Let's do the Disclaimer dance!!! *Ripped this off Kit-koi's quote!* Our 
favourite manga-ka Yoshihiro Togashi sama is responsible for most of 
the characters in this story. Other extras are just a passing image in 
my mind, Just use your imagination and imagine them whatever you like! 

Yaoi? June? Shonen-ai? Uke Seme? Slash? You guess! Yep! It's all here! 
No lemon scenes though. Umm… there is. It's the last part. But then 
again, I love to remind you that this story stands perfectly on it's 
own without the supportive LEMON scene. It's only for demented people 
like me. In General, it goes… 5 chapters + 1 LEMON chapter. Wakatta ne?

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs


		The Way Destiny Talks, Is The Way We Obey.
 	               (A Triangle's Love Story)

 				Chapter 3

	"… and that's when Napoleon started to attack… mm… Hatanaka, what 
are you looking at?" asked the history teacher. But Shuuichi was still 
in his own world. Valentine's Day was getting pretty close and he 
wanted to get something special for Hiei. The teacher sighed and went 
over to the dazed boy. Shuuichi Hatanaka used to be one of the school's 
delinquents. But now he heard that the boy had stopped smoking and all. 
Maybe because of the influence that his step-brother have over him.

	Shuuichi looked away from the window when something that looked 
like a shadow hovered over him. He looked dazedly at the teacher. A 
blank expression. "Shuuichi Hatanaka, please give me Napoleon's full 
name," the history teacher demanded, controlling his temper. "It's 
early spring, sensei. Everything seems alive. Birds are chirping 
happily… and did you see the small baby blooms on that Sakura tree?" 
Shuuichi pointed at the direction of the big cherry blossom tree near 
the school gate.

	Everyone laughed. The teacher nearly flipped over…

	"Yes, I did. Now can you please…" he was cut when Shuuichi 
decided to talk again. "What are you getting your wife this Valentine's 
Day? I'm getting Hiei something special… what you think he'll like?" 
Shuuichi turned back his gaze out to the window.

	"Shuuichi Hatanaka!!!"


 	The next thing he knew was that he was in front of the principle, 
who's giving him a two hours lecture.


 	Four of them were at Genkai's temple later that evening. "Ehhrm… 
can you please… ouch… Kuwabara!" Kurama winced, the cut on his arm was 
deep. The youkai that they were to capture just now was neatly locking 
Kurama as his target. "Ano, Genkai baasan… I just can't do this!" 
Kuwabara complained. He was trying to dress up Kurama's wound from just 
now. But his clumsy big hands just can't do it nicely, it kept hurting 
Kurama. Good thing the redhead was a patient person. If it was either 
Yuusuke or Hiei, Kuwabara might be beaten into a pulp by now. "You have 
to, what if everyone's hurt and they're counting on you to close up 
their wounds?!" The old lady grumbled. 

 	Kuwabara was a lousy nurse. It's not that he's bad or what, he 
just kept applying too much pressure in tying the bandages. Causing it  
to be too tight and stopping the blood flow. Kurama was going to turn 
blue if someone else didn't come and help him. 

 	"Stupid lousy moron," Hiei uttered and pushed the big guy away. 
"What? You shrimp!" Kuwabara exclaimed. "I'm not letting you kill 
Kurama with your lousy handy-craft! He's hurt for god's sake!" Hiei 
retorted. Kuwabara didn't mean to make Hiei that angry. Maybe Hiei's 
right. Kurama was turning blue. 

 	Hiei finished tying the bandages. Genkai smiled. "Hiei still ties 
the best bandages," she teased. "Hn," Hiei snorted and sat next to 
Kurama. "Anyway, what happened to the youkai?" asked Genkai. Yuusuke  
smirked. "He was too engrossed in getting Kurama cut into pieces that I 
blasted him off to oblivion," he said proudly. 

 	"Tea, everyone," said a sweet mellow voice. "Yukina-chan! Suwaru! 
Suwaru kudasai yo!" Kuwabara put a nice white cushion pillow next to 
him and patted it, a signal for Yukina to sit. She smiled and sat next 
to him after pouring everyone tea. 

