The Tormented Heart of Flawless Beauty

The Lost Lemon Chapters - Part Two

Mirui and Sekishi

A fanfic by Bulma Briefs

  Mirui looked outside their bedroom window. The sky looked gloomy. It had been like this since after the Makai Tournament. But despite the grouch weather, discipline in the Makai had improved. The new Lord of Makai Enki had done a pretty good job keeping freedom and peace at a good balance.

  All in all, things seemed to spice up. Since the borders between Makai and Ningenkai had been annulled, youkais had been actively going in and out the Ningenkai without any restrictions provided that they behave properly and do not cause anything such as havoc or trouble there.

  "Ningenkai…" he uttered softly, his thoughts diverted itself slowly towards someone. The human world reminded him of a certain silver youko that had been around a few years ago. A feeling of absence sated his heart.

  "Ne, itoshii… what're you thinking of?" asked a loving tenor from behind. Mirui turned around to find his red youko coming out of the bathroom, eyes gleaming. Mirui granted him a warm longing smile. "The Ningenkai," he said softly.

  Sekishi put away his towel and hopped on the cushion on the windowsill next to his precious golden youko. "Ningenkai… well, from Ningenkai, I bet your head travels to think about someone," he smiled, a hinting tone. Mirui nodded. "I wonder how's he doing now? It's been a long time," the golden youko sighed.

  "I think it will be spring time soon there," Sekishi replied, playing with his own red strands of hair. "Spring… where love revives, where lovers cherish each other, where birds starts to sing, where flowers start blooming… all after a dark cold winter. Sekishi… I think it would be such a wonderful place to be in now, don't you think so?" he pondered aloud dreamily.

  "Sure," Sekishi smiled, stretching his body. He reached around the corner to catch his tail brush. "I'll do it for you," Mirui took the brush from the red youko's hand, gesturing the youko to turn around. Sekishi shifted for his back to face his lover so the golden youko could brush his wet tangled fur.

  Mirui stroked the lavish red tail slowly, running the first stroke of brush on it soothing any tangles in the way. It seemed to shimmer in the hands of his lover.

  "If you really want to go, I could ask Inari-sama to let us to. He still hangs his offer for us two to go somewhere open," Sekishi suggested. Mirui stop brushing. "You really think he'd let us have some time together in Ningenkai?" The golden youko continued his brushing.

  "Why not? We just need to request some time off from work. I have done recent renovations around the palace and they won't need me around for some time unless someone broke their bed again," his thoughts referred to the bed in the room owned by Ryuu. The silver youko had gotten married some years ago to the male blue youko who was working at the Palace Research and Development department.

  Since then, their bed had been constantly renovated to repair the out-of-the-ordinary wreckage left.

  Sekishi smiled mischievously at himself when he thought of several possible reasons to why the bed ended that way.

  "Well, I just ran some important errands for Inari-sama. He was quite pleased, so maybe I could get some time off too," Mirui smiled as he patted his lover's neatly brushed tail.

  Sekishi turned and around held Mirui on the shoulders. "If we go to Ningenkai, we could find Kurama and spend some time with them. And I really wanted to meet Hiei," the red youko grinned. Mirui hugged his lover. "You're so great!" he kissed the youko.

  With the decisions made, both of the youkos headed towards the Throne Room.

  They entered the room and knelt to the fox god. "Inari-sama," both regarded, bowing respectfully at Inari. "WHAT BRINGS MY PRECIOUS YOUKOS TO MEET ME?" asked the sturdy voice. "Mirui and I would like to ask permission to take some time off, Inari-sama," Sekishi told the god. Inari nodded. "TAKING UP MY OFFER? WHERE DO YOU WISH TO SPEND YOUR QUALITY TIME TOGETHER, MY FOXES?" Inari asked, nodding to Ryuu to make the proper documents for the two youkos requesting leave.

  "Ningenkai, Inari-sama," Mirui answered. The fox god blinked. "WHY SUCH PLACE?" he questioned. "Inari-sama… we have never been to Ningenkai and heard that it is spring time soon there. We wish to feel the nice atmosphere of love reviving after the cold winters. Aside to that, we would want to meet our old friend Kurama," Sekishi reasoned most truthfully.

