Standard disclaimers apply. Thanks to Yoshihiro Togashi for coming 
up with these magnificent characters. None of these are mine, not the 
characters obviously. Don’t sue me… no money… not making money… just 
sharing a piece of my brains with everyone. ^_^; 

Storyline might be bad, and grammar might be wrong… hey whaddaya expect 
from a 16 year old fan? Haha… alright… enough with rambling and 

A shonen ai piece. All my works should have shonen ai involved. So deal 
with it, ok minna-san?

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs

Youko Kurama’s Enemy

 	A girl walked up to Kurama’s table and sat in front of it. The 
teacher wasn’t in the class, the exam’s over and everyone’s acting like 
zoo inhabitants. Paper planes were thrown everywhere, noises of all 
kinds were heard. Some even bring their ‘weird’ pets like lizards, 
frogs, turtles and so on to school with them. 

	She cleared her throat. "Minamino-kun," she called. Kurama, who 
was already looking at her cocked his head, a silent signal of ‘yes?’. 
"You know what I’ll do to you if I am a jail warden and you were somehow 
managed to be put into jail?" asked the girl. Kurama widened his bright 
emerald eyes. An odd question.

	This particular girl was the ‘asshole of the class’ as everyone 
called her. Name, Shina Takahashi. Bright kid, bad manners. A total 
opposite of Shuuichi Minamino in attitude. 

	"What would you do, Takahashi-san?" asked Kurama, starting to have 
interest in this particular question. The girl smiled. "I would first 
cut your hair short, or if I was in a bad mood, I’ll make you shave your 
head," she answered. Kurama can’t believe his ears. This girl is 
something to shoot at. He hadn’t kept short hair since he first met 
Hiei, and he quite like it the way it is now.  

	"Sou ka? For what purpose?" asked Kurama. The girl smiled broader. 
"I just want to do it," she answered. :… poor girl, must have a too 
boring life. Wonder if I introduce her to Hiei, would she be fired by 
Kokuryuuha in no time? She’s more annoying than Kuwabara-kun! What else 
could you ask for? …:

	"Ok, let’s see to it," said Kurama and looked at the door. The 
teacher is outside, with someone. Kurama felt a familiar qi, a youki. 
:… Ano, who would that be? …: thought Kurama. :… no, it couldn’t be …:

"Class, this is the new exchange student from Kawaguchi-sei. Kare 
no namae wa Katenaka Hiei," said the teacher. Kurama rubbed his eyes. 
Could it really be Hiei or was it his eyes playing tricks to him? 
Anyway, Hiei wearing a school uniform?

 	"Katenaka, you can sit next to Minamino," said the teacher 
pointing to an empty seat next to Kurama at the back of the class. A few  
snoops about how cute Hiei was, was all over the class. Especially 
around the girls. 

 	"Class, control yourself. Behave in front of a new student, 
please. I will be back soon," and with that, the teacher disappeared 
back to nowhere.

 	Havoc started all over again. Kurama looked at Hiei. "Hiei! what 
are you doing?" asked Kurama. "I will kill that Koenma after this 
assignment. Koenma yaro," he snarled between his teeth. Kurama smiled. 
"Ah, an assignment?" he asked. Hiei nodded. "Sugee, not everyday that we 
could see Hiei in a school uniform, ne?" teased Kurama. Hiei snorted. 

 	Everyone was looking at Minamino Shuuichi. Normally he would be 
the last to socialise with new students, but seeing him talking to the 
new kid made them wonder. "Ano Shuuichi, anata no tomodachi wa?" asked a 
boy. "Aa… hai, ore no tomodachi da yo," said Kurama. "Cheh… no wonder he 
talks to him," said another boy. 

 	Suddenly a boy slapped Hiei’s shoulder. "Ano, Katenaka-san… you’re 
lucky to be friends with Minamino-kun. If you’re a girl, the other girls 
would be envying you all the way," he said, then walked away. Then 
another boy continued. "And if you’re a girl and you’re his 
girlfriend…," a short pause for a wave of ‘ooooo’s "Then, you’re likely 
to be killed by them," giggles were heard after that.

 	"Why do you have such annoying ningens in your class?" asked Hiei. 
"Bear with it, it may get worst," said Kurama, taking out a book. "And 
Hiei," Kurama remembered something. "Nani?" Kurama smiled. "Please, 
don’t use any kinds of Ensatsu Kens. We might get in big trouble," 
Kurama told Hiei. "What’s worse than this?" asked Hiei, looking at the 
havoc class. "Emm… that," said Kurama, gesturing at Takahashi Shina.   

 	Hiei looked at the female ningen who had her hair tied in a high 
ponytail. Looks like someone who has ‘trouble’ for her middle name. 
"Oi," she greeted him, most harshly. She sat in front of Hiei and 
blinked. Hiei just stared at her with pure blankness. "Are you just 
acting blur or are you like this since birth?" asked Takahashi. Hiei 
glanced towards Kurama. He could see Kurama’s forehead was beaded with 
tiny cold sweats. 

 	Hiei just looked at the girl with mild interest and ignored her. 
Kurama could sensed Hiei’s hand getting smoky from underneath the school 

 	"Ha, I know… you are dumb… but wait, I think I saw you talking to 
Shuuichi just now," said Shina. "Don’t you have any other better things 
to do, Takahashi? Don’t disturb the new kid," said a boy in class who 
walked by.  

 	"No, Kaguya. Take a hike somewhere," she uttered. Kurama held 
Hiei’s hand from under the table. Trying his best to cool it down. 

 	Suddenly the school bell rang. Break time. 15 minutes off, 
everyone was out of class in an instant. Including the annoying 

 	Yuusuke and Kuwabara are also here," Hiei told Kurama. "Ah, and 
why didn’t I know about this assignment?" asked Kurama. "You went out to 
school early today," Hiei answered short. Kurama arched his fine brows 
and leaned on the chair. 

 	Suddenly there were noises. "Here! yeah, Kurama’s class is here!" 
they could hear from inside. Suddenly the door slid open. "Ahh, Kurama, 
Hiei!" shouted a familiar voice which belonged to a big bulky Kazuma 

 	Kurama smiled. "Hiei was just telling me about you," said Kurama. 
"I told you that you could call ten Kurama’s with that volume," snapped 
Yuusuke. "There’s only one Kurama," insisted Hiei. "Yeah, sorry Hiei," 
noted Yuusuke giving Hiei a light jab in his stomach. "Hey squirt, what 
were you talking about me? Telling bad things about me to Kurama, ne?" 
accused Kuwabara. "Don’t you think I have any other better things to do 
than talk about you?" said Hiei annoyingly. Kuwabara blinked 

 	"Okay, what assignment is this?" asked Kurama. Yuusuke leaned 
closer. "Em, Koenma had asked us to recapture a youkai. Which had been 
stealing the ‘water of cruelty’. Anyone with that will have the power to 
tell very cruel stuff, do cruel stuff and anything associated to it," 
explained Yuusuke. Kurama’s thoughts drifted to Takahashi. 

 	"What’s the name of this youkai?" asked Kurama. "Well, it’s youkai 
name we know. But not his undercover human name," said Kuwabara. "What 
is it?" asked Kurama. "Mizuki," Yuusuke told him. "Hah! The thing is, 
that it is in your school," said Kuwabara. "My school?" asked Kurama. 
both Yuusuke and Kuwabara nodded. 

 	"Well, day after tomorrow is 	 Valentine’s day. It might want to 
destroy it, so we’d better watch out," said Yuusuke. 

 	"And we’d better get back to class," said Kuwabara looking at his 
watch. "We don’t want to get caught in our first day, ne?" And they 
hurried off. 

 	"Minamino-san," a boy called his name, suddenly placing a few 
folded paper on Kurama’s table. "Who gave these, Hitoshi-san?" asked 
Kurama at the boy who just took his seat not far from Kurama. "Em… 
Ichigami, Katoshi, Shiranui, Asamiya…… and I lost counted. But they paid 
fair money," he answered.  
 	"Sore wa nanno ka?" asked Hiei. "These, are letters from 
admirers," answered Kurama, reading over it. Not concentrating though as 
it contains the same thing. Hiei gave Kurama a disgusting face. 

 	"Why waste so much time writing? Do you actually like them?" asked 
Hiei. Kurama shot a look at Hiei. "Hiei, you know who I like. And you 
know obviously that I have no interest in them. Or I’ll be elsewhere by 
now," noted Kurama, actually a bit hurt. Hiei placed a palm on his 
thigh. Kurama looked at Hiei’s bright scarlet eyes. Deep with thoughts, 
he then gave a smile back to Hiei. "Gomen ne, Hiei," he said, taking out 
a book from his backpack. 

 	Next day…

 	Takahashi walked in the class. 15 minutes late. Every eye was set 
to her, even the least interested Hiei. "Takahashi, why were you late?" 
asked the sensei. She flashed him an angry look. "The bus left me, I had 
to walk to school," she answered, snappishly. The teacher widened his 
eyes. :… A bright kid with a bad attitude. Sure glad that Minamino is a 
perfect student …: he thought. 

 	Takahashi was busy, Valentine is tomorrow. She had to do something 
to destroy it. :… I hate Valentines. It sucks badly …: she noted 

 	First lesson, Science was ended early as the teachers had to go to 
a board meeting. Takahashi walked up to the back of the class to throw 
some rubbish from under her desk. Even as bad as she is, she hated 
rubbish. Even though it could sometimes be used to annoy people. 

