The Tormented Heart of Flawless Beauty

Chapter 7

A fanfic by Bulma Briefs

  Mirui traveled to Reikai once again. He was greeted by the oni guarding the gate and made his way to the reception. "Sumimasen," he said trying to get the oni's attention. The blue oni looked up and smiled. "Here to see Koenma-sama?" he asked. Mirui nodded. "Yes, please," Mirui answered.

  Suddenly he was bumped by something on his ass. "Ah, gomen… my oar… Hey! It's you!" The chirpy apology came from the blue hair ferry girl. Mirui nodded. "You can see Koenma-sama, he said to let you in any time," the blue oni told Mirui. Mirui nodded and uttered a thankful phrase.

  "Come, let's go see Koenma! Any news about Kurama?" Botan practically pulled the youko's hand out of his sockets.

  The door to Koenma's office burst open. "Koenma-sama!" exclaimed a shrilly voice. Koenma looked up from his papers and smiled. "Hello, golden youko. I was hoping you'd come soon," he smiled, putting down the stamps.

  Mirui ran an unconscious hand through his long golden mane. And reached into his tunic to get the scroll. He took a deep breath and started. "I came to tell you on behalf of Inari-sama that Kurama will be returned to you tomorrow, 4.15 am. I hope someone here could send a messenger down to Ningenkai to inform the people there that the necessities that is needed for the comeback ritual would be… the 3 person who knew about this at first, Kurama's lover, 3 bowls of rose petals and some spring water. The 3 person is to witness and reverse the process, Kurama's lover is to give the body of Shuuichi Minamino the ki needed for his soul to be transferred back into his body and also love to guide the soul to see his body. 3 bowls of rose petals are to be poured onto him before the ritual starts so the soul could sense the familiar scent of his body. Spring water is to wipe his face clean of any hot unwanted ki around his face. Thank you," Mirui rewound the scroll and put it back into his tunic.

  "Nice, pretty cool things," Botan commented. Mirui nodded. "My job here is done and I wish to return, thank you for your attention," Mirui uttered, Koenma put down the pen he was scribbling the important notes with and smiled. "Thank you, golden youko. I will see to it that this is done fast," Koenma smiled.

  Mirui bowed and walked out of the office. "He's so beautiful…" she cooed. Koenma shrugged and folded the paper. "You know what to do. Tell all of them," Koenma smiled. "But we need you as well, Koenma-sama," Botan blinked. "I'll come later. The important thing to do now is to get all the ingredients ready for the ritual and get everything perfect by 4 o'clock," Koenma told the ferry-girl. Botan nodded. "Hai!" with that she sped out of the office.

  The trip to Ningenkai took Botan less than a blink of an eye. She sat steadily on her oar as it sped towards the direction of the sacred temple.
  The temple was dark and silent. She landed swiftly on the ground and took a deep breath. Her steps were liquid motioned and quick. She knocked softly on Genkai's door. "Come in," she said gravely. "Genkai-shihan? It's me Botan," she beamed. "Come in, don't let the hot air out," Genkai told her. Botan nodded and slipped inside, shutting the door behind her.

 "Any news?" She asked. The ferry girl nodded in enthusiasm. "Good, it's painful to see Hiei like that," she smirked. "Like what?" Botan asked in puzzlement. "A small child who lost his mother and a sissy nanny all in one," She chortled. Botan smiled pleasantly. "We better phone everyone to come and read it aloud. Make it fast because there's some things we need to prepare before 4 am," Botan told the lady firmly.

  Genkai looked at the clock. 11.30 p.m. "There's still some time," she stood up. Her steps were fast and graceful towards the other side of the temple where Kurama's body lay with Botan following close behind.

  Genkai slid the door open and saw the fire demon sleeping under the covers with that dead body. "Hiei," she called. The light-sleeper woke up instantly when he heard his name being called. He looked at the door and saw Genkai and Botan. Their face was tight.

  His eyes were searching. "Get everyone here Hiei. Fast. Kurama's coming back," Botan announced. Hiei's eyed beamed and he nodded instantly.

