Standard disclaimers apply. Thanks to Yoshihiro Togashi for coming up with these 
magnificent characters. None of these are mine, not the characters obviously. Don’t sue 
me… no money… not making money… just sharing a piece of my brains with everyone. ^_^; 

Storyline might be bad, and grammar might be wrong… hey whaddaya expect from a 16 
year old fan? Haha… alright… enough with rambling and babbling… 

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs


A Shattered Koorime Heart
Part One				

	"Shuu-chan, dinner is ready!" said Shiori knocking at Kurama’s 
door. "Em, hai kaasan. Kite yo!" replied Kurama, buttoning up his 
shirt. Everyone was on the table, ready to eat. 

	"Ano Shuuichi, I got free tickets to go to Hawaii. Do you wanna 
come?" he asked the red head who was just stuffing his first mouthful 
of rice. "Em?" he widened his eyes. "Hawaii?"

	Shiori smiled and nodded. Kurama frowned then smile, he wanted 
his mother and his step father to have a good time there, alone. Maybe 
a honey moon or what so ever. "Never mind, you guys go and have fun. I 
won’t want to spoil your vacation," replied Kurama. Shiori sighed. 
"Shuu-chan, you won’t spoil our vacation. It would be nice to have you 
around," said Shiori. 

	Kurama closed his eyes and smiled. "Kaasan, you go and have fun. 
I need to study harder. Besides, I will be having my exams right after 
this holiday," Kurama reasoned :… and the Reikai Tantei job needs me, 
and Hiei …: he continued in his head.

Shiori smiled. "Sou ka? Okay then," said Shiori resuming to eat 
her share of dinner.

"Anyway, when are you going?" asked Kurama, pausing to take a sip 
of water. "Tomorrow, it’s going to be for two weeks," said Mr. Hatanaka. 
:… TWO WEEKS? I can’t leave here for two weeks! Thank Inari 
I’m not going …: Kurama noted mentally.

	"Ahh… have fun then," he told his parents. "So, can you send us 
to the air-port tomorrow, Shuu-chan?" asked Shiori. "Mochiron," said 

	Suddenly the phone rang. "Sumimasen," Kurama excused himself. 
"Moshi-moshi," he answered the phone.

"Ano, Kurama ka?" asked the familiar voice in the phone.

"Hai, Kuwabara-kun. Dooshite?"

"Ano, Yuusuke told me to ask you if you want to come to Yuusuke’s 
so called party tomorrow?"

"When is it?"


"Ah, Gomen nasai. I have to send my parents to the air-port. 
Anyway what party is that?," reasoned Kurama.

"I don’t know. Oh, so it means you and Hiei won’t come," sighed 

"No, only I am sending my parents. Hiei would probably be 
somewhere around. What about trying to ask him?" suggested Kurama. 

"Haha! Asking that shrimp to come to a social party? I think he’d 
rather kiss me instead," then a steady stream of tears come down from 
Kuwabara’s eyes, trying to contain his laugh. Imagine Hiei coming to a 
party without Kurama. 

"Ano, who knows?" said Kurama. 

"Haha, I won’t waste time. Well, if you ever see him before 
tomorrow then you tell him, Bye," with that Kuwabara hung up.

"Matte!" exclaimed Kurama, but Kuwabara was already off-line.

"Donata desu ka?" asked Shiori. Kurama smiled. "Kuwabara-kun, 
kaasan. He was asking me about some home-works," lied Kurama.

Soon, Kurama excused himself after helping Shiori clean up the 
table. He changed into his pyjamas and walked over to the window. 
Opening it, he breathed in the fresh cool night air. Leaving it open, 
he settled down to start on his homework. 	

	Kurama looked up from his homework as he heard something. He went
to his opened window to inspect it. :… Can’t be Hiei. I can’t feel his 
youki …:  

	Kurama scanned the ground near his side. Looking downwards, he 
saw a figure. Something had rammed his rosebush and practically lying 
uncomfortably on it. :… Ouch, who would have the slightest idea of 
sleeping on my thorny rose bush? …: he thought and leaped out the 
window to the figure.

	The tiny figure was moaning in pain. Kurama sighed and carried it 
up to his room using the window again. Placing the injured creature on 
his futon, he went over to his closet to take the first-aid kit. It was 
a girl and the rose bush was causing more damage than it was 
originally. Kurama cleaned off the wounds and tried to give some youki 
to help the wounds heal.

After treating the wounds, he saw the tiny figure shiver. :… Ah, 
samui ne? … he went over to the window and closed it, forgotten 
that Hiei might be coming. After that, he went to resume on his 
homework.   :… She needs rest. When she wakes up, I’ll ask her what 
happen …:

Hiei flitted from tree to tree. He stopped at the tree near 
Kurama’s room. There’s a faint qi. It’s not Kurama’s. :… Who would 
visit his fox in the middle of the night like this? …: he wondered. 
Then he realised the closed window. :… Kh, the fox closed the window …: 
he snorted. 