 	Past by Minamino, she found something interesting on him. 
Minamino’s collar wasn’t closed fully and it revealed his neck, and a 
love-bite could be clearly seen by her. :… Minamino has a love-bite? 
Interesting… wonder who’s his girl? …: she thought a proceeded to the 
dustbin behind the class. 
 	She walked back to Minamino and sat at an empty seat in front of 
him. "Oi Shuuichi," she uttered. Kurama looked up from his book. "Nani?" 
he asked. Hiei was watching them by the corner of his eye. "What’s that 
on your neck?" she asked, whispering. Kurama looked at his neck and 
realised something, his collar was a bit too opened. And he knew exactly 
what she meant. He held his collar immediately. 
 	"Nothing," he told her. She narrowed her eyes excitingly. A kind 
of qi was coming out of her. Not a reiki, but a youki. Hiei also sensed 
it. He regretted himself for not bringing his katana to school. All 
because of Kurama. He was the one who told him not to bring his katana. 

 	"Saa, I know what is it and you better tell me who’s the girl. Or 
else…," she threatened Kurama. :… this would be a nice Valentine present 
for you, Minamino-kun. I’ll would first find out who she is, then kill 
her …: laughing evilly to herself with evil spinning rapidly in her 
brains. "Anyway Shuuichi, I am finding someone by the name of Kurama. DO 
you know it?" asked Takahashi. Hiei frowned, but kept his qi controlled. 
Kurama smiled. "Iie Takahashi. Why do you want to find him?" asked 
Kurama. "Well, it had stolen something from my family. And I want 
revenge. I’ll have to kill him if I have to," said Takahashi. "Honto 
ka?" asked Kurama. Takahashi nodded. :… Damn. She’s looking for me. But 
lucky for us she’s an amateur. Or she’d find my youki already by now …: 
thought Kurama. 

 	"Ano… how long have you been ‘hunting’ this Kurama thing?" asked 
Kurama, trying to dig some information. Shina shrugged. "From the time I 
knew my parents were sad about the stolen things and they had already 
died. Have to take revenge for them," answered Takahashi casually. 
Kurama chuckled. "What makes you think I know this Kurama guy?" he asked 

 	Takahashi flashed an odd grin at him. "Because you looked like you 
have experience in catching bad guys. I heard the often talking about 
Minamino-kun saving me from this and that," she answered. Kurama let out 
a silent big happy relieved sigh. He thought she already knew who he 
 	:… Could it really be her? Damn, how could I not know. She is new, 
she is cruel, it all fits her. I have to tell Yuusuke and Kuwabara. I 
bet Hiei already knew who she was by the raise of his own youki …: 
"Hiei, no! She don’t know who we are yet. Don’t let her sense you," 
warned Kurama. Hiei glared at Kurama. "Why didn’t you let me bring my 
katana?" he scolded Kurama. Kurama shrugged. "Gomen nasai," he uttered. 
 	Hiei sighed heavily. "Never mind," and started on his writing. 
"Damn I am bad in writing," Hiei noted. Kurama leaned over and peeped. 
"Ah, it’s cute Hiei, ganbatte ne!" Kurama gave him moral support. "Ha… 
ha… not funny," said Hiei tearing off the paper from the book, crumpling 
it and threw it in the dustbin. Kurama blinked at him. "Hiei, I bet 
Koenma bought that with his own money," said Kurama gesturing at the 
book that Hiei just tore a paper out of it. "Who cares? He made me sit 
in your school and he knew how I hate these confined places," mumbled 
Hiei. "Hiei, sometimes you’re worst than Genkai when it comes to 
complaints," said Kurama, smiling at Hiei. Hiei just snorted and looked 

 	Yuusuke and Kuwabara were already waiting at the school gate for 
Kurama and Hiei. "Em, skipped the last class?" asked Kurama. Yuusuke and 
Kuwabara both nodded gleefully. "We told the sensei that we wanted to go 
to the toilet," said Yuusuke cracking up. "And he actually bought it!" 
Kuwabara laughed it down with Yuusuke.

 	Kurama shook his head and smiled. "You guys need to…," Kurama was 
stopped by a group of fleeting girl, practically sighing and throwing 
flying kisses to him.. "Stupid ningen girls," Hiei snorted, Kurama 
sighed feeling quite flattered. Hiei was showing some signs of jealousy. 
Yuusuke and Kuwabara patted his back. "Good for you Kurama, you should 
find yourself someone though," noted Kuwabara. Hiei shot Kuwabara a 
stare, but unfortunately the big oaf didn’t saw him glaring at him with 
‘death’ spelling each letter. :… Em, I already have one …: Kurama noted 
mentally. Smiling, he pushed Kuwabara and Yuusuke out the school gate.

 	"Look, Minamino-kun is making friends with the new students," said 
a girl. "Yeah, wish I could be in that group," said another one. 

 	"Anyway, I and Hiei have some information about this case," noted 
Kurama. "Honto ka?" asked both Kuwabara and Yuusuke simultaneously. 
Kurama nodded. "But I’ll tell at the meeting afterwards ok?" They all 
agreed with Kurama’s suggestion.

 	While both Kuwabara and Yuusuke were busy talking about their 
adventures in Kurama’s school that day, Kurama shot a glance at the 
koorime walking behind them. A bit further from the group. Kurama 
paused, silently waiting for him. Hiei paced normally, not picking up 
any speed. When they were side by side, Kurama resume walking. "Why so 
down?" asked Kurama. Hiei looked up at him and looked away. 

