Our RENT Links

Jimbo's "Life Cafe": The RENT Mecca of the Internet
Austin's Unoffical Site Devoted to RENT's DC Run: It kicks! Austin's our bud and he has great updates on the show and the Angel Cast!
The Fans of RENT Homepage: Jenn's site and it's LOL hilarious! Don't miss her "dialogues" between Anth and Luth, a list of 10 things Luther should do w/ his hair, the sequel to RENT, and much more!

Our Non-RENT Related Links

Hair-An American Musical: A site about our second favorite musical
The Lifeblood indigo girls Website: We LOVE indigo girls!
Sarah's Ani DiFranco Site: Ani rocks and so does this site!
The Wish Monster's Ultimate Web Page!: This is our friend Elizabeth's site and although it doesn't have to do w/ RENT, it kicks and has loads of other "good stuff"!
The Official Sarah McLachlan Site: