Standard disclaimers. I don’t own these cute cuddly creatures! Yoshihiro 
Togashi-sama does. I just play with them. Twist them, here and there.

Hiei : Who are you calling ‘Cute cuddly creatures’?

Bulma smiles and ran away as fast as she could as Hiei ran after her, 
readying a Kokuryuuha.

This fic has a very big shonen ai involvement. No lemons though. But a 
very critical yaoi relationship. Forgive me if I’m too over excited in 
doing this. But I am. 

So, as usual… yaoi haters, the back button is just there. push it and 
you’re off your guilt! Haha… But I bet you guys aren’t ne? so read on and guess what? You guys are invited too! To where? 

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs


                               The Weddings

Shiori sighed. She didn’t knew how to tell her son, her beloved 
Shuuichi. They were having tea in the kitchen that evening. Kurama glanced at his mother from his cup of tea. "Ano kaasan? What’s bothering 
you?" asked the good-natured Kurama. 

	"Well, you’re old enough to get married now. And I think… I think there’s a girl that you might want to meet. Since you hadn’t shown me 
any girls yet," said Shiori, uncertain of her son’s reaction. 

	Kurama glanced at his mother. "But if you have one already, I’d 
want to meet her," she said. She would love to have another girl in the 
family. Not that her Shuu-chan wasn’t enough. He was the best son a 
mother could have wish for, but… 

Kurama frowned. :… Yes, I do have one kaasan. But only, it’s not a 
girl. And I do really love him so much …: said Kurama mentally. 

	"Kaasan, I don’t have a girl right now," finally Kurama admitted. 
"Ii, then you’ll meet Mai," said Shiori anxiously. Kurama gave his 
mother an uncertain look. "But kaasan. I don’t think I want to get 
married yet," protested Kurama mildly. :… I only would be married to 
Hiei …: he continued mentally and smiled, if his mother would ever 
permit that to happen.

	Shiori ignored her son’s protest. "Well, she cute, smart and 
matches you perfectly. At least I want you to get engaged with her 
first," insisted Shiori.

	This all came from her husband. He had told her that her son has 
no girlfriends and he might be… gay. She wanted to protest it. But 
first, she’ll have to make proof. By engaging Shuuichi with another 
girl, she’ll prove to her husband that her dear Shuu-chan was not near 
anything like that. Not that she would reject her beloved son if he was 
really that, but her husband was getting fairly irritating at that 

	"Kaasan, I don’t want to," insisted Kurama. Shiori sighed. "You’ll 
meet her today, she’s coming," said Shiori. As soon as Shiori finished 
her words, a knock was heard on the door.

	Shiori went to open the door and came back into the kitchen 
shortly with a girl. Kurama who had his eyes closed from just now kept 
it that way. He didn’t want to see what ever girl it is. He already have 
a lover. And it is Hiei. It would be forever.

	He could hear kaasan and the girl sit down. "Shuuichi, this is 
Mai," introduced his mother. Kurama opened his eyes and looked at the 

	"Hai Shuu-san. I’m Mai, Hajimemashite. I live just nearby. My mum 
is your mum’s friend. Your mum asked me to come over. And Here I am," 
she said cheerfully.

She was definitely not his type. She was not short, her hair was 
not black and spiky, she was practically smiling from ear to ear, she 
has glasses and most of all… She talks to much. :… Inari help me …: 
sighed the helpless Kurama.   

	Kurama smiled wearily. "Hi," he merely replied and sipped his tea. 
Kaasan gave him a sigh. Shuuichi wasn’t co-operating. "Ano kaasan. I 
have to go now. My friends are waiting for me," said Kurama and stood 
up. "Matte Shuuichi, won’t you at least shake hands with her?" asked 
Shiori. Kurama reluctantly shook hands with Mai.

	Shiori send Kurama to the door. "I don’t care. You’re going to get 
engaged with her and you’re going to marry her," said Shiori. Kurama 
gave his mother a look. 

"Kaasan I don’t want to," protested Kurama. "No buts. Go on and 
have fun with your friends," said Shiori and shooed him out. She went 
back to entertain Mai.  

	Kurama didn’t knew where to go. His mother was very stubborn. What 
would he tell the others? Hiei especially. Not that he was going to get 
engaged with that girl, but this matter was troubling him dearly. 