  Inari nodded. "MEETING AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE I SEE. WELL, PERMISSION GRANTED," he announced. Both Sekishi and Mirui bowed in gratitude to the fox god. "Thank you, Inari-sama," they said together. "BUT IT WILL BE EASY TO GET LOST THERE. LET ME SEE…" he gestured for Ryuu to come. The silver youko came and bowed.



  "Is that all, Inari-sama?" asked Ryuu. The god nodded. "YOU CAN DELIVER THIS TO KOENMA NOW, MIRUI," Inari spoke. The golden youko nodded and walked up to take the scroll from Ryuu. "I'll be going now," he said, heading towards the door.

  It had been some time since he had been here. The golden youko looked around. Some changes had been made. He walked towards the reception and cleared his throat, trying to get the oni attention. "Excuse me, I'm here on behalf of Inari-sama to see Koenma," he smiled sweetly at the oni.

  The oni checked something and nodded. "You may go in now. It's on the 3rd floor," he said, pointing to an escalator on the eastside of the lobby. "3rd floor? Oh… thank you," he uttered quickly and walked towards the escalator. "It really changed," he smiled.

  When he was in front of the door, he knocked. "Come in," was the answer from inside.

  The golden youko opened the large door and walked in. Koenma looked up and saw Mirui. "Oh, the golden youko of Inari-sama… it's been a long time. How are you?" he asked. Mirui nodded. "Very well, thank you for your concern Koenma-sama," he answered shyly. Koenma smiled.

  "What is that you have for me?" Koenma asked. Mirui smiled and took a scroll from his tunic. "I am here behalf of Inari-sama to tell you that Inari-sama requests Koenma-sama to have someone to guide Mirui and Sekishi for their journey from Makai-Ningenkai borders to lead them to someplace safe where they could contact Kurama and meet them there. Inari-sama requests Kurama to be responsible for them and provide place for their stay there for two weeks. They will behave well. Inari-sama permits them to hide their tails and change their ears to human ones for their stay there. Please reply and write as well the plans for the two youkos to meet Kurama, thank you," he smiled.

  Koenma smiled. "You and your husband planning to go to Ningenkai?" he asked. Mirui nodded. "I heard that it will be spring time there soon. I had never been to Ningenkai and would like to see the beautiful spring time in Ningenkai, also to meet my best friend Kurama," Mirui explained to the small god of death.

  "Well, Kurama is very well now," Koenma giggled, taking out a scroll to write.
  "Well, about the plan," Koenma started. "I will ask Botan to wait for you at the border at the first day of spring, that is 2 days from now. You will be lead by her to Genkai's temple. That's a very safe place. It's the place where the group goes to gather often. I will inform Kurama to meet you there and make lodgings for you. After two weeks, you will need to go back to Genkai's temple and I will have Botan to guide you two back to Makai-Ningenkai borders," Koenma stopped writing and handed Mirui the scroll.

  "Have a nice time there," he smiled. Mirui bowed. "Thank you, Koenma-sama," he thanked the small god. Koenma nodded. "It's okay," he grinned. Mirui smiled and walked out the office, heading back to Makai.

  Koenma reached out to press a button on the intercom. "Get me Botan," he said.

  Kurama walked back from school and met Hiei midway. "Hello there," Kurama greeted the demon when Hiei met him, two cones of ice cream in his hands. "Up for some sweet snow?" he asked. Kurama nodded and took the cone of chocolate ice cream Hiei reached out for him.

  "When did you came back?" Kurama asked. "Just a while ago. Got a month leave from Mukuro," Hiei explained. "That's great! School's having holiday for spring in 2 days time. Then we can spend some time together…" Kurama trailed off his voice in mischief.

  Hiei looked at Kurama from the corner of his eyes. "What's that tone in your voice?" he asked suspiciously. Kurama smiled and bent down to his lover. "Kaasan and tousan will be off to some spring-time vacation in Paris tonight, carrying little Shuuichi-kun with them," he smiled happily.

