Angel and Buffy
Forbidden Love

Sara Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers and David Boreanaz as Angel


Angel and Buffy

Angel fell for Buffy the first time he met her. He was leading a miserable existence, in New York city, when "good demon" Whistler offered him a chance to be somebody. Whistler showed Angel Buffy's calling as the Slayer, her first Vampire kill, and alluded to how difficult life would be for her. Angel fell for her immediately, captured by her beauty and vulnerability, and later impressed by her strength and skill at her calling. He tried to fight his attraction for her and opted for the role of Mysterious Oracle, warning her of impending danger and occasionally helping her fight Vampires.

She was attracted to him as well, but was frustrated by his mysterious nature and his frequent disappearing acts. Their relationship suffered when she learned he was a Vampire. She immediately mistrusted him and felt that his earlier help had been a guise to gain her trust. Her assumptions were further supported when Darla set Angel up so that it looked as if he had attacked Buffy's mother. Their relationship was at least partially healed when Buffy learned of Angel's true nature: That is, that his soul had been restored due to a Gypsy curse, and that he would not harm herself or anyone other than the forces of evil. Still, due to the age difference (Angel is over 240 years old) and the irreconcilable conflict of their natures (Slayer and Vampire), they vowed to avoid becoming involved romantically.

This resolve was doomed to weaken after Angel helped save Buffy from the Prophecy that stated she would die at the hand of the Master. The two went through a rocky period while Buffy dealt with issues relating to her temporary death and the Master's role, but eventually the two reunited and realized that they could not fight their feelings for one another.

The two became an official couple, and all seemed well until Spike and Drusilla planned to reconstruct a disassembled demon known as the Judge. The Slayer Team managed to capture a piece, and Angel was chosen for the task of taking it to the ends of the Earth, to save the human race. Buffy was reluctant, but Angel was determined to do his part. The piece was stolen when the two were saying their goodbyes at the harbour, and after an involuntary dip in the harbour, the two retreated to Angel's apartment.

Somehow, during the process of changing into dry clothes, Buffy and Angel ended up making love that night, the night of Buffy's seventeenth birthday.

This special moment for the two of them, unfortunately, led to tragedy. When Angel awoke the next morning, it was without his soul. What neither of them knew was that there was a clause on the Gypsy curse. The curse was intended for revenge, and as such, it stated that if Angel experienced a moment of happiness, the curse would be broken and the demon would regain control. Angelus was back.

Angelus is not only an evil, soulless Vampire, but he also has a nasty tendency to fixate on an individual woman, and torture her until she is completely mad. He did this to Drusilla during his first stint as a Vampire, killing her family and friends, leaving her gifts like a dead puppy nailed to her door, and finally turning her into a Vampire on the night she was to take her holy vows at the convent she fled to.

Now Angelus is fixated on Buffy. He has tormented her by entering her house at night and watching her sleep (and leaving drawings to let her know he has been there), entering Willow's house and killing her fish, and finally killing computer teacher (and Gypsy) Jenny Calendar, and leaving her corpse on Giles' bed with clues leading him there which suggested a romantic reconciliation.

Buffy is now faced with her greatest challenge. She must kill Angelus before any more innocent people suffer. But the monster has the face of he boyfriend, and he revels in reminding her of the love they shared. The dilemma is even more difficult now, since Willow discovered the Restoration spell Jenny translated before she died. Will Buffy and her friends be able to restore Angel's soul before it's too late, or will Buffy have to kill him? And should Buffy even try to restore Angel's soul, considering the damage he's caused as Angelus and the guilt he would suffer as Angel? We'll see...

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