Tehnebrae's Picture Gallery

Tehnebrae (Tenebrae), which means "darkness" in Latin, is an interesting blend of entities...this man, barely more than 6 years old, was a shell made to house an Arch Demon and an Arch Angel, brothers, while they worked out the details of a punishment. Tehn's mind formed of them both, little slivers of essence weaved into one, became his own person, but could not exist outside the merging of the entities. