The Tormented Heart of Flawless Beauty

Chapter 4

A fanfic by Bulma Briefs

  Hiei woke up with his head fully conscious. He looked around and frowned. Yukina, Yuusuke and were still up and Genkai also came back to watch Kurama's body. Kurama's cold body.

  Then he suddenly got up. "Where're you going, Hiei-san?" Yukina inquired. "Kurama's dead right?" he asked. She nodded somberly. "Then I'm going to get him back from Reikai," he said sturdily and walked to the door. "No, wait Hiei!" Genkai tried to stop him but he was too fast.

  "That boy, he never listens!" she gritted her teeth. "But at least now he cared, Baasan," Yukina smiled weakly. Genkai took a deep breath and nodded. Yuusuke was still stoned, his eyes glued on Kurama's hard body

  "Don't worry Kurama, I'll get you back and we'll live happily together!" Hiei exclaimed to thin air as he traveled at unimaginable speed to open a portal to Reikai.

  Reikai office was busy. In between those blue onis, there was a golden youko. A shy looking golden youko. He walked his way to the Reikai main offices, plain clueless. He stopped by the reception and was greeted by a fairly ugly oni. "May I help you?" asked the oni. The shy golden youko blinked and smiled sweetly. "Yes, I'm a messenger from Inari-sama. I need to see Koenma-sama regarding some issues of his importance," the golden youko explained.

  The oni checked something on the computer, then smiled. "He's free now, you can go. It's straight ahead on the left," it nodded. The golden youko smiled in gratitude as he bowed politely to the oni and walked away.

  Botan stopped on her way to Koenma's office and checked her book. She's free now, so she wanted to go see Koenma if she could do anything to help. When she closed her book and put it back in her Kimono, someone surpassed her steps. It was a golden youko.

  She frowned. What's a golden youko doing here to see Koenma? She cleared her throat and called. "Sumimasen?" she interrupted the graceful steps of the golden youko. :… Are all youkos so beautiful? …: she asked herself.

  The golden youko turned. Warm liquid golden eyes met her pink ones. "Did you call me?" the voice from the golden youko was subtle and sweet. Botan nodded. "Going to see Koenma-sama?" she asked. The youko nodded politely. Botan smiled. "Oh," she walked up to him and smiled. "I'm Botan, a ferry girl. Let's go see him together," without waiting for a response, she opened the door to Koenma's office.

  The golden youko looked around. The room was big and cold. "Come on," Botan called. The youko stepped in the office and sweatdropped when he found out that Koenma was just a toddler, stamping on papers.

  "Koenma-sama, someone's here to see you," Botan said flatly, her eyes twitching. How could the small god of death made no notice to a handsome beautiful youko standing in his office?

  Koenma looked up from the pile of papers and blinked. "A golden youko?" he asked. The golden youko nodded. "I am Inari-sama's messenger. I came regarding some issues of Youko Kurama," he said, then looked at Botan. Koenma smiled. "Oh, Kurama is it? It's okay, Botan is one of the 3 people who knows about it," he smiled, those big eyes turned into slits.

  "Give me 10 minutes to finish this stuffs," he excused himself and kept on stamping the remaining pile on his table which was diminishing from second to second.

  The golden youko nodded in comprehension and stepped forward. Botan studied the youko from next to Koenma. He was beautiful, as beautiful as Youko Kurama but in golden shade. His long tresses were made out of golden strands of hair. His nose was slender and perfectly shaped. His mouth was small and always carved in a warm smile. His eyes were the exact replicas of Youko Kurama's with gold lashes instead of silver. The body was an exact mold of Youko Kurama but with a yellow tunic rather than white. His tail was swaying gracefully from left to right.

  "Do all youkos have yellow sunshine eyes?" Botan suddenly asked. The youko blushed and looked at the floor. "Not really, only a few," he answered. "Why is that?" Botan asked, just to pass more time and add knowledge to satisfy her curiosity. "Youkos with gold eyes are of high levels and these breed of youkos are among the most beautiful, dependable and talented in the youko species," he explained.

  "So, Kurama is one of your good breeds?" she asked. The youko nodded. "The best. Silver youkos are in a higher level than golden ones," The youko said profusely. "Sou desu ka?" Botan smiled. "No wonder you're as beautiful as he is," she complimented the golden youko. He smiled shyly and blushed. "Thank you," he uttered softly.