	So deep in his thoughts, Kurama accidentally bumped into a little 
boy. "Gomen nasai, otouto," he apologised. The boy nodded and smiled. 
"Ano neesan, your hair is very nice," commented the boy. Kurama lowered 
himself so he was as the same height with the little boy. "Watashi wa 
otoko desu, onna jyanai da yo," chuckled Kurama. 

	The little boy was shocked. "Honto ne? Gomen nasai, niichan," 
apologised the boy. Kurama smiled and stood back up. "Mata ne," he said 
and continued to walk to the ramen shop. That little incident sure 
lifted his spirits a little. But it went sinking back down when he 
thought about Hiei.    

	Kurama walked to the table where Yuusuke and Hiei was sitting. He 
was surprised to see Hiei there. He hadn’t seen Hiei for almost a week 
and didn’t expect to see him now, especially. He wasn’t expecting this 
and he wanted to talk to Yuusuke first. This made him more nervous than 
it is.

	"Hi," he said falsely cheerful and sat across Hiei. He eyed him 
oddly and Kurama knew it, made him felt guiltier than it is. Yuusuke 
smiled. "One more bowl of ramen here please!" he shouted at the waiter 
(Keiko). Hiei was just sitting there with a glass of water. It wasn’t 
even touched by him yet.

	"So, anything interesting happened today?" asked Kurama at 
Yuusuke. "Well, Kuwabara is going to propose Yukina today," said 
Yuusuke. Kurama looked at Hiei. He was calm. "And?" asked Kurama, a 
smile started to form on his delicate features. Yuusuke shrugged. 
"That’s why we’re waiting for him. And when he comes with the ‘yes’, 
I’ll propose Keiko," said Yuusuke excitedly.

	"If," corrected Hiei.

	"Yeah, ok. ‘If’ Kuwabara comes back with a yes," corrected 
Yuusuke. :… Good, now they all are getting married …: sighed Kurama.  

	"Yatta!!" a loud, incoherent sound broke the silence in the ramen 
shop. Yuusuke looked from his bowl of ramen and frowned at the orange 
haired bulky dope who was heading their way.  

	"She asked what’s ‘marry me’," Kuwabara started the story. "But 
finally she said yes," said Kuwabara, full of expressions. Hiei grabbed 
Kuwabara’s collar. "Are you sure you didn’t say that marriage was 
something else?" asked Hiei. Kuwabara freed himself from Hiei's grab. 
And brushed his collar. Yukina’s brother was sure irritating. "Of course 
I said the truth," said Kuwabara proudly. 

	Yuusuke stood up. "Sugoi! Now my turn!" he went off to find Keiko 
somewhere in the ramen shop. 

	A few moments later, there was a loud noise coming from the 
kitchen and then there was silence. Then Yuusuke came back. He was all 
bashed up and… happy?

	"She said yes! She said yes!" Yuusuke exclaimed happily. Kurama 
gave him a wry smile. "Then what was that noise just now?" he asked 
suspiciously. Yuusuke chuckled. "I got her attention by grabbing her 
ass," he giggled. 

	A few moments later, Keiko came with three more bowls of ramen. 
She sat down with them and started her dinner with them.

	They were busy about Kuwabara’s story. Hiei seemed not to be too 
troubled. He had grown to eventually trust Kuwabara with his sister. He 
wouldn’t loose everything, he still have Kurama. Anyway, if that big 
dope ever hurt Yukina even a bit. Kuwabara would have to answer Hiei's 
tattooed friend. And for sure Kurama and Yuusuke won’t let him get away 
with that only, right?
	Kurama shared his bowl of ramen with Hiei. As Hiei was eating 
Kurama’s ramen, Kurama paused the exciting conversation. "Minna-san, I 
think I have to talk to you guys," he started. Everyone looked at 
Kurama. "About what, Kurama-san?" asked Keiko.

Kurama sighed. "I don’t know what to do," said Kurama. "Just spit 
it out, maybe we could help," said Yuusuke, patting Kurama’s shoulder. 
"Well, kaasan wanted me to get engaged with another girl," he spit it 

	Hiei stopped eating his ramen. He dropped the chopsticks and ran 
out the restaurant.

	Hiei was too fast for Kurama to chase. He sat back down. "Kurama, 
kimi wa jyodan ka?" asked Kuwabara. Kurama shook his head. "I don’t want 
to. But you know kaasan…," Kurama paused. His eyes were watery. He had 
hurt Hiei. 

