of Rev.5:1 as well as the people
of the Lamb
(Man-child) who ate the scroll as seen in
Rev.10:8-10 (typified by John).
Rev.12: 5
And she brought forth a man child, who
WAS to rule all nations with a rod of iron:
and her child was caught up unto God,
and to his throne.
The Lamb (Man-child) was brought forth from the
Word of God (woman)
as it was written. The words (woman) of the Holy
Spirit (heavenly woman)
have manifested the Chosen One of God. The latter day
Lamb (Man-child)
came to fulfill prophecy. At the time when the Lamb
sounded his seven
trumpets (Seven Seals Revelation) he (Man-child)
was born of the Holy
The Rod of Iron (double edge scroll) was the
instrument that wounded the
Dragon Beast of Babylon, see Rev.13:1,3. The Rod
represents the two edge
sword of Rev.13:14, ref. to the wound by a sword (Rod
of Iron). The Rod
of Iron represents the scroll that is written on both
sides of the Lamb bringing
forth his Bride, and his Bride bringing forth her
children (Firstfruits:
Fellowservants and 144,000), and of the Firstfruits
bringing forth their
children (Ephraim; Great Multitude).
The Lamb only wounded one of the seven heads of the
Beast in Rev.13:1.
The Lamb WAS to rule ALL nations (heads and horns of
the Beast) yet
only wounded one of the heads (nations). The Lamb
will rule ALL nations
(heads and horns of the Dragon Beast of Babylon) at
the Sixth Seal, as the
Lamb will take the ten crowns from the ten horns from the
Dragon Beast of
Babylon and place them upon his own head, see Rev.19:12
ref. to Lamb
taking all the crowns at the time of the Sixth Seal, see
Rev.6:12-17; 8:5;
9:1-4, 14-16; 11:13; 12:16; 16:19; 19:11.
At the Sixth Seal, Babylon the Dragon Beast falls for
a second time, showing
Babylon is fallen (once by the Lamb on April 19th
1993), is fallen (twice:
at the Sixth Seal, when the Lamb returns), see
Rev.14:8; 18:2; Is.21:9;
Jer.50:1-46; 51:1-64. In Rev.12:5 the Lamb who revealed
the Seven Seals
Scroll unto his Bride WAS to rule all nations. However
the Lamb wounded
only one head (Great Christian Nation) as seen in
The Man-child (Lamb) did not fully fulfill the
First Seal of Rev.6:2 because
the Lamb being a sinner went froward in the way of his
heart, as stated in
Is.57:16-18, to save his people by bearing their sins
instead of bringing
judgment against them, see Is.53:5; Ps.89:50.
The Lamb decided to go froward in the way of his
heart, though God tried
him by smiting him for his people’s sins. God was
glad (pleased) that the
Lamb was willing to save the sinner to the uttermost by
taking the punishment
for the sins of his people upon himself, see Is.53:10.
God tried the Lamb
(Man-child) by smiting him for the sins of his
people to see if he was willing
to separate the precious from the vile who were among his
congregation, see Jer.15:18-21.
Instead of the Lamb (Man-child) fulfilling the
First Seal of Rev.6:2 thereby
being victorious over all nations, the Lamb instead
fulfilled Ps.89:38-51. The
Lamb’s footsteps were reproached in Ps.89:51,
meaning that the Lamb WAS
to rule all nations as stated in Rev.12:5, however the
Serpent (Babylonian
Beast) bruised his heel, as stated in Gen.3:15.
The Serpent (Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1)
bruising the Lamb’s heel meant
that the Lamb who was to rule all nations (seven heads
and ten horns) was
slowed down until the Sixth Seal when the lamb (Cyrus)
will overthrow all
kingdoms of the earth. At the Sixth Seal the bruising of
the Lamb’s heel will be
fully healed and he shall rule all nations upon the
earth, as seen in Rev.19:15.