 	Genkai rummaged through the cupboard and came up with a small 
bottle containing a pinkish liquid with a slight luminescence glow. 
"What's that?" asked Kuwabara pointing at it. Genkai handed it to Hiei. 
"Hiei, help Kurama with it. I already asked Yukina to heat up some 
water," Hiei looked at Kurama, then at Genkai. "What are you waiting 
for? Kurama's wound to septic? Go now!" Genkai blinked and shook her 
head. Hiei sighed and helped the very injured Kurama up. 

 	After both had left the room, Yuusuke blinked at Genkai. "You 
asked Hiei to bathe Kurama?" he inquired. "Who else? I don't trust you, 
Kuwabara would certainly no do it, I'm a woman, Yukina's a girl," 
Genkai reasoned. Yuusuke smiled. "And I thought you had something 
behind that idea," he giggled. Genkai gave them a mischievous smile. 
"Well… if they knew how to take advantage, it was meant to… haha," she 
laughed. Everyone sweat dropped. "Genkai no baka," uttered Yuusuke.

 	"Kurama's not that kind of a person," retorted Kuwabara. Yuusuke 
shrugged. "Let's look at the time and keep track of it. It it's over 20 
minutes…" Yuusuke continued it with a shriek laughter. 

 	Kurama looked at the tub which was filled with warm steaming 
water. "A nice traditional bath! What a surprise," he winced as Hiei 
pinched his arm. "Get into the water quickly. I don't have a lot of 
time to waste," he muttered. Kurama pouted and started on his clothes. 
"Turn around. No peeking, Hiei," he teased the boy. Hiei rolled his 
eyes. "Can you just get on with it?" Hiei mumbled, turning around. 

 	Kurama put his clothes on Hiei and put up his hair. Slowly, he 
dipped himself into the steaming tub. "Mmm… nice… want to join me, 
Hiei?" Kurama asked with big puppy eyes. Hiei shook his head and 
crouched next to the tub. 

 	Hiei looked at Kurama's back. It was full of scratches and burns. 
"Aren't you suppose to be in real pain here?" Hiei frowned as he 
carefully put warm water on the wound. "Well, I tossed a few painkiller 
herbs in my mouth before Kuwabara did anything. I can still feel the 
pain though," Kurama turned and smiled at Hiei. 

 	Hiei began cleaning the other parts after he was convinced that 
Kurama's wound on his back was clean. "Wonder why Genkai-baasan told 
you to bathe me?" Kurama pondered aloud. Hiei's hand stopped on 
Kurama's stomach when he popped that idea up. "How should I know," he 
resumed his cleaning. A slight blush could be seen on Hiei's cheeks.

 	Kurama smirked and tried to look at Hiei's eyes. "I wonder," Hiei 
rolled his eyes. The fox was seducing him. He knew it, but he just kept 
his cool.

 	A few moments after that, the water had turned rather cold and 
bloody. Hiei helped Kurama up and drained the water. He then applied 
the pink coloured luminescence gel on Kurama's wounds. Instantly, the 
burns disappeared and the cuts became finer.   

 	Hiei gave Kurama the blue coloured robe. He let down his hair and 
brushed it into place with his hand. "Thank you, Hiei," he smiled. 

 	They appeared back into the living room. Kuwabara looked at his 
watch. "15 minutes?" he asked. Genkai and Yuusuke shrugged, Yukina was 
only letting out small giggles. "What 15 minutes?" asked Kurama as he 
slid the door to close it. Hiei glared at them, daring them to speak.

 	"Oh, nan de mo nai… ahaha," he laughed. "Told you," Kuwabara 
rolled his eyes. Hiei got up. "I have no time to fool around with you 
idiots," he muttered and opened the door. The door was closed after 
that and Hiei disappeared. 

 	Shuuichi looked in his brother's room. It was empty. No one was 
in. He shrugged and walked in, scanning through Kurama's book-shelf. He 
wanted to get a book about History that his teacher decided to make him 
do a test tomorrow.

 	His eyes narrowed at a book. It was as if attracting his 
attention. The more he looked away from it, the more it lured his 
attention back at it.

 	Finally, he took the book and looked at it. It looked kind of old 
but the golden wire frame was still fresh looking. :… Omoshiroi …: He 
grinned and opened it up. Most of the book's contents were in ancient 
Japanese words. Some were words that didn't even make sense to him. 