	They all knew about Kurama and Hiei's relationship and was equally 
sad about this abrupt decision made by Shiori. "How could your mother do 
this?" asked Yuusuke. Keiko put a soothing hand on Kurama’s shoulder. "I 
hope Hiei knows that you don’t want to marry her," said Yuusuke. Kurama 
shot his look at Yuusuke.

	"I have to find him," said Kurama and stood up. But then he sat 
back down. "But I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to tell him 
to make him trust me… I don’t know how to assure him that I’m not 
marrying that girl," sighed Kurama. 

"Well, find him and tell him the truth. And about your kaasan, 
we’ll go to your house tomorrow. We’ll work something out then," said 
Yuusuke. "Yeah, now go after Hiei before he ran off to Makai or god 
knows where," said Kuwabara, shoving his friend to the door. Kurama 
nodded and smiled. "Doumo, minna. And come before breakfast tomorrow!"

	Hiei went to the park where they used to hang out. :… First Yukina 
wants to leave me, now you Kurama. You said we’re going to be together 
forever! Why did it have to end so fast? And you lied …: Hiei shouted 

The moon’s reflection was full in the water. He felt like reaching 
for his katana and slice it to pieces, but he knew better than to slice 
a mere shadow in the water. It’ll just appear back when the water’s calm 

"Why do you have to leave me?" he asked, practically to no one of 

"It was hard enough when Yukina agreed to marry that idiot. You 
said it was okay, that I will still have you… but now you’re leaving 
me," sighed Hiei. Kurama was nearby and could hear every single word 
Hiei says. He had covered his youki so Hiei can’t sense him.

"Now I am all alone… It’s all your fault Kurama! You made me weak 
and now you’re leaving me like this!" he shouted and threw a couple of 
stones in the water. Unnoticed to Hiei, his eyes were watery and a 
couple of tears fell off it. The reflection of the moon disappeared when 
the stone went in the water.  

"I will never leave you, Hiei," said a familiar voice. Hiei turned 
and snorted. He don’t want to give the fox pleasure to see him tear 
struck like this, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. Which 
hurt his eyes more.

"Don’t try and soothe me. I can take it. Go away," snorted Hiei. 
Kurama went nearer to Hiei and paused for a while. He could feel the 
walls that he had melted, regain strength. Starting to form again. Did 
Hiei sniffed just now? Did he really cried? 

Kurama went closer and hugged Hiei from the back when Hiei thought 
he’d gone. Gone away for ever.

Kurama leaned his cheek against Hiei's cheek and it’s wet. 
Affirmatively, he had been crying. For a certain fox. This touched 
Kurama too much and his own eyes began to produce tears. "Hiei, I never 
will leave you! That’s my promise to you, remember?" asked Kurama. Hiei 
tried to snort, tried to grunt, but nothing came out. He can’t do it. 

He turned himself and looked at those watery emerald eyes. "You 
don’t want to marry that girl?" asked Hiei. Kurama smiled. "Of course I 
don’t, botchan," now Hiei did snort. But he was happy. He hugged Kurama 
tight, relieved that his fox would never ever leave him.

"But, what to tell your kaasan?" asked Hiei through Kurama’s rose 
scented hair. Hiei could feel his neck being flooded with Kurama’s 
tears. "I don’t know. But Yuusuke-tachi are coming over tomorrow. To 
help us," sniffed Kurama, assuring Hiei. 

"Can you stay with me tonight? I missed you," said Kurama. Hiei 
nodded, he too miss his fox deeply. Mukuro had give him a leave when 
Koenma send her a note saying that Hiei's sister was getting married. He 
nearly blown Kuwabara to bits when he heard the news, but Yuusuke 
assured him that it won’t be as bad as it seems. 

"Hiei?" Kurama called. "Please don’t be mad with me. You know my 
heart is buried deep inside you," said Kurama. "Hai, onaji…," Hiei 
whispered. Kurama was Hiei's other half and Hiei was Kurama’s other 
half, nothing in the three worlds could separate them.

Shiori must’ve been asleep when Kurama came back with Hiei. No one 
came down to greet him. He sneaked Hiei secretly into his bedroom. 

Kurama changed into his pyjamas and joined Hiei on the bed. "Only 
Inari knows how much I missed you Hiei," uttered Kurama, half asleep. 
"What? You think I only work blankly for Mukuro? I too have thoughts 
about a certain fox," admitted Hiei. Kurama was more than happy to hear 
him utter those words.

