Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Chapter 4

Baby of the Year!!

  Kurama looked up at the clock on the wall. It’s about half an hour before the school ends. “Minamino, have you done the essay?” asked the sensei at the daydreaming redhead. Kurama blinked. He tried to recall the essay that the sensei was talking about. :… masaka… donna da? …: he thought as he rumbled through his backpack.

  His eyes beamed happily as he found his essay book. It was the one he did while having Hiei terrorize his textbook. Good thing Hiei didn’t tore it.

  “Kore desu, sensei,” he walked up to the teacher’s desk and put the book on it. The teacher smiled. “Minamino is a good example. I don’t understand why all of you couldn’t do a simple essay like he did. And you all didn’t even have to take care of a baby,” the sensei concluded. Kurama nearly fainted. How did he know about it? How did everyone know about it?!

  Kurama faked a smile and sat down. :… Who was the culprit who told… damn… …: he sighed. The redhead looked blankly at the sensei that kept on babbling about diligence and responsibility, while his mind traveled outside to the image of his baby Hiei at home.

  As time ticked by, the school bell rang signing the end of the school day. Kurama rushed home as fast as possible. The image of his Hiei cuddling up to him was floating around in his head.

  “Tadaima, kaasan!” he hollered as soon as he was inside, shutting the door behind him and rushing into the kitchen. He put down his bag on the chair and smiled as Hiei who was drinking his milk reached up for Kurama to hold him. Shiori pulled out the milk bottle from Hiei’s mouth and handed him over to her son. Kurama hugged his baby and kissed it. “God, school was long… I missed you so much itoshii!” he cooed. Shiori laughed. “Calling your son, lover?” she commented. Kurama smiled. “It doesn’t mind… I do love him okaasan,” Kurama kissed his baby again.

  “Well, maybe you can bring your ‘itoshii’ to the mall and get some groceries for the kitchen in the supermarket, ne?” she suggested. Kurama nodded. “Mochiron, kaasan!” he agreed. “Okay, go up and take a bath. Put something on Hiei-chan before going out, kay?” she reminded. Her son seemed to be in the clouds after having the baby in the house.

  Kurama trotted happily to his bedroom. He put his precious fire baby on his bed and stripped right in front of him. Hiei’s eyes seemed to narrow slightly at that. “Well, might as well take you to also,” he grinned and picked up Hiei, stripping off his diaper.

  Kurama played with the baby and waited for the tub to be filled up while doing so. Hiei pulled on Kurama’s sidelocks and playfully rub his cheek against Kurama’s equally smooth ones.

  “Oh you cute little baby,” Kurama smiled and carried Hiei into the tub with him.

  The bath took about half and hour and the bathroom was half-flooded thanks to the over-enthusiast Hiei. Kurama walked out of the bathroom fully drenched and his hair was plastered on his skin. The baby in his arms was giggling his heart out. “Hiei, flooding the bathroom wasn’t funny,” Kurama said bluntly to the baby in his arms who seemed to be restless.

  Kurama finally gave in and smiled at the kawaii kid. He put Hiei on his bed and got dressed himself. He later puts on something blue on Hiei and got ready to go to the mall. He went to the living room and found his mother reading a newspaper. “Kaasan, where’s the grocery list?” he asked, carrying Hiei properly. “On, the dinner table,” she answered. Kurama nodded and ran to get it.

  “Ja na, kaasan!” he said as he shut the door behind him.

 When he reached the mall, it seemed to be extra packed. “Hmm… what’s going on?” he pondered as he looked at the crowd. “AH! This one’s cute!” someone said. Kurama blinked. “Excuse me?” he asked. The man smiled. “I bet your baby will win in this contest,” he nodded confidently. “Win? Contest? What contest?” Kurama frowned in confusion. “You mean, he’s not in the contest? Oh, what a shame!” he sighed. “Don’t worry, I have another form here. Sign this up quickly. You still have another hour,” said the other man.

  Kurama looked around and noticing that everyone was carrying a baby. So maybe it was the baby contest going on. “Is this a baby contest?” he asked. The men nodded. “Quick, fill this up. I can help you to hold your baby,” he smiled. Kurama shook his head. “It’s okay. He’ll scream his heart out if someone else is holding him when I’m around,” Kurama smiled and took the pen that guy offered him.

  “Name, Hiei Minamino; age, 9 months; weight, 5.5 kg; ……hmm…mmm…” Kurama mumbled while writing. Hiei looked at what his lover was doing cutely. Then he pulled at Kurama’s locks. “What is it, Hiei?” Kurama asked. Hiei put on a frown. “Oh, this… we’re entering you in the baby contest,” Kurama smiled. Hiei pouted and shook his head. “Oh come on Hiei, just smile okay? That should be fine,” Kurama grinned.