After the Lamb wounded the Dragon Beast of Babylon on
April 19th 1993,
the peacefulness of Babylon’s deception was wounded,
causing a division
among the people. Babylon’s wound healed 1,040 days
from April 19th
1993. The wound was inflicted against the Babylonian
system that destroys
many by peace (deception), see Dan.8:24,25;
The system that destroys many by false peace (deception)
has now been fully
reinstated because the people of the Babylonian Beast
reject the Lamb’s
warning that the Sixth Seal is at the door of
fulfillment. The healed system of
false peace tries to cause the woman (Bride of
the Lamb) to be carried
away by a flood of deception that issues out of the
Dragon’s mouth, see
Rev.12:15. The MOUTH of the Beast has many titles: the
false prophet,
the Lamb-LIKE Beast, the great whore, and all of these
represent the Great
Christian Nation, see Rev.13:11; 19:20; 17:1.
Rev.12: 6
And the woman fled into the wilderness,
where she hath a place prepared of God,
that they should feed her there a thousand
two hundred and threescore days.
The woman in Rev.12:6 represents the Bride who was
gathered by the Lamb
(Elijah messenger, see Mal.4:5). The woman (Remaining
Bride) must flee
from the spiritual sanctuary (temple) to the
spiritual wilderness because the
Dragon (second part of Babylon’s one hour reign)
has healed its wound
and has placed its Abomination (knowledge of
Christendom) in the minds
(sanctuaries) of the people where the Seven Seals
Revelation should be. The
people who are of the Bride must flee to the spiritual
wilderness where the
Chosen Vessel (typified by Elisha) shall feed the
Remaining Bride with
spiritual food (Hidden Manna of Rev.10:8-10).
The Chosen Vessel who came after the Lamb (Man-child)
is typified by
Moses who fed the Israelites with the manna while they
were in the wilderness
journeying to the Promised Land. The woman in Rev.12:6
represents the
Remaining Bride of the Lamb who fulfills the past type of
the Israelites who
came out of Egypt to the wilderness.
While the Israelites were in the wilderness for 40
years, they gave birth to
children. Some of the children died in the wilderness
during the 40 years,
however the vast majority entered into the Promised Land.
Only two of the
original people who came out of Egypt entered into the
Promised Land. The
people who went into the Promised Land (Canaan)
were the children of
those who came out of Egypt.
The woman of Rev.12:6 is typified by the Israelites
who came out of Egypt.
In the latter days the woman of Rev.12:6 represents the
Remaining Bride of
the Lamb who flees to the spiritual wilderness to be
nourished (fed) with the
Hidden Manna (scroll of Rev.10:8-10). While the
Remaining Bride (woman)
is in the spiritual wilderness she gives spiritual birth
to her children (Firstfruits:
Fellowservants and 144,000).
The Fellowservants (one loaf of Firstfruits, see
Lev.23:17; some of the
Bride’s children) are killed in the spiritual
wilderness with the Remaining
Bride, fulfilling the latter part of the Fifth Seal, see
Rev.6:11. The 144,000
(other loaf of the Firstfruits, see Lev.23:17) are
not killed with the
Remaining Bride as they are Sealed with the knowledge of
the Seven Seals
Scroll because they are to be taken into God’s
Kingdom (Promised Land)
alive at the Sixth Seal, see Rev.7:4; 9:4; Eze.9:4,6.
The woman flees to the spiritual wilderness for 1,260
days (42 months)
where she is fed manna from heaven, which is the scroll
that John ate in
Rev.10:8-11. The spiritual wilderness of Rev.12:6,14 is
typified by the
past when the Israelites were in the wilderness and were
fed with manna
from heaven until their children went into the Promised
Land (Kingdom
of God).
If the woman (Bride) does not flee to the
wilderness to eat the spiritual manna
(extra oil; Word of God) for the 1,260 days (42
months) that remains of
the 2,300 days, she will spiritually die. The people of
the Lamb’s Bride who
refuse the Manna from the Chosen Vessel will be lost,
being likened unto
the Israelites who remained in Egypt, not leaving with
the other Israelites
who fled to the wilderness. Spiritual Egypt in the latter
days represents the
land of latter day Babylon where the Lamb was killed, see
The woman flees to the spiritual wilderness when the
Babylonian Beast has
resurrected from the earth (grave) in Rev.13:11
and continues for 42 months,
see Rev.13:5. Now the Abomination (false worship)
of Desolation is sitting
in the spiritual temple of the people (being
the mind).
The Christians control the Babylonian Beast to
influence all nations using
deception through peaceful and subtle means. Therefore
the Abomination
(knowledge of Christendom) is sitting in the
people’s minds (sanctuaries)
instead of the Seven Seals Revelation. This is the
Abomination of Desolation
(false knowledge) that was spoken of in Mt.24:15;
Dan.11:31,45; 9:27;
2Th.2:3,4; Rev.13:11,13; 19:20; 16:13,14.
The Beast in Rev.17:3 is the Dragon Beast (Babylon)
that ascended out of
the bottomless pit in Rev.13:1,3, because the Dragon
Beast in Rev.17:3 is in
the spiritual wilderness. The Beast in the wilderness (as
seen through the
vision of John the Revelator) shall kill the Bride of
Rev.12:6,14. The
Chosen Vessel with the Bride is represented by the
scapegoat of Lev.16:10.
The Remaining Bride who fled to the spiritual wilderness
shall be killed in the
spiritual wilderness by the Beast who healed its wound in
The Beast heals its wound (Rev.11:7) and
thereafter is shown to be in the
spiritual wilderness (Rev.17:3). The woman (Bride)
who fled to the spiritual
wilderness is the scapegoat who bears the sins of her
children, as revealed
by the scapegoat in Lev.16:21,22. The scapegoat that was
sent into the
wilderness in Lev.16:21, was devoured by a wild beast,
which typifies the
woman being killed in the spiritual wilderness by the
Babylonian (Christian)
Beast in the latter day fulfillment, see Rev.13:7. Before
the scapegoat was
taken to the spiritual wilderness, it was presented alive
before the Lord, as
seen in Lev.16:10, which symbolizes the Bride (woman)
who was judged
(measured) in the spiritual temple, being those
who are alive and worship
therein, see Rev.11:1.
Rev.12: 7
And there was war in heaven: Michael
and his angels fought against the dragon;
and the dragon fought against his angels,
12: 8
And prevailed not; neither was their place
found any more in heaven.
12: 9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old
serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which
deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his angels were cast out
with him.
When the woman (Remaining Bride) of Rev.12:6;
11:3, finishes prophesying
in the wilderness she will be killed by the Babylonian
Beast. After the three
and a half days of Rev.11:7-11, both the Chosen Vessel
and the Lamb with
the 200,000,000 army of saints (Brides) shall
resurrect before the war in
heaven takes place. The earthquake that is mentioned in
Rev.8:5; 11:13;
16:18,19; 6:12, signifies the resurrection of the Lamb
and Chosen Vessel
with the 200,000,000 Horses (Brides). The Two
Witnesses (Lamb and
Chosen Vessel written in the double edge scroll) rise
(resurrect) from
under the sacrificial altar of Rev.6:9-11 with the
200,000,000 Saints and
return to heaven, see Rev.11:12.
When the Two Witnesses and the 200,000,000 return to
heaven there is
war in heaven against the Great Red Dragon (Satan and
her Angels), see
Rev.12:7. Michael (Lamb) will stand up (see
Dan.12:1) for the war against
the Great Dragon in heaven. The Great Dragon shall be
cast unto the earth,
fulfilling the time when the third part of the sun (Lucifer)
and stars (rebellious
Angels) are darkened, see Rev.8:12.
The hour during which the Great Red Dragon is cast out
from heaven (see
Rev.8:12; 12:7-9) is the same hour Michael (Lamb)
and Gabriel (Chosen
Vessel) with the 200,000,000 Saints return to the
earth, see Rev.6:12;
19:11-16, fulfilling the Sixth Seal.
