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Where Yesteryear's Treasures Arise

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Online Bible King James Version

A 1,000 Mile Long Mountain

Mount Ararat


Prior to the Great Flood the earth was flat, flat like an orange, without extensive mountain ranges, deep valleys, and ocean depths.   The known preflood land mass extended from West of the Nile River to East of the Indus River.   The remainder of the earth was mostly covered with one vast shallow ocean.   (Books of Enoch; Genesis 1:6-12; 2:8-14).

The Great Flood then manifested itself in three basic phases:

    1. The Preparations:  Volcanic activity from Mecca to Damascus preceded the sinking of the Edenic Valley.

    2. The Flood:  The elevation of great land masses to displace ocean waters which flooded even the low mountain tops by 15 cubits (Genesis 7:19-20).

    3. The Restoration:  The sinking of ocean bottoms to swallow up the flood waters and to expose vast new continents.


When the Great Flood (1655-1656 from Creation) was about to begin there was extensive volcanic activity from Mecca northward to Damascus to deposit the extensive lava fields that exist even unto today and to create a vast void beneath the Edenic Valley that is now the Red Sea area.

In the preflood era the Jordan River extended southward through the Edenic Valley and on through the Strait of Bab al-Mandab to empty into the Indian Ocean via the Sea of Reeds which in the preflood era was a great salt marsh [See the most ancient clay map (the "Nuzi" map) in the Iraqi Museum, Baghdad.   Note: East, the rising of the sun, is at the top of ancient maps.   Also, see the journey of Abraham as documented in ancient writings, the Ancient Books of the Bible].

A note of interest:  When Mount Vesuvius erupted (just South of Naples, Italy) and covered the City of Pompeii in AD 79, a vast void was created under the earth's surface.   Subsequently, a large land area subsided into that void much like a Florida sinkhole only miles across.   This included an extensive area along the beaches South of Rome which apparently contained palatial beach-side villas of that era.   Then, over the years, that area became filled with sand carried along by coastal currents, homes and streets are now built thereon, and people come and go virtually unawares of what lies below.   Yet, to the observant, although certain areas have been reserved for future archaeological excavations, much is well below sea level, and treasures waiting below are well guarded by tons of sand and an existing water table that turns the sand into soup.


Then, when the Edenic Valley sank to fill the void created by the volcanic activity from Mecca to Damascus, waters of the Indian Ocean rushed inward through the Strait of Bab al-Mandab.   At that time the waters washed away the Sea of Reeds (now the Gulf of Aden) to deposit a rather uniform layer of anhydrites (salts:  anhydrous calcium sulfate) throughout the entire Red Sea (excepting throughout the 800 mile long trench which was rent many years later when the Exodus began).   Note:  Concentrations of these same anhydrites are also found in oil bearing lands and in the region of the Afar Triangle to the West of Djibouti, West of the Gulf of Aden.   [See the ancient roll seals in the Museum in Damascus, Syria; together with the aforecited map in the Iraqi Museum; and soundings of the Red Sea bottom (c. 1972), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Falmouth, Mass.].


As the Great Flood continued to evolve, vast areas of the once uniform ocean bottoms began to rise.   And, as these vast areas arose they displaced ocean waters.   Soon the ocean waters enveloped all previously existing land areas until even the low mountain tops were covered with 15 cubits of waters (Genesis 7:19-20).

As these great upheavals progressed vast torrents of waters flowed across lands being elevated.   Great rifts were widened even more as waters tended to follow these pathways.   When one continent or area raised up, the displaced waters again engulfed another area that already had shed its watery covering.   Thus, the flooding and draining may have repeated again and again in some areas.

Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, the Americas, and even the four river regions from the Nile to the Indus rivers and beyond to India and China were all involved.   Once Noah and his fellow survivors were shut in the great ark it was 377 days before the whole process had ended.

Much of the hydraulic powers to raise land masses were generated by ocean waters pouring into subterranian holes to produce great quantities of steam.   The heated core of the earth, in turn, maintained its furnace-like condition that superheated the steam.   And superheated steam, unlike the steam in the kitchen kettle, is steam which has a great deal more heat energy added.   And the added heat energy is like turning Clark Kent into Superman.

So, together with the lava and related gases that started the process, the superheated steam now was producing a chaotic show of shows for those surviving with Noah on his great raft of a city.   Great caldrons of boiling waters, raging seas, and great geysers of steam everywhere obviously produced awesome sights.   Even the sky above had to be filled with smoke, ominous dark clouds, thunder and lightnings as storms, much rain, and tempests prevailed.   Is it any wonder that Noah's ark consisted of roofed houses linked together as one atop tankage and storage areas below which formed the raft-like base.


Today, from Damascus to Mecca there is a 1,000 mile long mountain, a vast field of concentrations of lava.   These concentrations are identified in modern Arabic as "Harrat  (name) ."   And among Arabs the spoken "Harrat" drops the 'H' to pronounce Harrat as 'arrat or Ararat.   (Har-rat or Har-a-rat equals mount of lava).

The term translated Ararat in Genesis 8:4 refers to the mountains, apparently Central American mountains, where Noah's Ark made an interim stop in its earth girdling journey.   There it discharged both the raven and doves representing people.   This established human life in the post flood Americas from people representing both the disobedient (the raven) and the obedient (the doves).


Legends of Central America subsequently refer to Noah as Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent that sailed off into the East where the rising sun ate him up.   That is, as the sun arose Noah's Ark disappeared over the eastern horizon without them, leaving the people behind in the midst of earthquakes, tidal waves, and chaos as the earth continued to convulse and ocean bottoms sank to swallow up the flood waters.   The restoration was now indeed underway.

Note:  Noah had absolutely no control over his great raft of a city.   Therefore, when a portion of the Atlantic Ocean bottom, for example, sank, the waves and currents created easily sucked Noah's great raft along Eastward like a cork in a stream.   However, those left behind in the Americas knew that Noah had a way with GOD; so, they blamed Noah for leaving without them.   Thus, the name Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent.

As the ocean bottoms sank, these early American colonists saw the ocean waters reside and they saw the repeated violent tidal waves associated with the earthquakes and tumult.   And, they also had witnessed the sinking of the Edenic Valley and the drowning of all who failed to get aboard Noah's great floating raft.   Thus, they feared the oceans and built their cities and homes higher in the mountains.   That is, they saw the powers and violence of the ocean, they saw that the ocean waters once reached way above the hills and valleys, and these early settlers didn't truly understand what had happened and what was taking place.   Thus, the ancient habitats of early post flood Americans are all found well away from the oceans and all on relatively high ground.


The eventual terminal landing site of Noah's Ark bears the same name translated "Kingdoms of Ararat" (Jeremiah 51:27) and the land of "Armenia" (Ararat) (II Kings 19:37; Isaiah 37:38).   For example, when the sons of Sennacherib King of Assyria murdered the King in Nineveh, they escaped to the land of Ararat (also translated Armenia).   [This region would encompass the lands from Western Saudi Arabia (the Hejaz) northward through Jordan to Damascus, Syria].

Again, it's a thousand mile long mountain, a great field of lava.

The phony traditional mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey is totally devoid of any connection with the true landing site of Noah's Ark.   It's just another ruse concocted by the "experts."

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For:  Noah's Ark, City Built By Cain,
and Edenic Valley Exploration (EVE)

Prepared By
Father - Son Team

George & Dana Brown
P.O. Box 320932
Cocoa Beach, Florida
USA   32932-0932
Email: Contact George and Dana Brown

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