  Kurama put the form in the entry box and sign up their name at the counter. “Namae wa?” the girl asked without even looking. “Shuuichi Minamino,” he said. The girl blinked and looked up. “Masaka!” she smiled. “Kawaii!!” she cooed when she looked at Kurama and Hiei. “What’s the baby’s name?” she asked excitedly. “Hiei Minamino,” Kurama answered.

  “Yoshi! Come back in an hour. The contest will be starting at 5 p.m.,” she smiled. Kurama nodded. “Thank you,” with that he walked away to go round the mall first.

  Kurama walked back to the place when it’s 5 p.m. All the contestants were already there. The girls were calling out the names by numbers and finally it was their name. “…and finally Hiei Minamino with his daddy, number 34,” said the girl. “Daddy, eh? Sounds cute,” Kurama rub his cheek against Hiei’s. Hiei giggled and hugged his lover.

  The babies who could talk were asked questions. Kurama looked at Hiei. “I don’t think you can talk,” he shrugged and watched the other contestants. There were cute ones, skinny ones, too fat ones, ugly ones and cute ones. Finally it was Hiei’s turn.

  Kurama bought Hiei up the stage and everyone took picture of the cute baby. The host came up to Hiei and shove the microphone right under his nose. Hiei blinked cutely. “Hello boy, what’s your name?” Kurama sweatdropped.

  Hiei blinked again and looked right into the camera.

  He smiled and uttered softly. “Hi-ei,” the man smiled. “Oh hello there, Hiei-chan. Who do you love most?” he asked. “Kuramama…” he uttered almost instantly. “Sou da yo ne? Saa… what do you want to tell the whole world?” Hiei blinked and took some time to digest when it meant. Suddenly he beamed. “Aishiteru, Kuramama!”

   Everyone cheered as Kurama’s face flushed as red as a tomato. If only they knew that Hiei wasn’t his son and the true tale behind all this.

  It seems like everyone liked him. Kurama carried Hiei down the stage after the guy put a small ribbon on Hiei’s clothes.

  “Hello Hiei-chan,” said a voice. Kurama turned and saw an elderly couple. Kurama smiled as Hiei blinked playfully. “I think you’ll win the contest. You’re so cute!” cooed the old lady. The man smiled and nodded. “If only I have a grandchild like you,” he patted Hiei’s head. Hiei sank into Kurama’s shoulder.

  A few other people came and greeted the boy. Some even requested to hold him. Hiei on the other hand disliked the attention and hid his face from them on Kurama’s shoulder. He pulled Kurama’s hair to cover his eyes.

  Then the host cleared his throat. “Now for the winner,” he smiled. “We have 3 winners in our hand. Let’s hear for the 3rd one,” the guy opened the envelope.

  “Kadowaki Kaoru,” he announced. Everyone clapped and a lady carrying a boy in green clothes went up the stage to collect the prize. “First runner-up is… Michiru Hiromi,” everyone clapped again and a young woman carrying a cute baby girl went up the stage to get the bigger prize.

  “Last but not least, Minamino Hiei! Our baby of year for 199X! Let’s give him a round of applause,” announced the guy. Everyone clapped and cheered and some were even whistling. :… He’s just a baby. How weird can this people be? …: Kurama wondered as he took Hiei up the stage.

  Hiei put out his hand and shook the guy’s one. He guy gave him a kiss on the cheek and congratulated him, putting a 1st prize badge on Hiei’s clothes. Kurama went to take the prize and went down. He sighed and blinked as he sat down on the chair after that.

  “Now, how to carry this back? And I haven’t even bought the groceries yet,” Kurama shook his head. But then he smiled as he saw Kuwabara walking around with Yukina. He called for them. “Kuwabara-kun!” he hollered. Kuwabara turned and blinked. “AHH! Sore wa Kurama to Hiei-chan da yo! Ikuzo, Yukina-chan!” He pulled her towards them.

  Yukina smiled. “Genki o, Hiei-chan?” she smiled and gave Hiei a kiss on the forehead. Hiei smiled and showed her his 1st prize badge. “Where did you get that, Hiei-chan?” she asked. “He entered the baby contest and won. And I need you guys to help me,” Kurama said. “Help? Sure, shoot away!” Kuwabara smiled as he pinched Hiei’s nose playfully.

  Kurama pointed to the prize that was next to him. “Can you help me with this? I still need to buy some groceries for kaasan,” Kurama sighed. Kuwabara nodded. “Sure, you go get what you need. Yukina and I’ll get this thing back to your house,” Kurama smiled. “Thank you,” he bowed. “Daijobu, Kurama-san,” Yukina smiled and kissed Hiei again. “Bye-bye Hiei-chan. Ja ne!” Yukina waved goodbye at her brother. “Sou, ja na!” Kuwabara patted Hiei’s head and walked away with the mountain of hamper.

  “Okay, that done; let’s go shopping Hiei,” Kurama put Hiei inside the trolley and pushed him around the isles grabbing anything necessary on the way.

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