The Sixth Seal cleansing of the sanctuary occurs at
the end of the 1,260
day (42 month) time prophecy, see Rev.11:2,3;
12:6,14; 13:5; and
Dan.12:7,11. The deception of Babylon (democratic
Christian beliefs;
false peace) which destroys many by peace (deception)
shall come to
an end at the Sixth Seal when God sets up His rival
Kingdom that shall
never be destroyed.
At the Sixth Seal, the sun, moon and stars are
darkened. The sun, moon
and stars being darkened is both literal and figurative.
The third part of the
rebellious sun (Lucifer) moon (no reflection
from the sun that was
smitten or the third part of stars) and stars (rebellious
Angels) symbolize
the Great Red Dragon (Lucifer) that is cast out
from heaven in Rev.12:9;
also symbolizing a third of the stars (Angelic tribes;
type of the earthly
tribes) that are upon the crown of the heavenly woman
in Rev.12:1.
When Michael casts Lucifer (Great Red Dragon)
and her Angels (third
part of the twelve stars; four stars) out of heaven,
this represents a third
part of the spiritual illuminaries being darkened, see
Michael (Morning Star) and Gabriel (new
Morning Star) casts out the
third part of the sun (Lucifer) with the third
part of the rebellious Angels
(stars upon the heavenly woman’s crown), see
Rev.8:12. Thereafter
Michael (Lamb) and Gabriel (Chosen Vessel) with
their stars (Angelics)
return to the earth in Rev.19:11-16, meaning that all the
stars upon the
crown of the heavenly woman in Rev.12:1 have left heaven
and are now
upon the earth. Therefore, the spiritual sun, moon and
stars at the Sixth
Seal are darkened figuratively and literally, see
Rev.6:12,13; Is.13:10;
and Mt.24:29.
Since the time of Adam and Eve’s re-creation, as
recorded in the book
of Genesis, the earth’s solar system has been
traveling backwards in time.
All the illuminaries (stars) in the heavens that
can now be seen are going
backwards as everything is moving in reverse. This means
that when the
sun, moon and stars are literally darkened in the
heavens, the earth would
have traveled back in time to the point before the sun,
moon and stars were
God’s Kingdom shall be set up at the time when
the literal sun, moon and
stars are darkened. Thereby the Great Multitude shall be
gathered into the
city New Jerusalem which will leave the earth and return
back to the future
before the earth becomes a lake of fire as it once was
when the earth was
firstcreated. The Sixth Seal cannot take place until the
Great Red Dragon
has been cast to the earth. Once the Great Red Dragon has
been cast unto
the earth, then Satan (Lucifer; Great Dragon)
realizes that she has a short
time before the fulfillment of all the words of the
And I heard a loud voice saying in
heaven, Now is come salvation, and
strength, and the kingdom of our
God, and the power of his Christ:
for the accuser of our brethren is
cast down, which accused them
before our God day and night.
And they overcame him by the blood
of the Lamb, and by the word of
their testimony; and they loved not
their lives unto the death.
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and
ye that dwell in them. Woe to the
inhabiters of the earth and of the
sea! for the devil is come down unto
you, having great wrath, because he
knoweth that he hath but a short time.
And when the dragon saw that he was
cast unto the earth, he persecuted the
woman which brought forth the man child.
Lucifer is the accuser of the Brethren of the Lamb.
The Brethren are the
Lamb’s Bride who received the Seven Seals Scroll.
Lucifer the accuser
shall be cast out of heaven. The Bride overcame the
Dragon by the blood
(sacrifice) of the latter day Lamb and by the
testimony (Seven Seals
Revelation of the scroll) which they held.