 	He felt slightly hurt. He didn’t know why he was feeling like that 
 	"Nothing’s wrong fox," answered the little koorime. Kurama 
softened his expressions and smiled, he patted Hiei’s shoulder and 
continued to walk silently behind the two laughing boys.

 	:… Working as a Reikai Tantei is sure tiring …: noted Kurama 
mentally. He and the others would be having a meeting with Koenma in 
another 3 hours time. 

 	"Tadaima," he hollered noisily in the house. No answer. He locked 
the door and went to the kitchen to get a drink. And he found a note on 
the counter saying that his mother is going away for a couple of days 
with her husband. Kurama smiled, he’s was glad that his mother was 
getting very happy nowadays.

 	:… Yatta! Now I have the house peacefully to my own self… maybe 
not by myself …: he grinned, making himself a big sandwich and went to 
his room. When he opened it, he was surprised to see Hiei there. "Ano… 
kimi wa koko ni imasuyo, ne?" asked Kurama, munching on his sandwich 
placing his bag on his desk. Hiei was silent. Kurama looked at the 
unusually silent youkai. 

 	Kurama sighed and pulled Hiei away from the window sill, making 
him sit on his bed. Hiei didn’t refuse nor responded. He just followed 
Kurama’s hand which was tightly held on his wrist. Kurama took another 
bite on his sandwich. "Now Hiei, something is wrong. Both you and I know 
it. So, you might as well tell me what it is," said Kurama, coaxing 
Hiei. He tried to push the last piece of sandwich in Hiei's mouth. He 
didn’t reject it and munched silently on it. Kurama suppressed a little 
smile. He put a hand on Hiei's and asked again.

 	"Tell me," he demanded gently. Hiei looked at Kurama from the 
corner of his eyes. He sighed. "This youkai, your classmate is trying to 
find your lover. And she’s going to kill it. Not knowing you are also 

youko Kurama, he’s trying to kill you too," noted Hiei. Kurama smiled. 
"Ano Hiei… with you around, she won’t even succeed in getting as close 
to us as to a 100 metres, so why worry?" chuckled Kurama, kissing Hiei 
on his cheek. Hiei shook his head. "She could hide her youki and what if 
I just let out my Kokuryuuha and you are asleep, then she’ll pick that 
particular time to attack us?" blared Hiei. "Shhh…," Kurama placed a 
finger on Hiei's lips. "No Hiei, I will be protecting you too remember? 
You know I won’t even let a bug touch you. And I know you would do the 
same," joked Kurama. Hiei bit his lips. Even though his classmate was 
just a lower A-class youkai, it would be dangerous. 

 	"Nan de mo, menmitsu kudasai," Hiei told Kurama. He was showing 
some concern in his voice but he quickly covered it. "I won’t want to 
waste time scraping your scattered body parts back to your ningen  
kaasan," said Hiei. Kurama giggled and pushed Hiei on the bed, showering 
him with wet sloppy kisses.

 	In Koenma’s office…

 	"… and the youkai is my new classmate. Kanojo no ningen namae wa 
Takahashi Shina. The male youkai turned into a female ningen. Quite an 
amateur. She wasn’t aware about telling me about her dead youkai parents 
while all we know that her ningen parents are still alive and well. She 
can’t even sense my youki or even Hiei's stronger youki. But she could 
hide her own youki well, but not well enough. She would suppress some of 
her youki out when she’s a bit excited," Kurama ended his report. Koenma 
and the others nodded.

 	Koenma looked at Hiei, quite familiar with the slightly flushed 
face and a slightly depleted youki. :… These activities do have side 
effects. Sure wish that they won’t do it often when we’re on a mission 
like this. Who knows when they would have to fight? …: Koenma made a 
mental note.     

 	"Hiei?" he called. Hiei looked up at Koenma. "Hn, I scanned her 
with my Jagan. She wants to kill Minamino Shuuichi’s lover before 
Valentine’s day and kill youko Kurama. According to her, Youko Kurama 
had stolen something from her youkai family and made her youkai parents 
to be upset and die soon after that. She wants to take revenge on Youko 
Kurama. But she hasn’t the slightest idea that Shuuichi Minamino is also 
youko Kurama," Hiei reported. 

 	"Before Valentine’s day? But that’s tomorrow!" exclaimed Yuusuke. 
"Chotto matte! Ano Kurama, kimi wa koibito iru ka?" asked Kuwabara. 
Kurama was silent. "Ok, so we don’t have to worry about the so called 
Shuuichi’s lover. We only have to worry about Kurama," decided Kuwabara. 
Botan was having sweatdrops. "Ga, Kuwabara-kun," protested Botan. 
Kuwabara looked at her. "Nan da yo?" he asked. "Ano… Ano…," Botan 
struggled with her words. Kurama was also having the same expressions as 
her. Only Hiei looked cooler. He thought he could defeat the youkai if 
it attacked him.   