  "And why didn't you participate in such?" Hiei asked, their nose nearly touched. Kurama licked Hiei's nose playfully and straightened up. "I… told them I had to stay and help Yuusuke with his studies," Kurama grinned. "Partly true?" Hiei inquired as Kurama opened the door to his house.

  "An absolute white lie," he let Hiei in. Hiei smirked and stepped in the house. "Tadaima," Kurama hollered as he closed the door.

  Shuuichi came down with a big suitcase. "You're migrating there?" Kurama asked jokingly, pointing at the big suitcase. Shuuichi chortled. "I need to be perfect, oniichan. I brought anything possible. Suntan lotion, clothes, playstation," he grinned. "Now I know why the bag suddenly gotten big," Kurama patted his stepbrother's head.

  "Hi, Hiei-san!" the boy acknowledged Hiei. Hiei nodded as he looked at Kurama's parents coming down the stair. "Hello, Shuuichi… you're home already?" Shiori smiled as she carried an equally big bag down. Kurama nodded and went up to help her. "Here, let me do it," Kurama took the bag, carrying it down for her.

  "Is the taxi here yet?" Mr. Hatanaka asked the boy. Kurama shook his head. "Not yet, tousan," he smiled. "Hello there Hiei, how have you been?" Shiori asked. "Fine, thank you," Hiei nodded. "You're staying here for spring vacation, Hiei?" the lady asked. Hiei blinked, when he was about to answer 'no', Kurama giggled. "Of course he is, kaasan," he told his mother. Hiei blinked. "I am?" he asked softly.

  'Piinn pinn!'

  "Papa! The taxi's here!" Shuuichi exclaimed in excitement. "Get me French cheese," Hiei smiled at the boy. "Sure!" Shuuichi exclaimed and walked out the door carrying the suitcase with him.

  Hiei watched as Kurama obediently took out the big heavy bag towards the taxi.

  "Don't forget to eat, Shuuichi," Shiori said, kissing her son on the forehead. Kurama nodded. "Yes, kaasan," he smiled. "Please take care of Shuuichi while you're here, Hiei-san," the lady said as she entered the taxi. "Bye, have fun!" Kurama waved animatedly.

  "Bye!" Shuuichi waved from inside the taxi. The vehicle started its ignition and sped off. Kurama was still standing there waving. Then Hiei pulled Kurama's sleeve. "You really want me to stay inside your house?" Hiei asked. Kurama shook his head. "Nah, I want you to sleep in the tree outside my window," Kurama smiled. Hiei frowned. "Is that so?" his tone was a little disappointed.

  "Baka! Of course I want you to stay inside the house," Kurama leaned down to blow in Hiei's ears playfully. Hiei smirked and followed the redhead in.

  Before Kurama opened the door, he heard something landing in his garden. His eyes glanced over to the other side and spotted something. He smiled. "Botan-chan's here," he told the koorime, casually walking over to the other side.

  Botan brushed herself clean and uttered curses. "Damn I crashed again," she gritted her teeth.

  "Konnichiwa, Botan-chan," someone greeted her. She turned around and giggled. "Konnichiwa, Kurama! Hehe… hi Hiei!" she waved animatedly.

  Hiei moved close to Kurama and eyed Botan. "What're you doing here?" he asked. "Me? Umm… hehe… I have a surprise for Kurama," she announced. "Surprise for me?" Kurama smiled. Botan nodded.

  "Remember Mirui and Sekishi?" she asked. Kurama nodded. "Yeah, what about them?" he asked. "They're coming to Ningenkai for honeymoon," Botan told the boy. "Is it?" beamed Kurama.

  "What's a honeymoon?" Hiei asked, tugging on Kurama's sleeve. Kurama smiled. "It’s when married couple take a vacation," Kurama explained. "Why don't we go for one?" Hiei asked. Kurama blushed. "Er… coz we're not married?" Kurama bit his lips. "Oh," Hiei shrugged. Botan giggled. "When we're married will we go?" Hiei asked absent-mindedly. Kurama looked at Hiei and was dumbfounded. Hiei was actually planning to marry him? "We'll talk about that later, Hiei," Kurama blushed redder. Botan burst into laughter.