The next day, Kurama woke earlier than normal. He looked at his 
sleeping fire demon. So calm and peaceful. He sighed and wished that he 
could snuggle up to him longer. But he had to concentrate in the matter 
at hand first. 

He went into the bathroom and took a short morning bath. He 
dressed himself, and went to the desk and poured himself a cup of tea. 
He looked at his fire demon. Still sleeping. He smiled and kissed his 
koorime, he was gifted by a moan by the sleeping being. He went down to 
the kitchen to set breakfast for everyone. 

Hiei got up when he realised that Kurama no longer exists beside 
him. He cleared his bearings and went after the kitchen.

He watched the fox cook. Running here and there. Hair moving 
swiftly against the wind. :… Wind? Oh, the window is opened …: Hiei 
smiled to himself. This beautiful creature, and it’s his. 

Kurama saw Hiei and smiled. "Ohayo ne," he greeted him and gave 
him a bowl of ‘sweet snow’. "It’ll spoil your breakfast later, but you 
promise me you’ll have to eat what I cook," said Kurama. Hiei merely 
answer with a casual ‘Hn’ and enjoyed the sweet snow.

Kurama set the table up for 7 person. Then Hiei got down of the 
counter. "Your kaasan is coming down," he told Kurama. Kurama nodded and 
winked at him. 

"Ohayo, kaasan," greeted Kurama in his brilliant smile. Shiori 
smiled at her Shuuichi and Hiei. She’d seen him a lot of times and he 
seemed to be Shuuichi’s best friend and also one of the detectives in 
the agency Kurama was working part time too. 

"Ohayo, Shuu-chan," she replied and gasped. "You made breakfast 
and are we going to have guests?" she asked, gesturing at the numerous 
plates. Kurama nodded and put down the kitchen towel near the sink. 

Then, there was a knock on the door. "I think it’s them," chirped 
Kurama and went to the door. Shiori smiled at Hiei. He seemed so quiet 
and distant. "Why don’t you sit down, Hiei-kun?" she said. Hiei nodded 
once and did as his lover’s mother wished. 

"Ohayo, Kurama!" they exclaimed. Shiori could hear them, still 
wondering where did they find a name like that to call her son. As if 
hearing what she was thinking, Hiei opened his mouth. "It’s a code name 
at the detective agency," he told her short. 

"Sou ka? No wonder the name’s weird. So what’s your real name?" 
asked Shiori. Not giving a chance for Hiei to answer *which he 
appreciate*, all of them busted in the kitchen.

"Ohayo gozaimasu, Shiori-basan," they greeted her. Shuuichi’s 
friend all seemed so alive and vibrant. She smiled at them. "Ohayo, 
Ohayo. Sit and have breakfast," she said, smiling cheerfully along with 

They started on their food. Kurama was no bad cook. Shiori had 
seen most of them before, except the girl with light green hair. She 
seemed sweeter and more gentle than Keiko. But a gentle girl couldn’t 
control a guy like Yuusuke though. He had heard a lot about Yuusuke by 
her son and neighbours. He seemed to change a great deal since he knew 
her son and the others.

"Well Shuu-kun, who’s this girl with green hair?" asked Shiori. 
"Ah… this, basan, I my future wife. Yukina," Kuwabara answered for 
Kurama. "Honto ka? Omedetou gozaimasu!" exclaimed Shiori, feeling happy 
with them. "Doozo yoroshiku, basan. Hajimemashite," said Yukina, smiling 
politely to Kurama’s mother.

"And we’re going to get married together," Yuusuke told Shiori. 
"You’re going to get married with Keiko too?" asked Shiori. Yuusuke 
nodded and smiled. Keiko was blushing behind her bowl of rice.

"Ii, Shuuichi… you can join them," she suggested. Then there was a 
rush of silence. Shiori blinked at the sudden quietness. "Gomen basan, 
that’s what we’re here to talk about," said Yuusuke.

Shiori narrowed her eyes at every one of them. "I’m all ears," she 
said, trying to lift up the dull atmosphere.

"He can’t get married to another girl, basan. Please," Kuwabara 
started. "And why is that?" asked Shiori. "Because Kurama, I mean 
Shuuichi already has a lover," said Yuusuke, backing Kuwabara.