The Bride loved not her life unto death, as the Bride
ends up under the Fifth
Seal where also her Lord (Cyrus) of Rev.11:8 was
crucified (killed). The
woman (Chosen Vessel with Remaining Bride) shall
be killed before the
Great Dragon is cast out from heaven by Michael (the
Lamb with the Seven
Seals), see Rev.12:6,7; 11:7; 13:7.
When the Babylonian Dragon shall see that it is cast
unto the earth (grave),
the Beast persecutes the woman (Remaining Bride)
who brought forth the
Man-child. The Babylonian Dragon that received the deadly
wound from the
Lamb on April 19th 1993, resurrects from the
earth (grave) in Rev.13:11.
Thereafter the Dragon perceives that the Lamb had caused
the peace
(deception) of Babylon to be wounded. Therefore, the
Dragon Beast of
Babylon being the image of the Great Red Dragon,
persecutes the woman
(Bride) on earth who is the image of the heavenly
woman (Holy Spirit), see
In the beginning of this creation Lucifer persecuted
Eve (typifying the woman
of Rev.12:6) in the garden of Eden, causing Adam and
Eve to leave the garden
of Eden and dwell in the wilderness; which at that time
referred to the lands
outside of Eden. Because of this Lucifer lost her
position in heaven as covering
Seraph. This meant that Lucifer was spiritually cast to
the earth. This typifies
the latter day Dragon (Lucifer) of Rev.12:13 who
is cast unto the earth out of
Rev.12:12 refers to the time when Satan is cast out of
heaven to the earth
without being able to leave the earth from then on. The
Sixth Seal happens in
the same hour Satan and her Angels have been cast out. In
Rev.12:12 a loud
voice from heaven proclaims woe to the inhabitants that
dwell on the earth and
the sea. The earth represents the land of the lamb-like
Beast as seen in
Rev.13:11, where the lamb-like Beast (Great Christian
Nation) is coming
up out of the earth.
The capital of the lamb-like Beast is the great whore (great
city) of
Rev.18:10, who is symbolically shown as being built on
the earth. The
sea represents the lands (all nations) of the
Babylonian Beast, as seen in
Rev.13:1 where the Beast comes out of the sea. When the
great city
(Great Christian Nation) is burning on the land
the other nations see
her (great whore) being burnt at the Sixth Seal,
being symbolized as the
ships upon the sea (lands of other nations), see
Rev.18:17,18. Earth is
a symbol for people, as Adam was created from the dust (earth)
of the
ground, see Gen.2:7. The sea is also a symbol for people,
as the creation
of Adam and Eve came out of water (sea), see
Gen.1:2; Rev.17:15.
And to the woman were given two wings
of a great eagle, that she might fly into
the wilderness, into her place, where she
is nourished for a time, and times, and
half a time, from the face of the serpent.
The woman, being the Bride of the Lamb who received
the Seven Seals
Revelation, flees into the spiritual wilderness where she
is fed (nourished)
the manna (scroll) of the Word of God that
sustains her during her 1,260
days in the spiritual wilderness until the Dragon kills
The woman is typified by the Israelites who were in
the wilderness for 40
years, being fed with manna from heaven until they died
in the wilderness
(their children entering into the Promised Land). In
Rev.12:14 the
woman (Bride) is fed with the manna (bread of
life; Word of God)
during the 1,260 days (time, times, half a time)
while she is in the
spiritual wilderness.
The same scenario is seen in Rev.11:3, as the Two
Witnesses (scroll written
on both sides of the Lamb and Chosen Vessel) are
given power to prophesy
again that the Firstfruits (children of the woman)
may be reborn. The spiritual
manna is the Little Help of Dan.11:34 which represents
the Little Scroll of
Rev.10:2 that John (typifying the Bride) ate in
The woman (Bride) in the wilderness prophesies
AGAIN for 1,260 days
(time, times, half a time), see Rev.10:11. After she
finishes re-sounding the
Seven Seals Mystery she is killed by the Beast. This is
typified by John the
Baptist whose voice cried in the wilderness who prepared
the way of the
Messiah. The Apostles of 2,000 years ago are also
represented by the
scapegoat of Lev.16:10, who was killed in the wilderness.
