Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Chapter 8

Genkai’s Temple to Genkai’s Nursery


  Kurama reached up to press the alarm clock. He sighed and gingerly opened his sleepy eyes. Hiei was still sleeping soundly next to him. Kurama got up and walked into the bathroom. He took a simple bath and got ready for school.

  He knelt next to the bed and kissed Hiei’s cheek. “Ohayo ne, Hiei…” he whispered. Hiei fluttered open his eyes and smiled weakly. “I’m still sleepy Kurama… can I sleep a little longer?” he asked. Kurama shook his head. “No Hiei… but you can sleep while I bathe and get you ready,” Kurama smiled and carried the boy in his arms into the bathroom.

  He washed Hiei and combed his hair. The boy was still sleeping. Kurama smiled and put on a hooded T-shirt and shorts for him. He took his bag and carried the still sleeping Hiei in his arms. “Ja, kaasan! I’m going to school!” he hollered, hoping that no one saw him with Hiei.

  But Shuuichi did. “Err… Why is it that I saw oniichan carrying some bundle on his shoulder?” he asked. Shiori smiled. “Must be some kind of a school project,” she nodded. “Where’s the baby?” Kazuya asked. Shiori blinked. “Maybe he had someone else to take care of it already,” she guessed.

  Kazuya shrugged and got back on his breakfast.

  Yukina was waiting by the garden for Hiei to come. Just as she saw Kurama carrying Hiei into the temple, she rushed to Kurama. “Ohayo gozaimasu, Kurama-san,” she greeted. Kurama nodded. “Ohayo ne, Yukina-chan,” he greeted her back. “Is Hiei-san sleeping?” she asked. Kurama nodded and handed Hiei over to her.

  “Thanks. I’ll come pick him up after school okay?” Kurama picked up his school bag. Yukina nodded. “Bye-bye Hiei,” Kurama kissed Hiei on the cheek and took off. Hiei stirred and opened his eyes. “Kuramama?” he asked.

  Yukina smiled. “Kurama-san went to school already Hiei-san. Come; let’s get you inside. Do you want some rice crackers?” she asked. Hiei’s expression was sad. He didn’t like the fact that Kuramama left him and went to school but he nodded and took Yukina’s offer after all.

  School was surprisingly short that day for Kurama. Maybe because he had something set in his head. Pick Hiei up after school. “Minamino!” he heard someone calling his name. The redhead turned around and smiled at his friend, Yuu Kaito. “Hisashiburina,” the guy smiled back. Kurama nodded.

  “Well, just asking if you want to get some ice-creams with us?” Kaito asked. Kurama shook his head. “Not today, Kaito-san. I have to rush to Genkai’s temple,” he explained. “Naze desu ka?” Kaito asked, concerned. Kurama smiled. “Well, I left Hiei there and want to take him back before he does damage to the temple,” Kurama said. Kaito laughed. “Sou ne?” he chuckled. “Then it’s okay, maybe next time?” he asked. Kurama nodded. “Mochiron!”

  Kaito waved goodbye and Kurama rushed his way to Genkai’s. When he reached there, Yuusuke and Kuwabara were already there playing cards with the boy. Hiei threw away his cards when he saw Kurama. “Kuramama!” he exclaimed and ran towards the redhead. Kurama bent down and picked him up.

  Hiei hugged Kurama tight and buried his face into Kurama’s rose scented hair. “I thought you left me…” he pouted. Kurama smiled and kissed Hiei’s hair. “Baka… why do you think I’d do that?” he asked the foolish child.

  Yukina poured out another cup of tea upon seeing Kurama’s arrival. “Hiei-san was a very good boy,” she smiled. “Is he?” Kurama asked. Hiei nodded. Kurama sat down and put Hiei in his lap. “We played a lot of things. Yuusuke and Kuwabara brought me to the video game shop. Then we ate ice cream, then we…” Kurama leered a glare at both of the youths. “You’re teaching Hiei to rot while you two played truant? That’s very nice,” Kurama mouthed sarcastically.

  Yuusuke and Kuwabara both wiped the big sweatdrops off their head. “Err… school was kind of boring towards the end of the year so we decided to…” Yuusuke lost his words. “To take care of him while you leave him here!” Kuwabara continued.

  Kurama looked up at Kuwabara sharply. “I didn’t leave him!” he insisted. Kuwabara scratched his head. “Emm… okay then… while you went to school… we guess Hiei should be bored,” Kuwabara corrected his words. Hiei frowned. “Don’t make Kuramama mad…” he said softly. Yuusuke smiled. “We weren’t making Kuramama mad, Hiei ^_^;” Yuusuke patted the boy’s head.

  Kurama looked at his watch and stood up, Hiei following him. “Sankyu minna… but I really have to go,” Kurama smiled and bowed. “Bye-bye,” Yukina waved her farewell to Hiei. The latter waved and caught up with Kurama who scooped him up carrying the boy in his arms.

  “Their love is everywhere,” Yukina sighed dreamily. “Yeah… my love is here,” Kuwabara drooled, that rewarded him a blow from Yuusuke on his head. Genkai chuckled. “Kurama’s a really good lover,” she nodded.

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