Updated: September 8, 2002

Cheryl Roberts' Stories

Murphy's Law: Just when Billy thought it was safe to build another invention...
'Til Death: There was a reason Kim sent that letter to Tommy, but it isn't what you think.
Falcon Daughter: A follow-up to "'Til Death".
Darklady: Who is the Dark Lady, and why does she hate Kim?
All I Want For Christmas: Tommy and Kim meet for the first time five years after the infamous letter, and boy have things changed...or have they?
Top Gun: Kimberly's piloting skills are put to the test as a determined opponent has the Crane NinjaZord in its sights.
Pretty In Pink: The sequel to "Top Gun".
Someday: When tragedy strikes, Kim and Tommy's love pulls them through.
A Matter of Life: When you touch death on a daily basis, sometimes you need to touch life -as Kim and Tommy discover.

Created: April 4, 2000