Shiori smiled. "Ok, I told him to show me," said Shiori, sounded 
quite fair. "Ku… Kurama’s lover is… is in this room," said Keiko, 
tripping over her words. Shiori looked at them.

"Wait, Keiko-chan is getting married to Yuusuke-kun and Yukina-
chan is going to be Kuwabara-kun’s wife. So who…," she paused at her 
words as her gaze fell on Hiei.

It all fit to her like a puzzle now. Hiei seems to be close to 
Shuuichi. They spent a whole lot of time together. He usually brought 
him back and told her simply that he would be sleeping over. And 
Shuuichi had told her he didn’t have a girl. But he didn’t say that he 
didn’t have a guy in his heart.

Shiori looked at Hiei and smiled. "I’ve guessed," she said. She 
can’t deny the fact that her beloved son ‘loves’ another guy. She would 
deal with her husband later. This Hiei boy, he seemed so quiet. Even 
Shuuichi wasn’t this quiet. Maybe Mai wasn’t really Shuuichi’s type. She 
do talk much. 

"Why didn’t you tell me?" asked Shiori. Kurama looked down at the 
table. "I was scared that you’ll reject us," uttered Kurama, barely 
audible. "Shuu-chan, I don’t care if you love another boy. It’s just, 
don’t keep secrets away from me," said Shiori.

"Yatta!" cheered Kuwabara and Yuusuke. "Now we could get married 
in peace!" they continued. 

"But, are you going to get married with him together with them? 
It’ll be nicer that way," suggested Shiori. Hiei shot Kurama a look and 
stood up. He loves Kurama. Yes, a lot. But nothing is making him walk 
along that isle with all the stupid ningens eyeing them? NO!

Kurama smiled. :… Kaasan is letting me marry Hiei? This is it …: 
he sighed excitedly. Hiei tried to look away, but Kurama was already 
standing in front of him. Then, Kurama dropped to his knees. He took a 
rose out from his hair and held it in front of Hiei. Hiei was blushing, 
but tried his hard not to show it. It’s embarrassing. 

"Hiei, would you marry me?" Kurama asked. Keiko and Yukina held 
each other’s hand, sighing. They look so cute and romantic. That rose 
was blood red and it’s stem was unusually green in colour. Matches 
Kurama’s and Hiei's eyes perfectly.
Hiei opened his mouth, but then he closed it. Kurama and the 
others were still waiting for an answer. 

"Do you have to do it now, in front of everyone?" asked Hiei. 
Kurama smiled. "Well, kaasan’s here, everyone’s here. When would be a 
better time?" asked Kurama.

He dropped to his own knees and buried his face in between 
Kurama’s neck and shoulder. "You’re making this very embarrassing, 
Kurama," Hiei told Kurama dryly. 

Kurama bit his lips, still waiting for an answer. When Hiei 
thought he’d torture his kitsune enough, he smiled secretly. "Hn," he 
answered. His voice muffled by Kurama’s flaming hair. He wrapped his 
hands around his fox possessively. "You’re mine now, Kurama. In Makai 
and Ningenkai," said Hiei. 

"He said ‘HN’!" exclaimed Kurama. Everyone was so happy, Shiori 
was weeping. She never felt so happy before for her son. Her only son 
was going to get married. Wait until his husband and her stepson come 
back. It would be so exciting.

Shiori smiled. "Well, when would you guys be getting married?" 
asked Shiori to all of them. "Next week," they all answered. Shiori 
smiled, it would be fast. But she could manage.

Soon, everyone in the 3 worlds knew about the marriage. Koenma was 
so happy, he even wept when he’s at work. 

Mukuro nearly spat her dinner when she heard about it. "And Koenma 
lied to me and said it was Hiei's sister who was getting married!" she 
exclaimed, slamming her fist on the table. It broke. Her successor and 
best warrior was getting married. Her other guards trotted silently out 
of her way.

Mukuro sat back on the chair. "Whatever," she sighed. "I still 
have to give a wedding present," she walked back to her room, leaving 
the messed up dining hall to be cleared up by her guards. 

Raizen was sighing. His successor was getting married. At least it’s not like Yomi’s and Mukuro’s successor’s marriage. He smiled, but 
that couple’s bonding would earn a whole lot more attention than others.