 	He scanned for a few words that he understood. The title was 
something about Makai, Reikai and Ningenkai. He flipped through the 
pages and saw something about the five elements. Earth, Water, Fire, 
Wind and Sky. Then something else attracted his eyes. Mushiyori-sei. 

 	Mushiyori-sei was the name of the town they were staying at. He 
read further and found out that it was telling the story about the 
Mushiyori-sei's cemetery. It was once the gate that joined Makai and 
Ningenkai but was sealed away by some powerful spells made from Reiki 
and Youki.

 	It was said that if you perform an occult ritual on one of the 
tombstones, your wish would be granted as one of the youkai from the 
other world would help you out.

 	Shuuichi snorted at the statement. :… Nonsense …: But then, he 
looked around the room. "Granting your wish…?" he echoed. Without 
thinking twice, he took the book and went out of the room.


 	"Oi! Hayai yo! The sensei is very angry!" exclaimed the class 
monitor, Tasaka. "Hayai! Hayai!"

 	Kurama sighed. He had just came to the locker room from the 
English class. Teacher asked him to stay to congratulate his essay and 
wished for it to be printed in the school's yearbook. Everyone had 
already gone to the field by now.

 	Tasaka walked over to him. "Oi, Minamino. Hayai! The sensei is 
very angry… If you're punished to run around the field 10 times it's 
not my fault," he threatened. "Okay, okay…" Kurama slipped on his 
boxers and blinked as it was Shuuichi's one he had took. Of course it 
was super-short. 

 	"Shimatta! This is Shuuichi's!" he exclaimed. Kurama looked 
around in the locker again, not a shadow of his own boxers. Tasaka was 
already giving him death glares. He sighed and shut his locker.

 	"One, two, three, four… one, two, three, four… Come one! Keep it 
up… you'll end up like pigs if you keep running like one!" he shouted 
and kept blowing the whistle. The Physical Education teacher was 
yelling at the top of his lungs.

 	Kurama and Tasaka ran up to him. He turned and snorted. 
"Minamino! You're late!" he exclaimed, but then looked at his super-
short boxers. He smiled. "I… I… mistakenly took my brother's one, sir. 
Gomen," he apologised. The teacher smiled and shook his head. "I'll 
write a report about you. Go and join the girls running. That's your 
punishment! Go now! Go, go, go!" hushed the P.E teacher. "Nani? Demo…" 
he glared at him, didn't even gave him a chance to explain.

 	Kurama sighed and bit his lips. He walked over to the girls side. 
"Minamino! Run!" he could hear that old bag of bones yell at him. With 
a super red face and a super short boxers, he joined the girls line. 

 	"My god… look at his gorgeous legs," sighed a girl. And a few 
other whispers could be heard. His hair which was already tied in a 
ponytail bounced to the left, then to the right. "Minamino, your 
ponytail is so kawaii!!" exclaimed a girl and ran past him. He grew 
even redder.

 	:… Shuuichi! I'm going to get you for this! …: he bit his lips.

 	A few minutes after that(and a few pounds lost later), Kurama sat 
on the guys side to cool down. The others patted his back soundly as if 
to say 'be-strong'.

 	"Minamino, you're suppose to sit there," the sensei pointed at 
the girls side, but his eyes were fixed on his flawless legs. A few 
shrilly giggles could be heard. Kurama bit his lips and got up, walking 
to the other side. A few girls shifted nearer to Kurama and giggled 

 	"Now, get yourself a team each. You are going to fight in a 
basketball game. And Minamino, you're still with the girls," he 
reminded him, then he turned around and threw them the ball.

 	"Now, let Minamino-san be the captain!" said a girl. She's kind 
of the bossy type which would LOVE to order people around. Normally the 
girls will be reluctant to follow her ideas, but…

 	Game ended. Minamino-team won. 39-37.

 	"Minamino! You're showing off aren't you?" teased a boy in the 
shower. Kurama rolled his eyes and smiled. "Oi, Minamino! faster! I… I… 
I can't stand it anymore!! Please…" exclaimed a boy outside the shower 
door. Kurama opened it and peeped outside. "Nani?" he asked. The boy 
was clutching his crotch and jumping up and down. "I want to pee," he 
whispered. Kurama nodded and stepped aside. The boy let out his waste 
and sighed. "I almost leaked out there," he laughed. 