  "What so funny?" Hiei frowned. "Nothing Hiei," Kurama bonked Botan lightly. The girl stopped giggling and smiled.

  "Well, they're coming in 2 days time," she told Kurama. "2 days time? Where are they staying?" he asked. "That you have to decide. Inari-sama told you to be responsible for them in their two weeks stay here," Botan explained. "Hmm… my house is vacant. They can stay in the guest room," Kurama smiled.

  "That settled, I'll go guide them to Genkai's temple the day after tomorrow. You can come and meet them there," she said. Kurama nodded. "Anyway, have to run. I have a lot of things to do. Bye!" she hopped on her oar and floated away.

  Kurama waved at her. Then he looked at Hiei. "Are you okay with that?" he asked. Hiei shrugged. "Might be nice to have company,” Hiei smiled.

  "ARE YOU READY?" Inari asked. Both of the youkos nodded. "GOOD, HAVE A NICE TIME THEN," he smiled.

  Mirui bowed. "We will," with that both walked out of the palace, making their way to the Makai-Ningenkai borders.

  "Who is this Botan anyway?" Sekishi asked. "She's the ferry girl from Reikai," Mirui told Sekishi as they went through the borders.

  Botan waited patiently until 2 figures came through the borders. "Mirui!" she hollered. The golden youko waved at her. "There she is," he told his partner and went towards her. "Are you ready?" she asked. Both of the youkos nodded. "Come, sit on the oar," she patted the place behind her. Sekishi blinked. "Is that safe?" he asked dubiously. Botan nodded. "100% guaranteed," she assured them.

  Mirui got on and Sekishi blinked hesitantly. "Come itoshii," Mirui pulled the red youko behind him.

  Sekishi got on and wrapped his arms around Mirui's middle tightly. "Okay?" Botan asked. "Yes," Mirui answered. "Then we'll go!" she sped down to earth.

  "Wooooooooow!!!" Sekishi closed his eyes tightly as he exclaimed.

  They got off the magical oar and Sekishi quickly supported himself on a tree. He had a terrible headache. "I feel faint," he squeaked. Mirui giggled. "That was fun!" he laughed. "Fun? I'd rather be sleeping any time," the red youko held his pounding head.

  Genkai came and smiled. "Hello there youkos," she greeted. Sekishi turned around and smiled. "You must be Genkai-shihan, the owner of this beautiful temple," the red youko uttered. Genkai nodded. The two youkos smile and bowed respectfully at her. "I'm Mirui and this is Sekishi," the golden youko introduced himself and his partner.

  Genkai nodded. "Come in and seat. Kurama's not here yet but the other's are," she walked away. The two youkos looked at each other and followed the old lady and Botan inside.

  Genkai opened the door and everyone inside silenced. Botan came in and sat. "Come in," Genkai allowed way for the two youkos to enter. Mirui was the first to walked through the door and smiled as he was greeted by sweet smiles of the people inside. Sekishi followed in next as Genkai slid the door close.

  "Please, have a seat," she said and sat down herself. Mirui and Sekishi nodded and put their bags aside before sitting down, as graceful as would a dancer.

  Genkai introduced the others. "This is Yuusuke," Yuusuke nodded. "Kuwabara," the orange hair guy nodded. "… and this is Yukina, Hiei's sister," Genkai smiled. Yukina bowed and smiled sweetly. "Douzo Yoroshiku, minna-san," she bowed.

  Mirui and Sekishi bowed back at her. "Nice to meet you too, Yukina-san," said the golden youko, realizing that Yukina has the same red eyes as Hiei.

  "Kurama-san would be here soon, he might just be stopping somewhere with my brother to buy something," she said shyly, reaching out to give the youkos some cookies. Both the youkos nodded and smiled as they took the cookies offered.

  "All you youkos all very beautiful," Yuusuke remarked. Mirui and Sekishi blushed. "Thank you," Mirui uttered. "I told that to Hiei and Hiei doesn't trust me," Yuusuke smirked. "That shrimp is always like that," Kuwabara grinned.