Koenma set the marriage to be held in Makai. S-classes like 
Raizen, Yomi and Mukuro would not be risked to hover around in 
Ningenkai. Who knows how devil minds work? 

A few people from Ningenkai would be allowed to enter Makai. 
Guarded by Koenma, Botan and others. It would be safe enough.

The guest list was given to Koenma to distribute. Kurama just had 
his family, Yuusuke only invited his mum, and Kuwabara invited his 
sister, Kirishima, Ohkuba and Sawamura. Keiko invited her parents.

Most of the guest list came from Makai. Mukuro, Yomi and Raizen 
alone were coming with their whole troop of wedding gifts. A few other 
Reikai creatures were invited too. Other youkais were permitted to 
attend the wedding with condition, they were well behaved. No bad 
records for at least 2 years.

"Shuuichi is getting married," said Shiori. Hatanaka looked at his 
wife. "Honto ne? Itsu ka?" he asked. "Next week," answered Shiori. "So 
fast?" Shiori nodded.

"I knew I was joking about him a… you know. But you don’t have to 
make it too hard for him," said Hatanaka. "Don’t worry. He already has a 
lover. And he’s marrying him," said Shiori. Hatanaka nodded, but then he 

"Gomen ne, but did I hear you right? You did say Shuu-kun was 
marrying a ‘him’, right?" asked Hatanaka. Shiori nodded. Hatanaka 
widened his eyes. "My stepson is yaoi! Kami-sama, it’ll make a colourful 
change in the house," said Hatanaka. Shiori was surprised that her 
husband was happy too. 

"They all are getting married in Makai, so only you, I and 
Shuuichi-kun are allowed to attend the marriage," said Shiori. "Wait 
till he hears that. He’ll be thrilled," said Hatanaka. Shiori smiled. 
"So, you are not rejecting Shuuichi?" asked Shiori. Hatanaka shook his 
head. "For what?" he asked. Shiori smiled and hugged her husband. 

"But you did say they all, who are they?" asked Hatanaka. "Well, 
Yuusuke-kun is marrying Keiko-chan. Kuwabara-kun is marrying Yukina-
chan. They’re having the wedding together," said Shiori. Hatanaka 

Shiori had told Kurama to tell his step brother. "Shuu-kun?" 
called Kurama. Shuuichi stopped in front of his brother’s opened room 
and peeped. "You called me, niichan?" he asked. Kurama nodded. "Come 
in," he told Shuuichi. "And… Close the door on your way in," he reminded 
his stepbrother.

Shuuichi went into his brother’s room and closed it behind him. 
His brother was only wearing a pyjama bottom. As if hearing his 
stepbrother’s thought, Kurama smiled. "It’s hot," Kurama reasoned him. 
Shuuichi smiled and sat in front of his brother on the bed. 

"Ano, I just want to tell you I’m getting married," he told his 
brother calmly. Shuuichi smiled enthusiastically. "Who’s the lucky gal?" 
he asked, in his usual funny accent. 

"Well, that’s on thing. It’s not a girl," Kurama smiled at his 
brother. Shuuichi frowned. "Then?" Kurama chuckled. "It’s a boy," Kurama 
told his brother. Shuuichi merely blink at his brother. Kurama leaned 
nearer to his brother. "And guess what? He’s a devil," he told his 
brother, jokingly.

Shuuichi choked a laugh. An unusual look was on his face. "But 
look at the bright side. You, Shuuichi Hatanaka would have the chance to 
attend a wedding that’s held in Makai. Wouldn’t it be cool?" said 
Kurama. Shuuichi frowned and thought for a while.

"Yeah, surrounded by youkais and have an experience visiting the 
Devil’s world. It would be cool!" exclaimed Shuuichi. Kurama smiled. 
"But how did you manage to get a place there?" asked Shuuichi. "Well, 
your future-stepbrother-in-law is a devil remember?" Kurama made his 
voice spooked. Shuuichi laughed. "You are crazy," he joked. "Well, you 
never know," Kurama laughed.

      "So, do I know this ‘devil’ of yours?" asked Shuuichi. "It’s 
Hiei," said Kurama casually. "Hiei? What, the quiet guy who occasionally 
have dinner here?" asked Shuuichi. Kurama nodded proudly.