The Apostles of Christ (including John the Baptist)
were the scapegoat for
the sins under the old testament. The latter day Chosen
Vessel with the
Remaining Bride are the scapegoat for the sins that are
committed during
the new testament period (from the generation after
Christ until the last
The lamb-like Beast (Dragon; Little Horn; Serpent)
is also in the wilderness,
and tries to hurt the woman, first using a flood (words)
of deception that issues
out from its (Christianity) mouth. The knowledge
of the Serpent (Dragon;
Christianity) is sitting in the spiritual temple of
the people’s minds, see
2Th.2:3,4; Dan.11:45; Mt.24:15.
The Dragon (Serpent) is in the wilderness in
the form of a flood of deception,
see Rev.17:3 ref. to the Dragon being in the wilderness
to cause the woman to
be carried away by the flood of deceptions that issues
out of the Dragon’s
mouth, see also Dan.7:25. Therefore, the woman (Bride)
is fed with manna
(Hidden Manna; Little Scroll) to counter the
flood, see Is.59:19. Thereafter,
those who eat of the Hidden Manna (Little Help; Little
Scroll) shall be killed
for not obeying the voice of the Babylonian (Christian)
And the serpent cast out of his mouth
water as a flood after the woman, that
he might cause her to be carried away
of the flood.
The woman fled to the spiritual wilderness because the
Abomination (false
beliefs) is sitting in the spiritual holy place (minds)
of the people; where the
Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll (budded Rod of
the High Priest)
should be. The holy place (temple; sanctuary) is
symbolical of the mind,
memory, and the womb.
Those who have the knowledge of the Seven Seals scroll
by eating the scroll
(Hidden Manna) from the Chosen Vessel and the
Remaining Bride shall have
the knowledge in their foreheads (minds). The
rebellious who put the branch
(budded Rod) to their nose, as seen in
Eze.8:17,18; show that they are
drinking the wine (doctrine) cup of Babylon (Christendom),
see Rev.17:4-6.
Serpents (Dragons) normally are known to cast
out fire from their mouths.
However, latter day Babylon (Christendom) destroys
many by peace (false
peace; deception; waters symbolizing the beliefs of the
people), see
Dan.8:24,25; 11:21-24; Rev.13:14. The Dragon (Serpent)
of Rev.12:15
casts out of its mouth water (false doctrine;
Abomination of Desolation)
instead of fire; and using the false peace (false
doctrines; doctrine
symbolized as water) deceives the people into
worshipping Babylon.
The old Babylonian empire was a fire breathing Dragon
unto those who were
within its domain, as it ruled by force, as opposed to
latter day Babylon who
is a water breathing Dragon ruling by democratic
deception, being the
Christian way.
And the earth helped the woman, and the
earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up
the flood which the dragon cast out of his
The earth helps the woman by opening its mouth. This
is further symbolized
by the great earthquake of Rev.11:13; as the earthquake
is the Sixth Seal,
see Rev.6:12. The earth opens its mouth (ground opens;
earthquake; Sixth
Seal) and swallows the flood of water (deception)
that the Dragon (Babylon)
casts out of its mouth (false prophet of Rev.13:5;
lamb-like Beast of
Rev.13:11; Little Horn of Dan.7:8,11,20,25; Rev.17:1 ).
The false beliefs of Christendom are the waters that
destroy many by
peace (deception). Therefore at the Sixth Seal,
the spiritual Medes and
Persians (resurrection of the 200,000,000) under
the reign of latter day
Cyrus (the Lamb; Koresh) will swallow up the lies
and abominations of
latter day Babylon. Babylon shall fall for the second and
final time at the
earthquake of the Sixth Seal which swallows up the flood
of words which
deceived the inhabitants of the earth by peace, see
The great earthquake happens at the end of the 1,260
days (42 months;
time,times, and half a time) being the amount of time
which was symbolized
by the second half of the one hour that Babylon
continued, after the Dragon
(Babylon) ascended from the earth (grave).