  "Shrimp? Why such name to Hiei-san?" Mirui asked. "Err…" Kuwabara blinked. He didn't know how to explain. It's just that he was so used to calling the Jaganshi that. Yuusuke nudged Kuwabara in the guts and smiled. "Because he's an idiot," Yuusuke pointed at Kuwabara and laughed. Yukina laughed innocently as she thought Yuusuke was making a sweet funny joke.

  Mirui and Sekishi blinked and nodded.

  They heard some noises outside. "Hiei, darling… you're not suppose to eat chocolates before dinner!" Kurama sighed loudly outside. "They're here," Genkai smiled.

  Then the door opened and Hiei peeped inside. "You're late Hiei," Yuusuke grinned. "Kurama had to stop for ice cream," he answered. "Kurama?" Yuusuke asked. Hiei pouted. "Okay, it's me," he admitted. "Hiei," they could hear Kurama complaining outside. "Are they here?" Kurama asked from outside. "They're here, Kurama," he smiled at Mirui. "Is it?" Kurama pushed Hiei gently inside, walking inside in himself.

  He smiled at Mirui. "Mirui-chan!" he exclaimed. Mirui blinked as he eyed the boy with red hair. "You're Kurama?" he asked the redhead. Kurama nodded. "Youko Kurama?" the golden youko asked again. Kurama nodded. "But you don't sound or look like him," Mirui narrowed his golden eyes.

  Kurama slapped his forehead. "Oh I forgot. This is my human aspect," he smiled, explaining to them.

  Mirui blinked, then smiled broadly. "Kurama!" Mirui exclaimed as he got up, closing the redhead in an embrace. When they broke the hug Mirui smiled. "You're shorter this way," he commented. Kurama laughed.

  Hiei took a seat next to his sister and was already eating her cookies. "Nice cookies, Yukina-chan," he noted, sipping his tea. Yukina smiled. "Thank you, Hiei-niichan. The whole bowl is for you actually," she nodded.

  "Sekishi," Kurama smiled, hugging the other. The red youko glinted. "We have same hair now," he told Kurama. The redhead nodded. "Very same," Kurama nodded.

  "Well, do we want to get moving now?" Kurama asked. "Not yet," Hiei answered. Kurama looked at Hiei. "Hiei," he sighed. "I haven't finish eating," he reasoned. Yuusuke chuckled. "You wanna be a potato couch, Hiei?" the boy teased. "Don't remind him, Yuusuke. He lost weight," Kurama rolled his eyes, wondering how in the three worlds could Hiei eat like that and still loose weight.

  "It's okay, we can wait," Sekishi smiled, interested in the fire demon. "Come sit here, Hiei," Kurama told him, patting the place next to him. The koorime grabbed the bowl of cookies and walked over to Kurama, sitting on his lap. Kurama blushed but didn't complain.

  "Where are we going to stay, Kurama?" Mirui asked, smiling at the beautiful human boy. "My house," Kurama smiled. "My human parents are out of town for the whole month. So it'll be very convenient," Kurama told them. Sekishi nodded. "That's cool!" Mirui smiled, leaning affectionately on Sekishi.

  Hiei finally had his share of the cookies finished. "Done, baby?" Kurama asked. Hiei nodded. "Let's get going then," Kurama patted Hiei to get us. They all nodded.

  On the way to Kurama's house they two youkos looked around. It was pretty dark considering that night was crawling in. Neon lights started to shine the place like colorful daylight.

  "This place is beautiful," Mirui commented as he looked around, still walking. "What happened to your tail and ears?" Hiei suddenly asked. Kurama blinked. "Yeah, I just realized that as well," Kurama smiled. Mirui smiled. "Inari-sama permitted us to lose them to blend in better in Ningenkai," he explained. Kurama nodded as they walked into his house.

  "This is my home in Ningenkai. It might not be as big and as beautiful as the palace, but it's comfortable enough," Kurama smiled. "It's very fine for us, thank you Kurama," Mirui smiled, pulling Sekishi inside.

  They looked at the moderately furnished living room. "It's beautiful," Sekishi commented. Hiei sat on the couch and stretched. "Make yourself at home, like Hiei," Kurama giggled, walking into the kitchen.