 	When he turned around, he caught a glimpse of Kurama's… umm… 
hehe… but the redhead was able to stop him for feasting his eyes more 
by pushing him out of the cubicle.

 	Kurama stepped out of the shower after wrapping himself up in a towel. A few guys stood next to him. "What?" he asked. "Your legs are 
gorgeous," one of them told Kurama. "Umm… thank you," he smiled and got 
into his uniform pants. 

 	Suddenly a few guys pushed him and pinned him on the wall. 
"You're such a pretty boy… I've been looking at you for some time now," 
his hands started to unzip Kurama's pants. "Yamero," Kurama gritted his 
teeth. He can't do anything, he was pinned to the wall by four people 
and this guy was…

 	Then suddenly the boy was gone. Kurama opened his eyes and saw 
Koji beating him up. "You son of a bitch! You don't go around and rape 
people in school!" he gave the boy a big punch. The boy kneeled and 
begged for forgiveness. "Gomen, Koji-san. I was…" Koji shook his head. 
"If I catch you another time doing things to people I know, you're 
dead!" The boy nodded and walked away with his gang of friends.

 	Yuu Kaito came up to Kurama. "You okay?" he asked. Kurama nodded. 
he patted Kurama's back. "Why didn't you use your powers?" he asked in 
a whisper. Kurama shook his head. "It'll be too obvious. Don't want to 
cause a big commotion," he smiled and put on his top.

 	Yuu Kaito shook his head. "I can never understand how your brain 
works. Maybe you should be more aware of your clothing next time," he 

 	"Oi, I didn't knew Shuuichi changed my boxers," he laughed. 

 	"Oi, you free tonight?" Shuuichi caught up with a friend of his. 
He nodded. "Yeah, why?" Shuuichi smiled. "Call two more of our friends. 
We're going to the cemetery tonite," he gave the boy a mischievous 
glare. "What are you going to do? I'm not going into a cemetery!" he 
exclaimed. Shuuichi rolled his eyes. "There's nothing to be scared 
about! It's just for fun. We're going to perform a little ritual there. 
I'm asking for some help," Shuuichi grinned.

 	The boy sighed. "You ask help from god. Not from a dead person!" 
he exclaimed. "Shhh! Don't be too loud!" Shuuichi slapped his friend's 
back playfully. 

 	"I'm still not going… I… I have a dinner with family tonight," he 
lied. Shuuichi sighed. "Well, if you're not going… then I'll go alone," 
he stomped off. "Hatanaka! Matte! It's dangerous!" he exclaimed, but 
Shuuichi kept waking away.


 	Kurama opened the door. It was silent. :… What a lousy Friday! …: 
he sighed, closing the door. The house was empty. Suddenly someone came 
out of the kitchen. Kurama gave a small smile. "Hiei," he called out. 
Hiei walked towards Kurama and looked at him. "You have somekind of a 
problem?" he inquired the fox. 

 	"Nah, just had a bad day in school," they sat together on the 
sofa. Kurama held Hiei close. "It was such an embarrassment. How could 
he do that to me?" he sighed into Hiei's hair. Hiei listened. "Who did 
what to you?" he asked. Kurama shook his head and hugged Hiei even 
tighter. "What would I ever do without you?" he asked. Hiei smiled. "I 
dunno," he tried to look into Kurama's eyes. "Anyway, what ever were 
you doing in the kitchen?" Kurama asked, Hiei smirked. "Ice cream. Home 
made Makai brand ice-cream," he grinned. Kurama got up. "I have to at 
least take a peep," he chuckled. "Nope, it's not ready. I'll give it to 
ya when it's done. For now, go do something else," he told the fox. 
Kurama shrugged. 

 	Suddenly the door opened. Shuuichi appeared at the entrance. 
"Hiya," he greeted them and walked past them. Kurama narrowed his eyes 
at him. "Shuu-kun," he called. Shuuichi stopped his tracks. "Nani?" he 
asked. "Did you take my boxers?" he asked. Shuuichi smiled. "Yeah, but 
I exchanged it with mine. I put it in the drawer," he said. "I know, 
why didn't you tell me?" Kurama uttered. "Well, I thought I can return 
it after this. Then, you don't have to know," he answered. "You know 
what? I accidentally took it to school today and was the laughing stock 
in the P.E class," he raised his voice. "You? laughing stock?" Shuuichi 
echoed. Hiei watched all this in silence. 