  "Okay, okay… enough chit-chatting," Koenma smirked. He knew Botan was up to the golden youko. "So, what's this about having Kurama…" he stopped in mid-sentence as he heard some havoc raking outside. He narrowed his eyes and frowned. "Chotto matte," he said softly.

  Just as that sentence was finished, Koenma's office door was almost rammed down. There stood a very demanding looking koorime clad in black. "Hiei?" Botan blinked.

  The Jaganshi made his way slowly into office.

  "WHERE'S …"


   The angry koorime demanded, oblivious to anything else by the small god of death. Before Koenma could say anything, the golden youko opened his mouth. "He's with us," he started.

  Everyone looked at the golden youko. "He mustn't know! We already have the maximum 3 person in knowledge!" Koenma shouted. "And why mustn't I know?" Hiei demanded, going on the table, holding Koenma with a death grip.

  "This is what I am here to tell you about. Inari-sama had rescinded the rule of the 3 maximum people knowing about the rite," he paused for a while and took something from his tunic. It was a scroll and he unwound it. He took another deep breath and started reading. "I am here, behalf of Inari-sama to ask your favor to tell all of Kurama's friends and his lover, Hiei; that he is now under the protection of Inari-sama and will spend some time with his youko clan. His body is not to be discarded in any way possible because his soul will be returned to the body of Shuuichi Minamino, son of Shiori Minamino. Inari-sama will decide when Kurama will be returned and this will be reported to Koenma-sama for preparations. Thank you," the golden youko rewound the scroll and smiled.

  He looked at Hiei with the same warm eyes of Kurama. "Don't worry my friend, Kurama will be safe with us," he assured Hiei. Hiei let go of Koenma's collar and the small god of death fell on his chair.

 "My job here is done, permit me to return," the golden youko retraced his steps to the door. "Thank you, send my regards to Inari-sama," Koenma thanked the beautiful golden youko. "I will," he turned and smiled sweetly.

  Hiei blinked. "Wait!" he exclaimed. The golden youko paused. The small lover of Kurama looked pretty scary to him. How could Kurama cope up with such temper?

  Hiei ran to the golden youko. "Are you going to meet Kurama after this?" he asked. The golden youko blinked as he looked deep into the red gems of the one called Hiei. The boy suddenly looked beautiful to him, cute in a way. His expression was that of a small innocent child.

  Now he knows why Kurama was in love with him.

  The golden youko finally nodded. "Yes, he's staying with me," he smiled. Hiei wanted to tell him 'keep your hands off my Kurama' but then hesitated. "Can you do me a favor?" he requested, as soft and politely as he could manage. The youko nodded and knelt down because Hiei was just up to his waist. "What is it?" he asked.

  "Just tell Kurama I love him. And I promise to be the first one he sees when he wakes up," Hiei said softly into the golden youko's ear. He smiled and nodded. "I will, Hiei-san," he straightened up and patted his tunic. With that he closed the door behind him and returned to Makai.

  "Thank you, Koenma," with that Hiei disappeared as well.

  Hiei came back to Ningenkai and entered Kurama's room in Genkai's temple. Now everyone he knew was there. Yuusuke, Yukina, Genkai, Yuusuke's mum, Keiko, Shizuru, Kuwabara and Kirishima. He made his way to Kurama's body and knelt next to it.

  "He's coming back," a small smile was on his lips. "He is?" Yuusuke beamed. Everyone gave out an excited expression. Hiei nodded and leaned down to embrace Kurama's body. "When you wake up, I'll be the first thing you see, Kurama," he said as he closed his eyes, falling into slumber.
  "Hey, Hiei, don’t sleep yet!" Yuusuke frowned. "Let him," said a familiar voice. Kuwabara turned around. "Botan-chan!" he smiled. "I'll explain everything, let him sleep," she smiled.

  The door of the Throne Room opened. Inari looked up. "I had did as you said, Inari-sama. And Koenma-sama sends his regards to you," the golden youko uttered. Inari nodded. "THANK YOU. YOU MAY LEAVE AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO OUR GUEST," Inari spoke. The golden youko nodded. "Thank you, Inari-sama," with that he bowed and walked out of the chilly room.