      "Well, he’s scary. Trust me. He might be a ‘devil’ for real, 
niichan," said Shuuichi, a thoughtful expression. Then he yawned. Kurama 
smiled. "Go and sleep. I won’t want to take away your beauty sleep," 
joked Kurama. Shuuichi nodded excitedly. He stopped at the door. "When 
is it going to be?" asked Shuuichi. "Next week," answered the happy 

Yuusuke shoved a wedding gown at Kurama and suggested that if 
Kurama wore a wedding gown, it would look nice. Kurama bashed him up. "I 
am not going to wear that. For Inari’s sake, I don’t even have anything 
to occupy the top part of the gown," retorted Kurama chuckling, still 
holding the wedding gown. "We have sponges," joked Kuwabara and stuffed 
it in the gown. They all laughed. 

Hiei snorted and coughed at the make-up artist, a certain Reikai 
creature who put powder on his face. It was getting into his mouth and 
he was irritated. "Get it off! I don’t want to wear it!" he shouted. 
Kurama looked alarmed and went to rescue his soon-to-be husband.

"Let me help," he told the Reikai creature and took the powder 
from him. "Close your eyes, and mouth, botchan," Kurama told Hiei. "Call 
me that ag…," Hiei quickly closed his eyes and mouth a Kurama puffed the 
powder on his face. After he’s done, Kurama gave Hiei a small kiss and 
stood up. "You can open your eyes now," said Kurama and walked away to 
get dressed in his white Tuxedo. 

Hiei looked in the mirror. He was attired in a black Tuxedo. He 
looked… cute. Yuusuke and Kuwabara were also wearing the same thing as 
Hiei, but in other sizes. Kurama’s white Tuxedo was a contrast with his 
red flaming hair. 

"Hey Hiei, it’s bad luck to see the bride, I mean the groom before 
the wedding," joked Kuwabara. "They probably broke all the rules there 
are about ‘human’ wedding Kuwabara, you don’t have to worry about that," 
laughed Yuusuke.

Kurama brushed his hair and went over to brush Hiei's. It was so 
soft that the brush glided easily. Kuwabara and Yuusuke gasped. "Hiei, I 
thought your hair was made up of wires," said Yuusuke. Hiei bit his 
lower lip, trying his best from frying them up.

The wedding operator came into the room. After everyone was 
seated. "Get ready grooms, the brides are ready!" it said, the purple 
creature was cheerful. Hiei grunted and turned his head to look at 
Kurama. "Do we really have to do this?" he asked. Kurama smiled and 
wrapped his arms around Hiei.

Kurama was shoved to the other side to wait with Keiko and Yukina. 
"Kurama-san, you’re so handsome," praised Yukina and Keiko. Kurama 
smiled. "You two look gorgeous," and they blushed. Keiko's dad, and Mr. 
Hatanaka was also there. Since Yukina’s only relative was also getting 
married, Mr. Hatanaka would be ‘giving’ her away. They were each given a 
bouquet of flowers.
The wedding operator told Yuusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei to go to the 
front and stand in front of the priest. Yuusuke and Kuwabara were 
practically racing there. Hiei just stood there. "Go on Hiei," he gave 
the little koorime a slight push. Hiei jerked to the front and walked 
slowly to follow Yuusuke and Kuwabara.

Everyone eyed the slow motioned Hiei. They were waiting for him to 
start the march. As soon as he stop near beside Yuusuke, the march 

The wedding march was heard. The wedding operator gave the little 
cute Reikai bride’s maid a slight push and they were off. Soon, Keiko 
escorted by her father and Mr. Hatanaka escorting Yukina and Kurama, 
walked along the isle.

Their eyes were locked together. Yuusuke was smiling adoringly at 
Keiko. Kuwabara was practically smiling form ear to ear. Hiei was having 
an odd feeling. He was having butterflies in his stomach. His face was 
calm but a smile could easily be scanned. 

Keiko, who was in front surprised to see Hiei smiling. Even a bit. 
She smiled herself and looked back at Yuusuke. 

Mr. Hatanaka who was in between his step-son and his soon-to-be 
stepson-in-law’s sister was proudly walking along the isle. Everyone 
envied the little black koorime. The idle of their dreams was getting 
married to a certain hot-tempered fire demon. 

Mukuro was crying? Well, she tried to stop herself. But she can’t. 
She too had a sentimental side in her. Raizen looked at her. "Mukuro no 
baka," he snorted. Mukuro gritted her teeth and stopped crying. Yomi was 
smiling. Even though he couldn’t see the situation, he sensed their 
youki was happy and vibrant. 