 	"All those girls were drooling upon my legs and the guys were… 
even the teacher can't get his filthy eyes off my legs!" Kurama's eyes 
were already watery. "Hey, big deal," Shuuichi frowned. "Big deal? I 
was forced to run in the girl's line and sit with the girls. And some 
more, I was nearly raped in the locker room, did you know that? Five 
people waiting for their turn to feast on me, you're saying that's not 
a big deal?" Kurama gritted his teeth as a few pearls of tears rolled 
down his rosy cheeks. He turned and walked away. 

 	Hiei looked at Shuuichi. Then at Kurama who's already closing the 
door to his room. Hiei kept his silence and walked to the door. He 
opened and got into Kurama's room, locking it from the inside. 

 	Shuuichi felt really bad. Now, not only Kurama was mad at him. 
Even Hiei was angry at him.

 	Kurama took off his top and went to the bathroom and washed his 

 	Hiei slipped in through the door and made his way to the bathroom 
when he heard the tap running. He put his cloak on the chair and peeped 
in the bathroom. "Kurama?" he called softly. Kurama turned and saw 
Hiei. "Hiei," he uttered and leaned on the wall. He set his eyes on the 

 	Slowly, he slipped down until he was sitting on the damp floor, 
wetting his pants. Hiei walked over to shut the tap and crouched in 
front of Kurama. "I'm sorry you have to hear all that," Kurama bit his 
lips. Hiei set his gaze on Kurama, not even blinking or moving a 
muscle. Blank. "I didn't mean to shout at Shuu-kun like that… it's 
just… I had a very bad day at school and… he didn't even say sorry!" 
Hiei put his index finger on Kurama's lips. 

 	Kurama stopped talking, Hiei reached up and ran his fingers 
through Kurama's long red hair. 

 	When Kurama was partly calmed down, Hiei pulled him up gently. He 
lead them to the futon and pushed Kurama on the bed. Hiei laid on top 
of Kurama and rested his head on Kurama's chest, listening to it 
calming down. He wrapped his arms around Kurama's middle and shut his 
eyes. "You're not allowed to do anything now. Just rest, shut your 
eyes. I'll be here," Hiei told the fox. 

 	Hiei was so kind to make him feel better the only way he knew 
how. He gave Kurama space and time to think straight and stayed with 
him. The comfort of knowing that someone who care is there for you. 

 	Shiori came back and smiled at her step-son. "Hello Shuu-kun, had 
your lunch?" she asked, ruffling he boy's hair. He shook his head. 
Shiori gave him a concerned look. "Why? I'm sure Shuu-chan is also 
starving somewhere in this house. I'll heat up the dishes for the two 
of you," she smiled. Shuuichi shook his head. "I'm not hungry. Anyway, 
I'm sure niisan would be the same as me too," he sighed and sat on the 
kitchen counter.

 	Shiori turned to him and placed her hands on Shuuichi's lap. 
"Now, what happened?" she asked. "I did something bad and niisan is mad 
at me. As in really, really mad," Shuuichi nodded. Shiori shook her 
head. "Shuu-chan wouldn't be mad at you for some small matter. What 
actually did you do?" she asked, running her fingers through Shuuichi's 

 	"Well, I changed his boxers secretly with mine. So, he wore my 
boxers instead of his own to P.E class and was… was nearly raped 
because of my super short boxers," Shuuichi looked down on the floor. 
Shiori widened her eyes. "Did you apologise?" she asked. "Well… I 
haven't the chance to," explained Shuuichi. Shiori nodded, then she 
remembered Hiei. 

 	"Well, if we can find Hiei-san. He can talk to Shuu-chan into 
forgiving you," Shiori suggested. "But the problem is, Hiei-san is also 
angry at me," Shuuichi sighed. "Is he?" asked Shiori. "Well, he was 
there just now and heard it all. Believe me, it's worse if you're there 
to listen to how niisan was telling me. He's so angry. Never seen him 
like that before. But I think Hiei-san is in there keeping him 

 	Shiori smiled, that quiet kind hearted boy. "I'll talk to Hiei-
san," she nodded and walked to Kurama's room. She knocked on it lightly 
and waited.