Hiei opened the window quietly and sat on the sill with his usual 
pose. One knee up to his chest and the other dangling over the window. 
Kurama was too busy to find out the formula that he didn’t realise that 
the koorime had slipped in his room. feeling suddenly cold, he frowned. 
:… I thought that I had closed the window …: he stood and turned. 
"Hiei!" he exclaimed softly. "Hn," was the only answer.

Kurama went excitedly to Hiei, he held his shoulders. "Ano Hiei, 
my parents will be going to Hawaii tomorrow! Can you stay here with me 
for two weeks?" asked Kurama, a cheerful bright expression was all over 
his face. 

Hiei looked away. Kurama arched his brow in confusion. "Why ask 
me? Three is a crowd," was the only answer from the fire demon. "Hiei," 
then Kurama remembered the girl on his futon. Hiei was going to go away 
when Kurama grabbed his wrist tight enough to not let him to. "Hiei, 
she is injured in my backyard. I took her to treat her wounds. I don’t 
even know her. She’ll be gone by tomorrow," Kurama told Hiei. Hiei 
looked at his best friend. He wriggled his hand off Kurama’s grip and 
flitted away.

"Hiei, matte!" exclaimed Kurama, but he couldn’t even see Hiei's 
shadow. It was blended too well in the darkness.

Suddenly a moan was heard. The girl woke up, probably because of 
Kurama shouting just now.

Kurama turned at her. "Ah, you’re awake," he tried his best to 
give the girl his best bright smile. "Emm… where am I?" she asked, 
looking at her treated wounds. "You’re in my room. You landed in my 
rose bush from nowhere," Kurama told her, pouring a glass of water for 

"Em, doumo," she took the glass of water. "Who were you calling 
just now?" she asked. Kurama blushed, was he that loud. :… I’m sure I 
sound pathetic …: a voice told him. Then he blinked. :… With Hiei, nothing 
is pathetic …: another voice protested. Kurama agreed with the 
second one. "Em, my friend," he told her. The girl nodded. 

"You can stay in my room. Tomorrow, I have to send my parents to 
the air-port. Make it like your own home," said Kurama, putting a futon 
on his floor and switched off the lights. "Oyasuminasai," he uttered 
and slept. The girl frowned at the odd cute boy who is now sleeping. 
She shrugged and slept out of tiredness.

The next day after sending his parents to the air-port, Kurama 
thought that the girl would probably be gone. But…

"Ah, Shuuichi-kun! Okaeri," she greeted Kurama. She was sitting 
on his desk munching on a sandwich. "Em? Hai, doumo," he uttered, 
putting his school bag somewhere near his desk. "How you know my name?" 
asked Kurama. "It’s all written on your books, Minamino-kun," she 
answered. Kurama smiled. 

Suddenly Hiei dropped by at the sill. "Kh," he snorted and turned 
to leave. Kurama nearly didn’t caught him if he wasn’t fast enough. 
"Matte Hiei," Kurama exclaimed. "You lied fox. You said she’ll be gone 
today, let me go," Hiei said, barely audible. "No, Hiei," with that 
Kurama pulled him in. He shut the window behind him. 

"Now, let’s settle this up," noted Kurama. "Ok girl, what’s your 
name? I don’t even know it," asked Kurama. "Em? Atashi wa Yukiko," said 
the girl. "Ok, Yukiko, this is Hiei. My best friend, or maybe more than 
friend. Ok satisfied, Hiei?" asked Kurama. Hiei turned his back on 
them. "Your speech stinks, Kurama," he complained. Kurama rolled his 
eyes. "Obviously he doesn’t like me," said Yukiko. "Good thing your 
brain is still working," said Hiei. "Hiei," sighed Kurama. Yukiko 
raised her brows. "Kurama, your friend stinks! I mean, really stinks! 
His attitude especially. And he…," Kurama put a finger on his lips, 
cold sweat was all over his face. A silent plea to Yukiko, asking her 
to shut up.

Hiei looked at her. "And who do you think you are? I bet you’re 
just a stupid bitch who goes around every guy’s house and fuck the hell 
out of them," a definitely rude statement thrown to Yukiko by Hiei. 

"Hiei!" Kurama slapped Hiei hard. "She’s my guest! And if you 
keep acting like this… I’ll… I’ll…," Kurama paused. He hadn’t realised 
that he’d just slapped Hiei, quite hard. 

Hiei snarled. He turned around and smashed the closed window, 
making his way through. A few deep lines managed to form as the 
window’s broken glass cut his fine smooth skin. :… How dare she! How 
dare Kurama! She was practically humiliating me and what did he do? He 
slapped me! Kurama no baka! …: Hiei uttered bitterly in his mind.

He rushed towards the window to call Hiei back, but obviously 
that won’t work. "Inari… what have I done," sighed Kurama. "Ano, gomen 
Kurama. I didn’t knew… I’m sorry," apologised Yukiko. "No, it’s not 
your fault. It’s me," Kurama told her, sitting on his bed. 

To Be continued … ^_^

Wahaha! Another fic from a YYH otaku! Critics and corrections and death 
threats please! Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu for reading! 

* Special thanks to Siew Lee for her inspiration!*
Bulma Briefs