  The fire demon slid on his cloak and wrapped his scarf around his neck. When he was at the door, the girl stopped him. "Be fast Hiei, we still need to gather some things," Botan told the koorime. Hiei nodded and flitted off.

  He first went to find Yuusuke. The fire demon tapped at the windowpane. Yuusuke frowned and looked sleepily at the window. The faint shadow of a spiky thing on the other side woke him up. "Hiei?" he uttered and got out of bed, scrambling to the window opening it clumsily.

  A gust of cold early winter air rushed in. "What's up?" Yuusuke asked. "K…Kurama, he's coming b…back. G…Get everyone," Hiei spoke with frayed breaths. His hands were trembling and his words were shaky. "Hiei, calm down!" Yuusuke hugged the boy. "It's going to be alright. I'm calling everyone," He guided the boy outside his room and knocked frantically at his mother's door. "Okufuro! I'm going to Genkai's temple! Kurama's coming back, come if you want!" Yuusuke informed his mother.

  There was a slight groan then a high-pitched shout. "KYAA!! I'm coming, I'm coming!" with that they could hear tumbling sounds inside. "Don't worry about her, she'll find her way there. Let's go find Kuwabara and the others," Yuusuke pulled the panicked Hiei. The poor koorime was panicked and excited that he couldn't walk properly. Yuusuke shook his head and put the fire demon on his back carrying him.

  They walked down the streets towards Kuwabara's residence in the cold weather. Yuusuke could feel Hiei's ragged breath hitting his ears. "Calm down Hiei, we'll get Kurama safely back," Yuusuke calmed down the koorime while running towards the entrance of Kuwabara's residence.

  "Kuwabaraa~!!" Yuusuke called, knocking chaotically on the poor door of the house. "Cominnnngggg~!" was the shriek-like answer from inside. Yuusuke waited two breaths until the tall orange hair boy opened the door.

  "Urameshi!? What the," Kuwabara was speechless. The sight of Yuusuke and a tattering Hiei on his back was frightening him. "Come to Genkai's temple! Kurama's coming back!" Yuusuke managed to utter in the cold. "B…but Hiei!" Kuwabara pointed at the shivering fire demon. "He's fine, he's just excited and panicked," Yuusuke smiled. Kuwabara nodded.

  "Oneechan!!! Kurama's coming back! Do you wanna come?" Kuwabara exclaimed in the house. "Really? Sure! Wait up!" was the excited answer. "Where're you going?" Kuwabara's father asked. "Ah? Oh, Genkai's temple…" the man nodded. "Have fun," he smirked before going upstairs to enjoy the night's sleep.

  A moment later, Shizuru bobbed down the stairs and redid her hat. "Let's go," she smiled. They nodded. "Oh poor thing, what happened?" Shizuru gestured towards the fire demon. "He's panicked," Kuwabara answered and walked away. "It's okay Hiei, Kurama's going to be fine," she assured him and closed the door, following them close.

  They met Atsuko at the long stairway to the hill where Genkai's temple was. "Q…quick," Hiei uttered. "Okay Hiei," Yuusuke nodded and ran his way up the stairs with the others catching up from behind.

  They headed straight to Kurama's room and found that Yukina, Botan and Genkai were already there. "Faster," Botan hushed and all of them entered the room. All of them entered and took their seat.

 "I'm here!" suddenly the door was slid open and a familiar person came in. "Keiko?" Yuusuke asked. "Yeah, I called her," Botan grinned.
  When all is settled, Botan looked at the clock. It's now 15 minutes past midnight. "Listen carefully. We have approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes to gather some things appropriate for the coming back ritual. For you all to have a better concept about the ritual fore-taking place, lemme read you all something. Listen carefully," Botan took out the paper Koenma gave her.

  She cleared her throat. "Inari-sama's messenger came with this message. He came behalf of Inari-sama to tell us that Kurama will be returned tomorrow, 4.15 am. That is just a few moments from now. the necessities that is needed for the comeback ritual would be… the 3 person who knew about this at first, that is Koenma-sama, Genkai-shihan and I myself. Kurama's lover that is Hiei…" Hiei flushed at the statement but kept himself steady. He couldn't afford to do any mistake in this.