 	Hiei blinked as he heard the knock. Another knock would make 
Kurama wake up. He got off in lightning speed and opened the door 
softly. A warm face of Kurama's mother was smiling at him. She gestured 
him to come out. Hiei gave Kurama a last look. When he was convinced 
that the boy was sleeping peacefully, he walked out of Kurama's room 
shutting the door softly. "Can we talk in the kitchen?" she asked. Hiei 
nodded once. 

 	When both reached the kitchen, Hiei saw Shuuichi on the counter. 
He made his presence unknown and sat opposite to Shiori. She poured tea 
for both of them. "Hiei-kun, is Shuu-chan all right?" she asked, taking 
a sip on the tea. 

 	Hiei glanced his eyes at Shuuichi then back to Shiori. He nodded 
once. "He's sleeping," he told Shiori. "Good, I hope he didn't feel to 
bad about it. Shuuichi-kun is just a kid. He didn't know that Shuu-chan 
is having a P.E class today. Can you help him find a way in his heart 
to forgive Shuu-kun?" asked Shiori. 

 	Hiei glanced again at Shuuichi, then at Shiori. No answer. "If 
you apologised just now, it would be different. Rather than doing that, 
you told him that it's no big deal? I have no say in this," Hiei looked 
away from both of them.

 	"Kaasan?" suddenly a soft voice called. Shiori turned and saw a 
sleepy Kurama walking into the kitchen, he already changed into a T-
shirt and bermuda shorts. In his hands was a blue coloured shirt. 
"Shuu-chan, are you okay?" she asked. Kurama nodded. "Can I go out with 
Hiei?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. Shiori looked at Hiei and smiled. 
"Sure," she nodded. Kurama walked over to Hiei and took his hand. 

 	Hiei got up and followed Kurama. He slipped on the blue shirt in 
the living room and they walked out of the house. 

 	"He didn't even looked at me," Shuuichi sighed. Shiori smiled. 
"He'll get over it. I'm sure Hiei-san would help," she opened the 
fridge. Her eyes widened in horror.

 	"Doushite, kaasan?" asked Shuuichi jumping off the counter. 
Shiori pointed at a bowl of funny coloured stuff in the freezer. 
Shuuichi narrowed his eyes at a piece of paper. 'Don't touch! -Hiei-'
 	"It's Hiei-san's handy work," Shuuichi chuckled. Shiori shook her 
head and closed the freezer. 


 	"There, Yuusuke over there!" whispered Kuwabara. Yuusuke looked 
at the direction Kuwabara was pointing at. A tall boy was walking 
slowly towards them. "Him?" asked Yuusuke, giving Kuwabara an unnerving 
look. "Well, he's smart… stupid and we could easily persuade him to do 
our home-works for free!" He big guys chuckled. 

 	Yuusuke shook his head. "I'll send my Maths home-work to Kurama," 
he shook his head. Then he paused. "I saw them already," Yuusuke said, 
walking away. "Saw who?" Kuwabara went after him.

 	When Yuusuke reached the bench where Hiei and Kurama was 
occupying, he stopped. Kurama had his head hung low, every feature of 
his face was covered by his long fringe. Yuusuke looked at Hiei. 
Silently asking :… "What's going on with him? …: Hiei shook his head.

 	Kuwabara bumped on Yuusuke and frowned. "Yo, Kurama! What's 
wrong?" he asked, crouching to look at Kurama's face from below. Kurama 
lifted his head and smiled wearily. "Nothing much," he uttered. 

 	"Well, we need your help," Yuusuke blurted out. "Yeah, can you 
teach us Maths tomorrow?" asked Kuwabara. Kurama narrowed his eyes. 
"Yeah sure. You guys can come over after school," he smiled, then stood 
up. "It's late already, gotta go home. Hiei," he took Hiei's hand and 
walked away. The sullen fire demon just sighed and followed the 
kitsune. He hadn't said a word just now. He just brought him to the 
park and they sat there silently for almost two hours. It may be longer 
if Yuusuke and Kuwabara hadn't show up. 

