Paganism & Wicca

Paganism & Wicca

What are the first things you think of when you hear the word Pagan or Wicca? Most people would say they think of Satan worshippers, who sacrifice babies and animals, people who dress all in black and ride on broomsticks with long pointed black hats atop their head. If you agree with this, then you thought wrong. People who are Pagans and Wiccans, like myself, are just like any normal people you see on a daily basis, teachers, lawyers, actresses, waiters, secretaries, maybe even the President could be a Pagan or Wiccan. Most people think the goal of Pagans and Wiccans is to cause harm to the Earth and it's people, it's quite the opposite actually. One of the greatest things about Paganism, is that there is no certain belief you have to follow, whereas with Christianity there are many rules and beliefs practicers must follow. With Paganism, you can believe in the christian God, or gods and godesses, all beliefs are excepted. To be a Pagan or Wiccan, you must have an inner-love and peace for yourself, and learn to except all people. Pagans tend to worship the Earth and nature around them, bringing out the beauty in things that was always there. Wiccans explore their spiritual side and learn more about thereselves through the rituals and meditation they perform. I hope this was able to help a bit to clear up some of the mystery of people who are just like you and me, who are not evil, but really peaceful people. Below are some links to even more informative pages on Paganism and Wicca.

Merry Part.
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