  Sekishi looked at the red eyed koorime with black hair. He looked like a small kid. What did the silver youko found interesting about him, he had no idea.

  Kurama came back out a moment later to find the three of them, silent. He smiled and put down some more cookies and tea. "So, what do you plan to see?" Kurama asked.
  "The enticing rites of spring in Ningenkai…" Mirui smiled. Kurama nodded. "It's beautiful," Kurama smiled, taking a place next to Hiei. "Your powers seem to grow since last I saw you, Hiei-san," Mirui smiled. Hiei smirked.

  "He had been training too hard," Kurama shrugged.  "But from upper B to intermediate S in less than 3 years is really impressive. Some S class youkais had to work nearly a thousand years to do so. I'm in jealousy fits for you, Hiei-san," Mirui smiled.

  Hiei smiled but said nothing.

  “How old are you? In human form I mean,” Mirui asked. Kurama smiled. “18,” he answered. “Ahh…” Mirui nodded. “What about Hiei?” he asked. “I’m not in human form,” Hiei told the golden youko. “But if he was, he’d be around 13 or so,” Kurama grinned, teasing the koorime. Mirui and Sekishi giggled. “That wasn’t funny,” Hiei pouted.

  Kurama hugged the koorime. “Baby doesn’t want to be teased, does he?” Kurama nuzzled the Jaganshi’s neck.

  Mirui blushed at the sweet scene. Sekishi blinked. Hiei looked so cute being teased. They fit each other perfectly.

  Kurama walked ahead. “Come, let’s see the rites of spring!” Kurama gestured the couple to follow him. It was the second day of spring and flower buds are starting out to bloom in the fresh Spring.

  “You’ll see flowers coming out today!” Kurama told the couple excitedly.

  “Mite ne!! There’s a small Sakura flower there!!” Mirui exclaimed, pointing at a fresh bud of pink Sakura flower coming out.

   Kurama picked out some branches and exerted some youki into it, causing it to bloom. “Here… take these Sakura flowers. For luck,” Kurama smiled. Mirui nodded and took the flowers, embracing it with love. “Isn’t it beautiful?” Mirui asked the red youko. Sekishi nodded and looked around.

  “What’s Hiei doing there?” pointed the red youko. Kurama blinked. “Hiei? Nani yatten da?” he asked. Hiei looked down from the branch he was sitting on. “Looking at these baby birds,” he called.

  “Be careful not to drop them!” Kurama smiled. Hiei ignored the redhead and continued watching the tiny helpless chirping animals.

  They sat near the lake. There were still some snow left from winter. Cold.

  Hiei jumped on Kurama and rested his head on Kurama’s lap. “What’re you watching?” the boy asked. “The lake,” Kurama answered, playing with Hiei’s hair. Hiei smiled and yawned. “Beautiful…” he uttered, closing his eyes.

  After a hearty meal, Mirui walked into their bedroom. It was dark. “Sekishi?” He called. “I’m here,” the red youko now human answered.

  Mirui walked over to the bed and could roughly see Sekishi lying there in the dark. “Why not switch on the lights?” the golden you now human asked.

  “Come here my blonde Human,” Sekishi said softly. He reached out to turn on the bed-lamp, shining everything in the room with a warm yellowish hue. Romantic, cozy, warm…

  “Stop,” Sekishi said, before Mirui walked to the bed. “Why?” the blonde asked. “I want to see you in human form,” he smiled. Mirui laughed angelically. “Okay,” he stood there, turning around to show Sekishi.

  “Loose the clothes. Wanna see what humans really look like… inside,” Sekishi said, from the bed.

  Mirui smiled, he unbuttoned the top and let it slid to the floor; caressing his body with its silky material as it dropped to the floor making a pool around his feet.

  Sekishi waited patiently as Mirui pulled down the pants; he bent to take his legs out of the attire and faced his round ass towards Sekishi.

  It was pale, round and looked soft.

  Mirui straightened back up after taking off his pants and wanted to turn around when Sekishi mouthed another halt. The blonde paused again.