Some of the youkais were crying. "… Kurama is getting married… 
uwaa…," was heard, sniffles were also heard. 

Keiko was released by her father and she went gracefully into 
Yuusuke’s arm. He then stepped aside, to let Mr. Hatanaka do his job. 
Mr. Hatanaka stopped and Kurama went to stand beside Hiei who was 
standing on the left of Yuusuke. Yukina went to stand beside Kuwabara 
who was standing to the right of Keiko. 

The march ended as soon as they were in place. "We are all 
gathered here…," the priest started his speech. The six lovers were too 
engrossed in their partners that they didn’t realise that the priest had 
ended his speech and was now, looking at them. Botan was weeping happily 
and Koenma had to soothe her.

The priest smiled and cleared his throat. All six paid attention 
to him. "Do you, Yukina, Yukimura Keiko and Shuuichi Minamino take 
Kuwabara Kazuma, Urameshi Yuusuke and Hiei as your lawfully wedded 
husband?" he asked. Smiles were on their faces. "Yes, we do," they all 

The priest cleared his throat and looked at the next sentence. "Do 
you, Urameshi Yuusuke and Kuwabara Kazuma, take Yukimura Keiko and 
Yukina as your lawfully wedded wife and you Hiei, take Shuuichi Minamino 
as your lawfully wedded husband. Kuwabara and Yuusuke nodded. "Yes, we 
do," a breeze of silent were suspending everyone as Hiei kept quiet. 
Kurama bit his lip. 

"Yes, I do," he finally said. Everyone let out a sigh. "Hiei 
nearly gave me a heart attack," said Yuusuke. 

Claps were heard. "Now I pronounce you man and wife and man and…," 
he paused. "… man," the priest shrugged. "You may kiss the bride and 
groom," he continued. 

Kuwabara gave Yukina a light kiss. He was still blushing heavily. 
Yuusuke gave Keiko a short sloppy kiss. Then, everyone’s eyes fell on 
Kurama and Hiei. There was an unusual aura between them. As they parted 
their kiss, Hiei was blushing. "Hiei, you’re blushing," accused Kurama, 
eyes watery. 

"Kh, and you’re crying," he retorted. Kurama shrugged and took 
Hiei's hand, running after Yuusuke-tachi. 

When they were outside the place, they threw the flower bouquets. 
All the youkais tried their best to get the bouquet. A shout were heard. 
"I got Kurama’s flower!" Kurama smirked and took Hiei's hand as they 
took photos with family.

Shiori hugged her son. "Hiei, please do take care of my only son," 
she said. Hiei nodded once. He won’t betray Shiori’s request. Shuuichi 
ran towards them. He suddenly hugged Hiei. "Welcome to the family, Hiei-
san!" he cheered. Hiei gave his stepbrother-in-law a small smile.

Keiko lived in Yuusuke’s house, and Yukina moved to Kuwabara’s 
house. Hiei of course was coaxed by Shiori and Shuuichi to stay in their 

"We’re moving out shortly, kaasan," smiled Kurama. Shiori frowned. 
"Why?" she asked. "Well, I was just planning. I didn’t have enough money 
to buy a house yet. But I will soon," he told. Mr. Hatanaka nodded. 
"Shuuichi is a big boy already. Let him make his own decisions," he told 
his wife. Shiori nodded.

That night…

Kurama looked deep into Hiei's eyes and smiled. "Now, we don’t 
have to creep around the house, ne?" he asked. Hiei blinked at him and 
merely snorted. He closed his eyes and snuggled deeper into Kurama’s 
warm embrace.

Owari… ^_^

Hiei : I’m married. I hate stupid ningen customs. 

Kurama : So am I. But I like this human custom.

*Both looked at Bulma*

*Bulma raises hand defensively*

Bulma : At least I didn’t make you marry Kuwabara, Hiei!

Hiei : Kh, haven’t realised you have a brain. 

Kurama : Yeah, now I can have you. ^_^

*goes over to Hiei and smooches him in front of all fanfic readers and 

Kurama : mmmm………

*Hiei looks at Kurama and frowned*

Hiei : Kh! Stupid fox fell asleep…

*Hiei throws Kurama on bed and turned off the lights*

Hiei : Don’t peep!

Bulma Briefs
UIN# 13254597