 	Kuwabara was still looking at Botan. "Nani? You have any ideas?" 
he asked. Botan shook her head. "But… but… Kurama-kun does have a 
lover!" exclaimed Botan. Kurama felt like making a Botan punching bag. 
"NANI!" exclaimed the big oaf (gomen, I mean Kuwabara-san). He threw a 
disbelieving look at Kurama. "Can’t believe you didn’t tell us!" he 
shoot at him, slapping his back excitedly. "Who’s she? Tell me, tell 
me," he asked. 

 	"Why should he tell you?" interrupted Hiei. :… Hiei, kimi wa ore 
no eiyuu. Doumo Inari-sama…: Kurama a bit relieved. Kuwabara looked at 
Hiei. "Shrimp, it’s between me n Kurama. So, but off," he told Hiei 
wryly. "Well you don’t have to worry about Kurama’s lover. That problem 
is in my hands. Don’t bug him, I promised Kurama already to help him to 
take very good care of his lover," Hiei covered up, enough to get 
covered for Kuwabara though. Kuwabara looked at Hiei and snorted. "Ok, 
but if anything happens to Kurama’s lover. I’ll promise myself to kick 
your ass," threatened Kuwabara, shaking his fist at Hiei. "Kh," Hiei 
just snorted. :… wait when you know who my ‘lover’ is …: Kurama laughed 
gleefully in his mind, but kept a serious expression. So did Botan, she 
nearly got herself in hot soup because of her big mouth.

 	"Ok then, tomorrow we will react. Kurama, Hiei, keep an eye on 
Mizuki. If anything happens before school ends, Yuusuke and Kuwabara 
would help you guys. I will give the other students some brain-washing 
seeds if it does happens before school ends. If it doesn’t happens, 
Kurama, tell her that you will be seeing you so called ‘lover’ at the 
park. If it happens that way, it’ll be easier for you guys to react," 
Koenma gave orders. 

 	Hiei snorted, he had always hated orders. Even Kurama’s orders. :… 
But Kurama doesn’t give me orders. Mostly requests, demands…  …: Hiei 
shook off his thoughts. If he leave it as it is, it’ll bring his manhood 
to life.

 	"Matte," said Koenma, remembering something. "Please do keep alert 
tonight ok. Maybe Kurama would be in trouble," reminded Koenma.

 	Everyone nodded. "Yoshi, ganbatte ne," said Koenma. Botan opened 
the door. "I rather spend time with you guys that do these work!" sighed 
Koenma loudly. "We know," said Yuusuke and jumped out of the office, 
laughing. Koenma shot Botan a look. "Why is that boy laughing so much 
lately?" he asked. Botan shrugged and closed the door behind her, trying 
desperately not to laugh. 

 	Koenma frowned. :… What is wrong with them!! …: he demanded 
mentally. But when he looked down at himself, he found out that he wore 
his shirt inside out and it’s dirty. :… Shit, must be the ice-cream I 
ate today. Oh, I’m not suppose to swear …:

 	They walked they way out of Reikai into Ningenkai. Hiei stopped at 
the portal. Kurama let Yuusuke and Kuwabara out first. He looked at Hiei 
over his shoulder. "Are you going to Makai?" he asked. Hiei nodded once. 
His usually sullen face was even duller. "Hiei," Kurama called. Hiei 
cocked his head, ‘what’. Kurama held Hiei's hand. "Can we stay together 
tonight?" he asked. "Hn," he answered. "I mean in Ningenkai, in my 
room?" cleared Kurama when he knew that Hiei thought Kurama wanted to 
stay in Makai for the evening through. 

 	Hiei closed his eyes. He tightened his grip on Kurama’s hand which 
was already in his. Kurama smiled. "Doumo Hiei," and pulled Hiei through 
the portal. To their surprise, Kuwabara and Yuusuke were still waiting 
for him. "Ano Kurama, why so late?" asked Kuwabara. Kurama and Hiei 
quickly separated their hands. "Ah, the shrimp is also coming back to 
Ningenkai," noted Kuwabara. Hiei looked away from Kuwabara, refuse to 
create another blood-thirsty fight between him and Kuwabara even though 
the urge to do that was burning between the koorime’s fingers.  

 	Kuwabara shrugged. "Ah! I think I’m going to take Yukina-chan to 
dinner tonight! An early Valentine’s present, what do you think 
Yuusuke?" asked Kuwabara. Hiei was about to slash Kuwabara into half 
with his katana, but Kurama held his wrist tight enough to stop him from 
doing so. Yuusuke thought, then nodded. "Good idea! I think I’m going 
to… wait, we’re suppose to take care of Kurama tonight. It means we have 
to stay with him tonight," noted Yuusuke, remembering their situation 
 	Both Kurama and Hiei's eyes widened. :… They’re going to spoil our 
night! …: Kurama alarmed himself mentally. "Ano, you guys go on and have 
fun tonight. I will be Ok, Hiei would be around watching all of us," 
reasoned Kurama, crossing his fingers behind him. Kuwabara narrowed his 
eyes at Hiei, who was glaring blankly at him. "You? ano, you sure you 
could keep your eyes on Kurama?" asked Kuwabara. "Try me," Hiei 
 	Kuwabara shrugged. "Kazuma, Hiei's the best fighter among all of 
us, Kurama should be alright," said Yuusuke giving Hiei a pat on his 
back. Hiei snorted and turned away, but Kurama could have sworn that he 
saw Hiei blushing.   