  Kurama looked at the door when someone opened the door of the palace bedroom. He was to stay there for the whole time he was under Inari-sama's protection. "Hello," the golden youko greeted him. Kurama smiled. It was the golden youko that was staying next door. He was also messenger of Inari-sama.

  "How was your trip to Reikai, my fellow youko?" Kurama asked. "It's fine. Anyway, call me Mirui," he smiled. "Hello Beautiful Tears, nice to meet you," Kurama smiled. Mirui laughed. "Yeah, weird name isn't it?" he giggled. "No, it's beautiful," Kurama smiled.

  "Anyway, I came to tell you something," Mirui smiled. "What is it?" Kurama shifted position to get more comfortable. "When I went to Reikai, guess who I met?" he gleamed.

  "Koenma?" Kurama blinked. "Well, yes… but he's not who I meant," Mirui chuckled. "Botan?" Mirui chuckled again. "Yes, I met her… but she's also not the one who I meant," Mirui uttered. Kurama frowned. "Other than blue onis, I honestly have no idea about who you are thinking of," Kurama shrugged.

  "Hiei…" Mirui trailed off.

  Kurama looked at Mirui with widened eyes. "Hiei?" he echoed. "Yes, Hiei, your lover," he smiled. Kurama laughed. "He's not my lover," a tone of bitterness could be heard. "He's not?" Mirui frowned in confusion. Kurama shook his head. "Up for a stupid romance story?" Kurama asked. Mirui nodded.

  "Well, Hiei is a koorime and also a fire demon, a half-breed. He has very bad temper. Yes, I don't know why… I fell for him the instant I set eyes on him. And the best part was that he was trying to kill me then. But things happen and finally we were supposed to work together as Reikai Tanteis. So, as you can guess we're mostly together. I tried to hint him about my feelings but he just doesn't return it. I don't know if he ignores it, or he just hates me. Before this, I had a small fight with him, then I got blind, and he still has no reaction. So I guess he's just dense in these kind of things," Kurama shrugged.

  Mirui smiled. "Kurama-san… I think something had happened while you were dead," he beamed. "What?" Kurama asked. "I don't know but when I was in Reikai, trying to get that Koenma your news, suddenly there was some havoc outside his office, then the door burst open and an angry looking Hiei was standing right in the middle of it. He was so angry he nearly killed Koenma demanding to know where you are," he smiled. "Should have heard what he said. 'WHERE'S MY KURAMA?!'" Mirui giggled, trying to imitate what the angry fire demon uttered. Kurama frowned. "Is it?" he blinked. Mirui nodded. "I have to admit he's quite bad tempered. Honestly, he scared me outta my wits," Mirui giggled.

  Kurama nodded. "I understand," he uttered. "When I was about to leave, he came to me. Then I know why you were in love with him; he's so adorable! He came to me with such a cute and innocent face asking me for a favor," Mirui grinned.

  "He asked you a favor?" Kurama widened his eyes. Mirui nodded. "He said to tell you that he loves you and that he'll be the first one you see when you wake up," Mirui smiled. Kurama was dumbfounded; his jaw was hanging. "You don't believe me?" Mirui asked. Kurama shook his head. Mirui smiled. "I tell only the truth, You think Inari-sama's messenger would tell a lie?" He patted Kurama on the back.

  Kurama smiled and leaned forward for a hug from the golden youko. "This is the best news I've ever heard, Thanks Mirui!" Kurama exclaimed. Mirui nodded.

  "Ne, Kurama… I have to return. If Sekishi knows I'm not in bed when he returns, he'll get worried," Mirui smiled. "Red Arrow? Who's he?" Kurama asked. "He's the most gorgeous red youko in the 3 worlds, the Palace's Interior Designer and he happens to be married to me," Mirui smiled proudly. "You're married," Kurama stated. Mirui nodded and got off Kurama's bed. "Have a nice sleep! Tomorrow both of us will escort you around! Oyasumi!" Mirui giggled and waved animatedly to Kurama before leaving the room.

  Kurama blinked. "They're actually married… youkos inside here are actually married…" Kurama said to no one in particular. He frowned. "I thought youkos have a reputation to be a careless and carefree being, not tied to any commitment?" he pondered aloud in the empty room, or so he assumed.

  "Those are youkos living out in the wild," answered a slightly high tenor. Kurama looked around. "Who's there?" he asked, then his eyes darted to the bathroom door that suddenly opened. A red youko stood in between it, a small smile on his face. "Sekishi, at your service no da," the tall red youko smirked.