 	The sun was nearly setting when they reached home. "Shuu-chan? Is 
that you? Come and eat dinner, dear," called a sweet voice from the 
kitchen. "Can you have dinner with me?" asked Kurama. Hiei frowned and 
nodded once. They walked into the kitchen and was greeted by faces of 

 	"Oh, Hiei-kun. Come, have dinner with us," Kazuya Hatanaka turned 
his attention to his stepson. "Are you alright, son?" he asked. Kurama 
nodded and took his seat. Hiei sat next to him. Shiori reached out to 
put her hands on Kurama's forehead, checking if he was having a fever. 
But his temperature was normal. 

 	After a silent meal treat, Hiei and Kurama excused themselves 
earlier than everyone and head to his room. 

 	"Why is it that Hiei-san always hangs out with niisan?" asked 
Shuuichi, practically pouting when both had disappeared from view. 
Shiori smiled. "They are friends," she cleared the plate. When Kazuya 
went out the kitchen to read his paper outside, Shuuichi approached 
Shiori closer and frowned. 

 	"I want Hiei-san to hang out with me like that too," he told his 
stepmother. Shiori looked at him. "Well, just ask him too. I'm sure he 
will," she resumed her dish washing. "But Hiei-san is just so cute," 
sighed Shuuichi. "You like Hiei-san?" she asked. Shuuichi grinned at 
her. "Well… I don't know, but… I think your brother likes him too. 
Everyone likes him. He's such an adorable kid," Shiori smiled, putting 
the wet ceramic dishes into the dryer. 

 	"That's the problem here. He loves Hiei-san," Shuuichi 
complained. "Umm… you think is that why he's angry at you?" asked 
Shiori. "Nah, he doesn't know. He's just mad about the boxers thingy," 
Shuuichi walked away. "Oyasumi," he went to his room. 

 	Kurama sat on his bed, a Biology book laid opened on his lap. He 
took his eyes off the pages and looked at Hiei rummaging through his 
closet. Through the dirty clothes on the floor. "Hiei, you're messing 
the dirty laundry," Kurama complained, quite… he looked puzzled with 
Hiei's action.

 	Hiei kept digging in the clothes and came out with a light blue 
coloured underwear. Kurama narrowed his eyes. "What are you going to do 
with that?" he pondered aloud. Hiei put it on his head and turned. 
Kurama laughed. He looked so silly like that, that it was just 
impossible to not laugh. 

 	"Put it away," Kurama closed his book and put it aside. He walked 
towards Hiei and pulled the underwear off. Hiei was smiling at him. 
"You're laughing again," Hiei told the kitsune. Kurama crouched and 
hugged his best friend. "You're so kind to cheer me up, Hiei. Thank 
you so much. I love you," he uttered as he closed his eyes on Hiei's 

 	"Anyway, where didja learn to make that type of joke?" asked 
Kurama. "Human world is crazy may I remind you again," Hiei uttered. 
Kurama chuckled. 

 	Both sat against the wall. Kurama still had Hiei wrapped up in 
his arms, his hand running through the little youkai's hair. Kurama 
pulled Hiei's face closer, touching it with his own. 

 	Hiei's eyes narrowed on something that was slipped under the bed. 
He got out of Kurama's embrace and crawled to it. Kurama looked at 
Hiei, puzzled. Hiei reached out for the thing and pulled it out from 
under the big mattress.

 	"Gay-In-Town. You read this?" Hiei flipped through the pages. 
Full of bishounen pictures. Kurama made his way to Hiei and got on the 
bed. "Nope. It's Shuu-chan's one, I think he left it there," Kurama 
sighed, staring up at the ceiling. Hiei scanned through the pages and 
eyed a very familiar bishounen.

 	"Isn't this… you?" Hiei pointed. Kurama turned and looked at 
where Hiei's pointing. It was definitely him, in his school uniform. 
There's a number next to his picture. A number '1'. He read the 
headlines and saw the title. 'Best bishounen in town this week'.

 	"Hey, it says here that you have been voted number one since 3 
weeks ago," Hiei pointed at those little wordings below Kurama's 
picture. "3 weeks ago…?" Kurama narrowed his eyes as he remembered 
something a few weeks back…

	"Hey, new brother… why don't you get yourself voted in those 
magazines?" asked Shuuichi. Kurama looked at his new stepbrother and 
shook his head. "Nah," Shuuichi frowned. "Why not? You're cute. Just 
let me do the sign-up for the magazine. At least you can know what rank 
are you in this town," he smiled mischievously. 

 	"I'm not going to exploit myself like that. Besides, it's not 
beneficial. So why bother," Kurama opened his book. "Ne, but won't it 
be great to be voted at least number 10 in this town?" pondered 
Shuuichi aloud. 

 	Kurama shook his head. "I'm not giving you permission to do so," 
he said, quite sternly. Shuuichi sighed. Maybe he didn't like the idea 
that much. "Just once?" Shuuichi pleaded. "No means no, Shuuichi. I 
will get really angry at you for doing so," Kurama warned him, but a 
smile was on his face. Shuuichi shrugged. :… But… he doesn't have to 
know, does he? Never saw him buy this magazine before! Anyway, Shuuichi 
Minamino getting angry? Never heard of it ^_^ …:

 	Quietly, Shuuichi slipped out of the room with a mischievous 


 	"Since when were you so interested in ranking yourself?" asked 
Hiei, looking closer to Kurama's picture. "Never," Kurama got up and 
got his robe. He went to Shuuichi's room, hands tying his sash. Hiei 
eyed the sudden change in Kurama's moods, from sad to angry.

 	"Shuuichi! Shuuichi!" Kurama exclaimed as he knocked at the door. 
Or should we say, 'pound' at the door. 

 	"Shuuichi! Open up the door this instant!" Kurama exclaimed. 
Shiori and Kazuya hurried over to see what happened. Hiei came out only 
to see Kurama's parents were already fixing worried faces at their son 
who's pounding madly at the door. Roughly, he knew what was on Kurama's 
mind. Shuuichi signed up his name.

 	Shuuichi rubbed his eyes and opened the door with a yawn. "What?" 
he asked. Before anything else could happen…

 	Kurama gave the boy a tight slap. 

 	"Shuuichi!!" exclaimed Shiori. Hiei immediately held Kurama's 
wrist which looked like it was going to strike again. Shiori lunged 
forward to slap Kurama for the first time in her life. Kurama looked 
unbelievably at his mother. 

 	"What happened to you?! How could you do such a thing to your 
brother?!" Shiori scolded her dear son. Kazuya, frowned but held 
Shiori. "Dear, we didn't even hear their stories yet," calmed Kazuya.

	"Whatever did happen, you shouldn't have slapped him like that! 
He's your brother for god's sake!" Shiori scolded the redhead. Hiei 
could feel Kurama shaking in his grip. 

 	Kurama's eyes started to well up with tears. He threw the 
magazine at Shuuichi and pushed his way through his parents. "Shuuichi! 
Shuuichi!" exclaimed Kazuya. Then there was a loud slam of the door.  

 	Shiori looked at Hiei. "What happened to him?" Hiei didn't 
answer. He looked at Shuuichi with a death glare. "You should feel 
ashamed of yourself," then he turned to look at Shiori. "I can't 
believe you did that," with that he followed after Kurama. 

 	Shiori blinked, suddenly felt guilty. How could she do such a 
thing to Kurama? Kurama had been such a perfect son to her but she did 
that to him?

 	Shiori and Kazuya had really puzzled faces by now. "Shuu-kun… 
what did you do?" asked Kazuya. Shuuichi knew what his stepbrother was 
so angry about as he picked up the magazine. "I sign him up in this," 
he opened the page for his father. 

 	Kazuya eyed the page and shook his head, then he looked at the 
cover. The man closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. "Shuuichi, you 
signed your brother up in a gay magazine?" he opened his eyes. Shuuichi 
had his eyes fixed on the floor. 

 	Kazuya knew physical abuse won't do any good. "You're grounded. 
You only can go out to school. I'll personally pick you back home. And 
you're suppose to sit in the living room until I come home later. I 
know your brother won't forgive you now. Your mother told me what you 
did that your brother nearly got raped today," Kazuya turned and walked 
away, still shaking his head in disbelieve. 

 	Shuuichi bit his lips.