 	"Yoshi! Tata all!" with that Kuwabara skipped bulkily to Genkai’s 
temple. Yuusuke smiled and shrugged. "Kurama," he said and slapped 
Kurama’s shoulder gently. "Menmitsu," and he disappeared. 

 	When both were out of sight, Kurama looked at Hiei. Hiei who was 
looking at him, turned away. Kurama smiled. "Race you to my room!" he 
announced and ran. Hiei snorted and fleeted away, taking the other route 
to the tree that’s near Kurama’s bedroom.
 	Takahashi was already waiting for Shuuichi. She had somehow 
managed to slip past the Minamino’s residence burglar alarm and was 
sitting happily waiting for Shuuichi to return from where he had been. 
:… Then I’ll force him to tell me who’s his dear beloved lover. Ha… Ha… 
Ha… …: she laughed evilly in his head. 

 	Hiei reached Kurama’s window first. He smiled, always faster than 
Kurama. But when he jumped in Kurama’s bedroom, he realised that he 
wasn’t the only one waiting for Kurama. "Kisama," he snarled at 
Takahashi. "Ano, Hiei! What are you doing here? Do you want to kill 
Minamino’s girlfriend too? I thought only girls fall for him," commented 
Takahashi. "I should be asking you that," said Hiei is his low voice. "I 
am here to know who’s his lover. So that I could kill her, why? Just for 
fun!" then she laughed. Hiei narrowed his eyes. Her youki was rising 
amazingly fast from this morning. 

 	"Oi," she called Hiei. Hiei looked at her. "Do you know where 
Shuuichi is?" she asked Hiei, he shook his head. "Ah," she nodded, 
crossing her arms to continue waiting for Shuuichi.

 	Finally Kurama reached home. He had practically ran half his life 
away. Can’t wait to spend a night alone with his dear koorime. He knew 
Hiei was already here by the sense of his youki, Kurama went to his room 
and opened it. "Ok Hiei, you won!" he exclaimed with a bright smiled, 
but it immediately subsided.   

 	"Takahashi-san! What are you doing here?!" exclaimed Kurama 
looking at the girl on his desk. "Waiting for you, what does it look 
like?" she replied annoyingly. Kurama looked at Hiei who was leaning 
over the window sill. "She was already here when I came in," noted Hiei. 

  	Kurama bit his lower lip. "Ah, what are you here for, then?" asked 
Kurama, gently. The girl made an annoying sound. "Duh! I told you I will 
find out who’s your girlfriend," :… then kill it …: she continued in her 
head. "Sou ka? Saa… watashi wa iru jyanai da yo," he told Takahashi, 
closing the door behind him. 

 	"Eh, are you trying to fool me? What, you think I’m going to 
believe you if you said that love-bite was given by a mosquito? Fat 
chance Minamino-san," said Takahashi. 

 	"Hn," a snort was heard. Takahashi turned her attention to Hiei. 
"What, Hiei?" she demanded. "That thing wasn’t given by Kurama’s 
girlfriend. He doesn’t have one," Hiei told her. He decided, even though 
he told her that Kurama was his lover, it wouldn’t effect too much. She 
would die very soon.  

 	"Ahh, interesting. So who gave it to him?" she asked, walking 
closely toward Hiei. Their nose nearly touched. :… Hiei owes me one …: 
Kurama made a mental note. Hiei looked up from polishing his katana. 

*Kurama ~> Hey when did Hiei found his katana? I hid it well!*         
*Bulma ~>  Haha… I took it out and put it on your desk*              
*Kurama ~> ………… *

 	"You want to know?" asked Hiei. Takahashi nodded. "It has a 
price," said Hiei. "Ano, no fair!" exclaimed Takahashi. "There’s a price 
for everything, baka," Hiei told her wryly. Takahashi shrugged. Hiei 
smirked. "I’ll tell you, his lover is me," told Hiei casually. "YOU!?" 
exclaimed Takahashi. Hiei smirked again. "Now the price for that is… 
your life!" Hiei lashed out with his sword, pinning Takahashi to the 
wall. He had some questions to be answered before killing it. 

 	Takahashi’s eyes turned into an eerie shade of green before 
transforming into a pale faced slender youkai. "How dare you!" 
Takahashi’s voice had turned into a whole octave lower in Mizuki form. 
"How dare you, steal the water of cruelty. A low class youkai like you 
can’t even steal a Reikai thing properly. If you want to steal something 
from Reikai, make it clean. Don’t make it too amateurish and cause 
trouble for us. Now, you pay!" snarled Hiei. 

 	Mizuki blinked. "How do you know who I am?" asked Mizuki, 
surprised. "I know more that you think!" with that, Hiei prepared his 
Katana. "Matte kudasai!" exclaimed Mizuki. Hiei stopped but didn’t say 
anything. "Please, do you really work for the Reikai Tantei?" asked 
Mizuki. Shuuichi nodded, then Hiei, once. 