  "Sekishi? Mirui's Sekishi?" Kurama asked. Sekishi nodded. "But… but how did you came in?" Kurama asked, bewildered. "I was in here all day long, re-designing your bathroom… didn't you realize?" Sekishi looked at Kurama as if he would a fish in the aquarium.

  Kurama shook his head. "No, sorry… I didn't. Haven't been to the toilet for washing yet," he said shyly. Sekishi shrugged. "It's okay, I'm very quiet… anyway wanna come and see your new bathroom?" the red youko invited Kurama. Kurama nodded. "Whatever did you do to it, anyway?" Kurama asked, gracefully walking to the bathroom. "See for yourself," Sekishi smiled, making way for Kurama.

  The silver youko stood at the doorway and peeped inside. His bathroom was very different form what he saw earlier that day when he came in for morning wash. "Beautiful indeed," Kurama commented. Sekishi smiled proudly. "I am the Palace Interior Designer, Youko Sekishi. Anything you see inside the palace walls are done by my imagination and youryouku and some help by the construction youkos," he smiled.

  Kurama chuckled. "Very beautiful indeed," the silver youko emphasized. Sekishi nodded in agreement. "Anyway, what was that you told me about the wild youkos?" Kurama asked. Sekishi blinked. "Oh that. Well, you were wondering about youko reputation… so I just assumed that you wanted to know," Sekishi shrugged and walked to the door.

  "Where're you going?" Kurama asked. "Well, bed?" Sekishi smiled sarcastically. "Not telling me anymore about youko origin?" Kurama asked, a glint in his eyes. Sekishi looked at Kurama and blinked. "Sure," he got himself comfortable and sat on Kurama's bed.

  "What do you want to know?" Sekishi asked. "About youko's fairly bad reputation in the Makai," Kurama smiled weakly. "Oh… well… youko's living in the wild are rebellious and carefree and mostly crooks. As you know, it's youko's nature. But if you're a golden eyed youko and you're living in the Youko Imperial Palace and you're working under Inari-sama… I don't think such attitude would be appropriate," Sekishi explained. "That I can understand, but marriage?" Kurama blinked.

  "That's our way to prove ourselves worthy," the red youko glinted. "Worthy?" Kurama echoed. "Well, you see… marriage is a way to show your commitment to be bonded by another being. And when you're committed to another being, responsibility comes with it. And also, when you're married you don't go around and sleep with someone else; this keeps the relation full of trust and support. So you see. A married golden eyed youko who lives in the palace means a youko with responsibility, talent, beauty, trustworthy, committed, faithful and all other nice things," Sekishi almost blushed.

  "I feel like a slut," Kurama said, a sad tone in his voice. Sekishi chuckled. "Well, look here Kurama. You are a silver youko, the best and highest level among youkos. Maybe you are not that disciplined when you were living in the wilds. But now you live in the palace. With a few things here and there, you'll be better than any of us. And you'll be a perfect youko when you're married to Hiei," Sekishi grinned mischievously.

  "You know Hiei as well?" Kurama asked, his eyes in bewilderment. Sekishi laughed this time. "No one in the palace DOESN'T know about him. You were expected, we were all watching your progression before this. So, it's true that your death really kicked him in the guts," Sekishi smiled.

  Kurama blushed. "You don't know Hiei. He won't even bother to get bonded with me even if I wanted to," Kurama retorted carelessly. "Kurama, look… your Hiei is a forbidden child in the Makai. Abandoned and unloved before you. So you think when he found it, he won't treasure it? Treat him nice, you'll have a nice ending," Sekishi got up.

  "But why golden eyed youko?" Kurama asked. "Golden eyed youko are of best breeds. All the youkos in the palace have gold eyes," Sekishi answered. "I better get going now, don't want Mirui to get suspicious," he said playfully.

  Before Sekishi walked out the door, the silver youko stopped him. "Sekishi?" Kurama called. "Nani?" the red youko turned around. "Thank you," Kurama smiled in gratitude. "My pleasure. Anyway, I got the schedule for your tour and your stay for the week. Mirui and I will be taking care of your needs while you're here. Be up early tomorrow, oyasumi!" with that the door was shut.

On to Chapter 5
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