

...is my oldest. Twelve years old (and going on 18!), he is quickly becoming a young man. He loves to draw and write stories, and like his mom has rather eclectic tastes in music. He plays Pokémon every chance he gets, and is starting to think that girls his own age are even cuter than mom...imagine!


...is my middle child. And that mischievous grin? It's for real, folks! He's 8 years old, and having a wonderful time in Grade 2. He loves trains, mighty machines and writing stories. He's quite a little dancer too! He's a good helper to mommy, and gets quite a kick out of making his sister giggle!


...is the baby, and at 2˝ is Grand High Ruler of the Universe (well, hers at least!). She loves her naps, hates cauliflower, and thinks her brothers are the best toys in the world - and they don't even need batteries!

The Boardwalk Cafe
My Music
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