 	Mizuki took a deep breath. "I stole the water to become cruel. So 
that the Reikai Tantei could catch me. I hope by killing Shuuichi’s 
lover, the Reikai Tantei would arrest me," said Mizuki. "Why?" asked 
Shuuichi. Mizuki smiled. "I heard that Kurama also worked as a Reikai 
Tantei. My plan is, to be caught by the Reikai Tantei. So that when I’m 
being faced for justice, with hope Kurama would also be attending the 
hearing," Mizuki told Hiei and Shuuichi. "And?" Hiei demanded more. He 
just needed the word to slash this youkai into pieces. "So that when I 
do get to see him, I’ll kill him. In revenge for my parents," Mizuki 
gritted his teeth.

Hiei smirked. "Kurama is my friend, so you die!" he raised his katana 
another time. "Matte, Hiei!" exclaimed Kurama. "But, Kurama!" Hiei 
slipped his words. "Nani? Shuuichi Minamino is Kurama?" asked Mizuki. 
Kurama nodded. "No! don’t lie! I know what Kurama looks like! He’s a 
tall silver haired demon!" denied Mizuki. 

 	Yuusuke stopped. He thought that something was wrong. "Keiko, I 
think Kurama’s in trouble I have to go," he told Keiko. Keiko smiled and 
gave him a kiss. "Be careful," with that Yuusuke left for Kurama’s 

 	On the way, he tried to mentally link himself with Kuwabara. 
:… Kuwabara! Kuwabara! Can you hear me? I think Kurama’s in trouble! …: 
he shouted mentally. 

 	Kuwabara stopped slurping his ramen. Yukina flashed him a worried 
look. "Daijobu desu ka, Kazuma-san?" she asked. Kuwabara looked at her. 
"I think Yuusuke’s trying to tell me that Kurama’s in trouble," he told 
Yukina. She gasped. "Kurama-san in trouble?" she asked. Kuwabara nodded. 
"Come, let me send you back to Genkai’s temple," said Kuwabara. Yukina 
shook her head. "No, I want to come! Kurama might be hurt, I could help 
to heal him then," she insisted. Kuwabara nodded. It would be late if he 
send her back.
 	Kurama shook her head. He slowly transformed into the slender, 
silver haired youko self. His voice went down a whole octave lower. "Is 
this enough to convince you?" he asked huskily. Hiei had always awed 
this Kurama. No, not because he’s more good looking than Shuuichi 
Minamino, they both look good. But because he haven’t had the chance to 
fight with this Kurama yet.

 	"Kisama, you caused the death of my parents!" Mizuki snarled under 
Hiei's katana. "Snarl all you can, I’m going to slash you into pieces 
after this!" said Hiei. Mizuki looked at Hiei. A sudden raise of youki 
accidentally threw Hiei away. Mizuki pounced on Kurama and they fought. 
"Shimatta," Hiei cursed at his carelessness and launched over to stab 
Mizuki with his katana, but Mizuki saw Hiei coming. He quickly pulled 
Kurama to his side and Hiei stabbed Kurama right in the stomach. Hiei's 
jaw dropped. He had buried his katana in his lover’s stomach. :… Damn! 
Damn that Mizuki! …: "Kurama!" shouted Hiei, quickly pulling the katana 
out. Both of them were underestimating the youkai.

 	At that time, Kuwabara and Yukina met Yuusuke near Kurama’s house. 
"Faster, I could sensed Kurama’s depleted youki!" hushed Yuusuke. "Damn 
that brat! I knew that he couldn’t handle the youkai alone! Stupid Hiei! 
And what if the youkai had already killed Kurama’s lover?" worried 
Kuwabara. "Shut up and faster climb up the tree to the opened window!" 
shouted Yuusuke.

 	Mizuki laughed. "Baka? Look who’s the baka now," then he laughed. 
"Yaro!" Hiei shouted, going in his fastest speed, slashing the still 
laughing Mizuki into small bits. 

 	The three of them reached in time to see Mizuki being slashed into 
small particles by Hiei. "You go Hiei!" cheered Yuusuke. "Hiei no baka!" 
exclaimed Kuwabara. Yuusuke turned to look at Kuwabara, he’s looking 
over a badly injured Kurama, trying to put him on his bed. "Hiei! why 
did you stab Kurama with your katana?" he shouted. Yukina put a hand 
over her mouth. "Kurama-san!" she went near to him and tried to heal the 
opened wound. 

 	Hiei was silent, he got up from his crouching state and walked 
over to them. Yukina was having cold sweats. "Kurama-san! Don’t die!" 
she whispered through gritted teeth. 

 	Koenma and Botan appeared. "What the hell happened?" he asked. 
Botan ran over to help Yukina. Hiei sighed. He looked at Koenma. "Tell 
Kurama I am very sorry," and with that he tried to plunge the katana 
into himself. He can’t bear with the guilt. He can’t look at those green 
emerald eyes again with guilt spelling him all the time. Kurama won’t 
forgive him. Why should he?