  “Don’t turn around, retrace your steps back to the bed,” he said, straightening up, reaching out to touch that supple flesh of Mirui’s ass as it came towards him in a slow but vivid motion.

  Mirui stopped when Sekishi’s hand rounded around his buttocks. Squeezing it and tracing it with his soft gentle fingers to fell its contours.


  Sekishi pulled the blonde closer and darted out his tongue to lick that smooth skin. Those slow lickings turned into playful bites as Sekishi bit that lavish flesh sensually.
  It was hard. This change made it more exciting. The round butt was clear as crystal and not hidden by a furry tail. Sekishi inched backwards and made place for Mirui. “Lie down,” he uttered deeply.

  Mirui turned around and laid on his back, golden eyes looked at Sekishi, searching.

  The redhead reached down to massage that semi-erected rod. Mirui bit his lips. Sekishi’s hand were not as smooth as he was in youko form. That made it even more firmer and in no time, his manhood was as big and as hard as a rock.


  Sekishi smiled. His beautiful baby was ready. The redhead darted out his tongue to playfully lick its companion’s sweet flesh. The precum on the tip of his penis felt salty. Warm. And the musky smell of love arousing his nostrils.

  That was enough to make him come.

  His baby was whimpering softly as Sekishi engulfed Mirui’s whole rod into his mouth. Sucking it profusely. Giving the poor drained boy a deep throat every now and then.

  Finally, Mirui accidentally screamed out as he reached orgasm.

  Hiei took his mouth off Kurama’s rod and blinked. “What was that?” he asked, wiping off a trail of semen off his chin. Kurama smiled. “Mind your own business and turn around,” Kurama laughed playfully, patting Hiei’s round ass.

  Sekishi reached up to cover Mirui’s mouth. He climbed up and rubbed their erections together, kissing the blonde. Sekishi took his sweet time to grind their crotches together. Working towards making Mirui’s rod hard again.

  Didn’t took a long time. Mirui was hard again. Sekishi smiled and pulled Mirui up. He then pushed the boy down to his erection and was then being sucked.

  It was slow, steady but overall a firm powerful stimulation. The blonde’s saliva was an aphrodisiac. Sekishi closed his eyes, it hurts so badly. He needed it now!

  Without a warning, the redhead turned the blonde around and licked his puckered hole, dipping his tongue in the tight hole. Just as Mirui was moaning another impulse of ecstasy, Sekishi impaled his thick meat into Mirui, resulting another scream of pain and pleasure. “Seki… onegai…” Mirui whimpered.

  “Please what, baby?” Sekishi asked as he pushed his penis all the way into Mirui’s tight virgin human ass. “Please… h…harder… f…faster…” his words were blurry with the pounding and the rubbing on the insides of his walls.

  Sekishi hugged his lover tighter and increased his speed, biting the blonde’s smooth back, marking his human self as his. Forever.

  Mirui buried his head in the pillow, biting it so that he wouldn’t shout out his brains when Sekishi reached down to pump his swinging rod.

  It was then that he felt something gurgling in his testicles. It was a weird but an intense feeling as Sekishi pounded one last time with force into his lover and back out leaving a trail of warm liquid inside Mirui. A shocking electric impulse from his inner walls traveled up through his spine then back down to instruct his gurgling testicle to squirt as some hot liquid traveled at the speed of light shot out from his jerked penis.

  Both fell exhausted and drained on the bed.

  Both humans heaved up and down for dear life. The soft wind came through the window cooling the hot atmosphere. Suddenly a small Sakura flower flew in the window and landed on the bed. Mirui smile. “For luck,” he uttered softly. His voice was sweetly hoarse out of lethargy. Sekishi nodded and kissed his partner’s wet neck, pushing the wet strands of blonde hair off the supple neck.

  It was good to have their first love-making in Ningenkai at the rites of spring. In Youko Kurama’s house. In each other’s arms. Forever…

Owari… ^_^

Sorry it had to end here… ran out of ideas hahaha… Dedicated to everyone who wanted this fic (okay, you all can stop urging me for the ficcie now!) Thanx for all ur support! Ja! Minna o eien ni aishiteru!


Eien ni Yuu Yuu Hakusho!

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