Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction

Here is my collection of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction to date. I have some space to add a limited amount of fan fiction by other authors on my page. This means I have to be really picky, but if you have something you think is pretty darn good or you know of someone who does, let me know at caitchis@uoguelph.ca. Otherwise, check out the Slayer's Fan Fic Archive for tons of Fan Fiction.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction by Chrissy Aitchison:

The return of someone from Buffy's past causes her to reconsider her relationship with Angel, and forces Buffy and Angel to confront their feelings for one another. (13 parts)
What Dreams May Come
A Post-"Passion" sequel to "Resolutions." Buffy's dreams are haunted by Angel. Is is warning Buffy who will be his next victim in his quest to torment her, or is he merely playing with her mind? (In progress)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction by DeAnna Putnam:

The BtVS Files
The Hellmouth is out there.
Trust no one.

A crossover fanfic between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the X-Files with a smart, satirical twist. Very much a parody of both shows. Willow gets a summer job working for the FBI, where she learns that the Feds have but one suspect for the unusually high mortality rate in Sunnydale: Buffy.

Other (non-Buffy) writing by Chrissy Aitchison can be found here.
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