  Botan resumed her reading. "… 3 bowls of rose petals and some spring water. The 3 person is to witness and reverse the process; Kurama's lover is to give the body of Shuuichi Minamino the ki needed for his soul to be transferred back into his body and also love to guide the soul to see his body. 3 bowls of rose petals are to be poured onto him before the ritual starts so the soul could sense the familiar scent of his body. Spring water is to wipe his face clean of any hot unwanted ki around his face," she announced. "That's all?" Yuusuke asked. Botan nodded. "Good, we need people to gather things. What was it again? The 3 person… etto… we have Genkai and Botan here, when's Keonma coming?" Yuusuke asked. "Before 4," Botan answered. Yuusuke nodded. "That perfect, we need Hiei. Hiei, are you ready to do it?" Yusuuke asked. The fire demon took a deep breath and nodded. "Fine, 3 bowls of rose petals?" Yuusuke looked around.

  "Yukina-chan, Botan-chan, Shizuru-san, Atsuko-san and I will find some roses," Keiko voiced. Yuusuke nodded. "Then you have you pluck the petals and put it in 3 bowls, understood?" Yuusuke asked. The girls nodded. "Let's go," Keiko motioned the girls and they disappeared out into the garden.
  "And now… some spring water," Yuusuke sighed. "I'll go myself," he smiled. "I'm going as well," Kuwabara insisted. Yuusuke nodded. "Me too," Hiei uttered. "No Hiei, you stay here," Yuusuke halted the fire demon. He was really unstable enough and too panicky to be outside now.

  "I want to!" he raised his voice. Yuusuke looked into those hard bloody orbs and sighed, giving in to the fire demon. "Okay, but stay close. I know where they still have spring water around. It's in the mountains behind the temple," Yuusuke suggested. They nodded.

  "Baasan?" Yuusuke called before leaving the room. She nodded. "I'll stay and watch him," she smiled. "Arigatou," the boy thanked her and walked out with the other two.

  Yuusuke lead the way into the dark forest. Time by time he turned around to check on Hiei. The too excited fire demon might collapse any time and he was one of the important assets to complete the ritual.

  They walked on for hours until they reached for the mountain where fresh spring water could be found.

  The girls gathered all of the roses in the garden until none was left. "I don't think this is enough," Shizuru commented looking at the roses in all of their hands. It barely reaches 30 stems. Maybe not even enough to fill a bowl.

  "Darn, these things happens," Atsuko sighed heavily, looking around. "Where else we could find roses at this time of the night?" Yukina asked anxiously. "The florists are all closed, if not, I could buy some," she let out a desperate sigh.

  "Why don't you try Kurama's rose bush?" Shizuru asked. "Rose bush?" Botan echoed. "Yes! His house!" Keiko exclaimed. They all nodded and ran out of the temple.

  "Are we there yet?" Kuwabara asked. Yuusuke paused and sniffed the air while listening to the forest. Hiei did the same. "It's straight ahead," Hiei and Yuusuke said simultaneously. Kuwabara smiled. "What are we waiting for?" he ran forward with the two following behind.

  They stopped when there was really a loud sound of water in the dark. "Where actually is it?" Kuwabara asked. Yuusuke looked around. But Hiei ripped off the ward covering his Jagan and opened the evil eyes, causing a bluish glow illuminating the area. "There!" all of them exclaimed in a tone and rushed, towards the spring.

  "SHIT!" suddenly Yuusuke exclaimed. "What is it?" Kuwabara asked. "We have nothing to fill the water with!" Yuusuke gritted his teeth. Hiei smiled and took out a small plastic container from under his cloak. "Where did you get that?" Yuusuke looked carefully at the container and realized it has chocolates inside.

