Wonderful    Willow

Alyson Hannigan is the brains behind Willow. 
 Willow is Buffy's friend.   She is going out with
 Oz (how lucky).  She proves that it's alright to
 be smart (i mean, come on, she teaches a 
class), you don't have to be popular to have 
a great time in high school, and that being 
beautiful isn't just on the outside- (even though
 personally, I think she is gorgeous)-you have
 to be caring, nice, and a good friend.  I think
Willow is a good example to all.

Hey everybody!  While you're here,
take my quiz (it's not that hard), or
sign my guestbook (please? I love
hearing from you guys), visit my seth 
site (it's awesome), or just plain 
e-mail me and tell me what you'd like
to see, what you like about this site,
or what you don't like (it helps me a lot
as I fine tune my site to know what you like!)

Wonderful Willow Links

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Alyson Info
Alyson Article
Willow Quiz
Willowplicity (Quotes)
*NEW*Why Willow is too good for Xander*NEW*
*NEW*Pics of Aly from other projects*NEW*
*NEW*Everything I Know I Learned From Willow*NEW*
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*UPDATED*Visit My Super Seth Page*UPDATED*
The Song of The Week!!!!!

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Magic 21

Magic 21 -
Free card game. For each "21" you make, you could win up to $4,999 in cash! Go try your hand  ยป

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