And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
and went to make war with the remnant of
her seed, which keep the commandments of
God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The Dragon is angry with the woman but cannot cause
the woman (Bride)
to be carried away by the flood of lies that issues out
of the Dragon’s
mouth. Therefore the woman shall be killed with some of
her children by
the Babylonian Dragon Beast, see Rev.11:7. In Rev.12:17
the Dragon
becomes angry with the woman’s remaining seed (children)
being the
144,000. The 144,000 are the Remnant spoken of in
Rev.12:17 and
Rev.11:13. The 144,000 are the spiritual seed (Children;
twelve tribes; twelve stars) of the woman (Bride
of the Lamb).
The Remnant (144,000) are those who remain
behind when the woman is
killed with some of her children (Fellowservants),
see Rev.11:7,8. The
144,000 are Sealed with the Seven Seals Scroll which they
spiritually eat
from the hand of the woman (Bride) as John ate the
scroll in Rev.10:9-11.
The remaining (144,000) seed (Firstfruits)
who keep the commandments
(Seven Seals Scroll) of God, are the 144,000 who have
their Father’s
surname of Koresh written in their foreheads (minds),
see Rev.14:1. The
testimony of Jesus Christ (Word of the Man-child made
flesh) represents
the testimony of the Man-child who revealed the Seven
Seals Scroll to his Bride.
The Bride received one side of the scroll (testimony)
from the Lamb
(Man-child of Rev.12:5). The Jesus Christ who is
mentioned in Rev.12:17
parallels the latter day Lamb who was killed by the
Babylonian Beast on
April 19th 1993. In the future from
John’s day (latter day) the latter day
anointed (Christ; Rod that budded; Lamb revealing the
Seven Seals)
came with his Reward (scroll) of Rev.22:12. Christ
had foretold of the latter
day Lamb 2,000 years ago during his ministry when he told
his disciples, ‘I
have many things to say unto you (concerning the
latter day Man-child)
but you cannot bear them now,’ see Jn.16:12.
Christ told his disciples that when the Spirit of
Truth comes, the Spirit would
show them THINGS TO COME, as stated in Jn.16:13. The
Spirit of Truth
revealed what Jesus had referred to as ‘THINGS TO
COME’ to the Apostle
John on the isle of Patmos. John was shown the THINGS TO
COME being
the HEREAFTER mentioned in Rev.4:1.
The hereafter of Rev.4:1 referred to the things which
were to take place after
John’s day of AD 90, see also Rev.l:19. Therefore,
what the Apostles could
not bear in Jn.16:12, was shown to John the Revelator who
was told to write
the things he had seen and the things which were to come,
see Rev.l:19. All
that John wrote from Revelation four to Revelation
twenty-two are those
things concerning the future (things to come;
hereafter) of John’s day of
AD 90.
The latter day Man-child (see Rev.12:5) came
with his Reward (scroll)
which he received from the one who sat on the throne who
had a book
(scroll) in the Right Hand sealed with Seven Seals,
see Rev.5:1. The latter
day Lamb came having a New Name which no man knew the
meaning of
except the Lamb himself. When the Lamb was manifested
with his Reward
(scroll) he revealed his New Name to his Bride.
Thereafter his Bride reveals the Father’s surname
of Koresh to her children,
see Rev.14:1; 2:17; 19:12. Therefore, the remainder (144,000)
of her spiritual
seed (Firstfruits of Rev.12:17;
11:13) have the new commandments of God,
as revealed through the Hidden Manna: the Seven Seals
Scroll (scroll: bread
of life of Rev.10:9; Eze.3:1; Jer.15:16; Is.7:21,22),
and have the living
testimony (Present Truth) of the latter day Lamb (Spirit
of Jesus Christ;
Yahshua Messiah) and of the Chosen Vessel.
God commanded the Israelites that were under the first
covenant to sacrifice
TWO lambs daily throughout the whole year; day by day
continually, see
Ex.29:38,39. One lamb was offered in the morning of the
day, which in the
past foreshadowed the first sacrifice of John the Baptist
(Elijah type) for the
sins under the first covenant, who was beheaded for the
Word of God . The
morning lamb also typifies the latter day Lamb (Elijah
type) who in the latter
day fulfillment is the first to be sacrificed on the
altar of the Fifth Seal for the
sins under the new covenant; also rejected and killed by
the so-called people of
The evening sacrifice of a Lamb in the past
foreshadowed the sacrifice of the
Christ (Elisha type) 2,000 years ago for the sins
committed under the first
covenant, who was rejected and crucified by the so-called
people of God.
The people whom the Apostles (typifying the Remaining
Bride) gathered
typify the latter day Firstfruits (whom the Remaining
Bride gather).
In the latter day fulfillment, the evening lamb
typifies the Chosen Vessel
(Elisha type) who first gathers the Remaining
Bride who bring forth her
spiritual children (Firstfruits; Fellowservants and
the 144,000) and then
is killed fulfilling the latter part of the Fifth Seal.
The roles of the past are
reversed in the prophetic fulfillment in the latter days.
The Christ of 2,000 years ago is represented by the
first goat that was
sacrificed at the temple (symbolic of Jerusalem)
for a sin offering, as
Christ was crucified at Jerusalem, see Lev.16:8,9. John
the Baptist and
the Apostles are represented by the second goat (scapegoat)
that was
sent to the wilderness, which was killed by a wild beast
in the wilderness,
symbolizing the deaths of John the Baptist and the
Apostles outside of
Jerusalem, see Lev.16:8,10,20-22. The Christ of 2,000
years ago and
John the Baptist fulfilled the atoning of sins for the
people who were under
the first covenant from the time of Adam to the
generation of Christ.
The latter day Lamb is represented by the goat that
was sacrificed in the
land of the Great Christian Nation. The Chosen Vessel of
the Lamb is
represented by the scapegoat. The scapegoat was taken
into the wilderness
typifying the woman (Bride) fleeing to the
spiritual wilderness of
Rev.12:6,14 who is killed in the spiritual wilderness by
the Babylonian
(Christian) Beast, see Lev.16:8-10. The latter day
Lamb and the Chosen
Vessel fulfill the atoning of sins for the people who are
under the new
(second) covenant from the generation of Christ until
the last generation.
The latter day Lamb is symbolized by the morning
sacrifice of Ex,29:38,39,
having died for the sins of the people who are under the
new (second)
covenant, on April 19th 1993. The new covenant
spans from the time of
Christ’s generation to the last generation.
The Chosen Vessel is symbolized as the evening
sacrifice of Ex.29:38,39,
as the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride bear the
sins of the Firstfruits
and the Great Multitude who are the people under the new (second)
who are gathered from every generation from the
generation of Christ to the
last generation.
John the Baptist (Elijah type) had within his
body the duplicate spirit of
Gabriel, who represented the scapegoat in the wilderness.
The Christ
(Elisha type) of 2000 years ago had within his body
the duplicate spirit
of Michael, who represented the Lord’s goat. In the
latter days (our day)
the Lamb (Elijah type) had within his body the
duplicate spirit if Michael,
who represented the Lord’s goat. The Chosen Vessel (Elisha
type) who
was anointed after the Lamb was killed, has within his
body the duplicate
spirit of Gabriel, who represents the scapegoat in the
Many types of the past are often reversed according to
the prophetic
fulfillment in the latter days. Lightnings (visions), Thunderings
and Voices (doctrine) represent the written
Word of God, which is fulfilled
as Voices, Thunderings and Lightnings, or Lightnings,
Thunderings and
Voices. This means that the fulfillment of latter day
prophecy as compared
to past types is often in reverse.
Religio/Political Beast
Hidden Manna, PO Box
789, Jesup GA. 31598