  "There's chocolates inside, Hiei! What're we to do with it?" Yuusuke frowned. "Eat it," Hiei smiled and unscrew the cap, taking the chocolates out. He gave some to Kuwabara and Yuusuke. "Umm… nice chocolates Hiei, where did you get it?" Kuwabara asked. "Kurama gave it to me," Hiei answered most truthfully. "Ah, love chocolates," Yuusuke teased. Hiei blushed and stuffed his own mouth with those yummy chocolates.

  When they finish stuffing themselves with chocolates, Hiei knelt down and let the spring water enter the container. When it's full, he took it out and screwed back the cover. "Done," he smiled. Yuusuke and Kuwabara nodded. "Let's head back, he have not much time," Yuusuke spoke.

  "Don't be too loud. Is it enough?" Keiko asked. Botan looked at the roses and nodded. "I hope so, Kurama's mother would be screaming when she sees her bold rosebush tomorrow," Botan grinned. "Let's get going and peel the petals off, we haven't much time," Shizuru noted, looking at her watch. They all nodded and headed back towards the temple.

  Took them some time as they were practically tired. When they reached the room it was already 3 a.m. "Here's the 3 bowls," Botan came with three 9 inches in diameter glass bowls. "No time to loose, let's get to work minna-san," Yukina-san sat down with a determined expression on her face. All agreed and sat, starting to pluck the petals.

  Moments later, the boys came back. "We got the water!" Kuwabara exclaimed. "Good, now help us with these roses," Keiko ordered. The three boys sat and helped with the 3rd bowl.

  When all is ready, the useless stems and leaves were packed and put outside. Yuusuke took a deep breath as Hiei poured the spring water into an identical bowl as the roses.

  "It's nearly four," Genkai announced. Everyone glanced at the clock on the wall. Then there was a knock outside. "Koenma-sama!" Botan exclaimed. The small god of death had arrived in the normal teenager form of his.

  "We have approximately 30 more minutes," he said, a smile on his face. "I have sent Hinageshi to guide Kurama's spirit back to Ningenkai," Yuusuke nodded. "Hiei, do you want to do it?" Yuusuke asked. "Do what?" Hiei blinked. Yuusuke handed Hiei the bowl of spring water and a clean towel. Hiei nodded and crawled next to Kurama's cold body. Yuusuke handed Hiei the bowl and the fire demon put the towel inside. He wrung the towel damp and wiped it across Kurama's face. Slowly with all the gentleness and passion he could afford.
  It took him 5 minutes or so to do the face cleansing. When he was finally finished, they could actually see Kurama's face glow luminously, a faint reddish blush colored his cheeks.

 "Girls, put the rose petals all over Kurama," Yuusuke told them. They nodded and did as told, putting the petals luxuriously all over the beautiful boy.

  Yuusuke turned to Hiei. "Do you know how to actually kiss Kurama?" Yuusuke asked. Hiei blinked and nodded. "I meant kiss as in really kiss," he cleared his question. Hiei had never been kissed by anyone in his life and he wasn't even sure what to do.

  Yuusuke sighed. "You're hopeless," he noted casually, pulling the boy close. "You put your lips against his and poke inside to find his tongue," Yuusuke said and closed the space between himself and Hiei, demonstrating. It was necessary considering how dense Hiei was.

  The boy then slipped his tongue into the fire demon's mouth and tasted his chocolatey sweet saliva. :… Boy. Kurama's going to enjoy this …: Yuusuke thought to himself.

  The boy broke the kiss and looked at Hiei seriously. "Understand?" Yuusuke asked. Hiei nodded slowly. "Do it with passion, remember. Your kiss is like the bridge for Kurama's soul to come back down into his body because your youki made a passage for him BUT your love is the one that make Kurama see his body to realize it is here for him to enter. Do you understand?" Hiei bit his lips and nodded. Yuusuke smiled. "It's okay, I have faith in you," Yuusuke smiled.

  The girls finished with the rose petals and went to seat a little bit to the back to allow air for the redhead's body. "We have another 15 minutes," Koenma announced. "Is all ready?" he asked. All of them nodded. "Hai!"

On to Chapter 8
Back to the Hallway of The Tormented Heart of Flawless Beauty
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