 	Koenma stopped Hiei, he shook his head. "No Hiei, it wasn’t your 
fault. Kurama won’t blame you. We all know Kurama and you know him the 
best, don’t act like you don’t. He won’t blame you," said Koenma. Hiei 
shook his head. "I could have killed him," he uttered. "But you didn’t 
and Mizuki is dead," said Koenma. Hiei bit his lower lip. Koenma lowered 
Hiei’s katana and pat his back. "You haven’t paid me yet for making me 
wear school uniforms," noted Hiei. Koenma smiled, a cold sweat appeared 
on his forehead.

 	Kurama opened his eyes. "Ah Kurama-san, you’re awake," said 
Yukina, smiling. "Arigatou Yukina, Botan," said Kurama, knowing that 
they had treated his wound. "Hiei?" Kurama called, he now had turned 
back into the form of Shuuichi Minamino. Hiei's head looked up. "Hiei? 
Where is Hiei?" demanded Kurama. All he could see is just Yuusuke, 
Yukina, Kuwabara and Botan. But no Hiei. "Hiei's here Kurama-san," said 
Yukina. Kuwabara gave way for Hiei and Koenma gave him a little push. 

 	"Gomen Kurama," he uttered softly, walking towards Kurama. Hiei 
kneeled and lowered his head. Koenma gave a signal that they leave 
Kurama and Hiei alone. "Come, let’s go. We don’t want to see Kurama beat 
Hiei's ass out, do we?" he joked. They all smiled, relieved that Kurama 
was alright and saved from the youkai. "Ano, Botan. Pick up the remains 
of Mizuki," ordered Koenma. Botan nodded and picked up the remains with 
her spells and magically cleaning it, leaving the room following the 
 	Knowing that everyone had vacated the room, Hiei put his head on 
Kurama’s chest. "Gomen nasai," he uttered. Kurama straightened himself 
and put his hand over Hiei, trying to hug him. "No Hiei, thank you. 
Mizuki might have killed me," he told Hiei. Hiei returned Kurama’s 
embrace and hugged him tightly. 

 	Three weeks passed…

 	They were having a picnic by the sea-side. Keiko and the other 
girls were busy setting up the picnic blanket and foods. Yuusuke was 
still trying to win Kuwabara in ‘tic-tac-toe’ drawn on the sand.

 	Kurama was pushed away by the girls. They insisted that the guys 
relax and the girls do the job. So he sat on the sand a bit further and 
secluded from them, in his boxer staring idly into the sea. Hiei was 
sitting next to him, close but not touching. Hiei secretly look at 
Kurama’s stomach, to scan for the wound. It had been 3 weeks since he 
last saw Kurama. Only god knows how he missed him and suppressed the 
urge to not just hug him in public.

 	But he can’t see. Kurama was folding his legs up to his chest, so 
it was hard to look at his stomach. Kurama realised that Hiei was 
looking at him, felt quiet nice and curious at what he’s looking at. 
"Ano, kimi wa goran ni nan desu ka?" he asked Hiei. Hiei looked up, just 
to find a cheerful bright emerald eyes looking at him. He looked away. 
"Nothing," he answered. "Hiei, tell me," said Kurama, poking at Hiei's 
 	Hiei looked at him and sighed. "How’s your wound?" he asked, 
trying hard not to sound concerned. Kurama showed Hiei his stomach. Just 
a thin lining, marking the place where he had wounded a total of three 
times. By Hiei, Genbu and Hiei again. Hiei narrowed his eyes. Kurama 
knew instantly that Hiei felt guilty and he didn’t want him to feel that 
way. "It will disappear in a few days time. Shimpai suru na," said 

 	"I missed you," Hiei uttered, barely audible. "Really? Me too," 
Kurama replied. Hiei looked at Kurama. Kurama smiled warmly at him. 
Suddenly Hiei pushed Kurama on the sand and kissed him. "Ah… Hie…," But 
Kurama surrendered and kissed Hiei back. 

 	"Ready! The food is ready!" exclaimed Botan happily. "Honto ka?" 
asked Kuwabara and Yuusuke simultaneously. And both ran towards the 
girls. "Hey, Where’s Kurama?" asked Keiko. Yukina blinked. "Ano, Kurama-
san and Hiei-san is there," she said smiling. Everyone looked at where 
Yukina was pointing. 

 	Hiei and Kurama kissing under the sun? Everyone looked at each 
other and reconnected their dropped jaws. "Kurama! Hiei! The food is 
ready!" shouted Yuusuke, with a mischievous grin on his face. 

 	Hiei looked up. Yuusuke was obviously calling them, Kurama was 
blushing his way to heaven. "You think we should go?" asked Kurama. Hiei 
answered with his trademarked "Hn."

Owari… ^_^

Wahaha! Another fic from a YYH otaku! Critics and corrections and death 
threats please! Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu for reading! 

* Special thanks to Siew Lee and Ryoko for her inspiration!*
Bulma Briefs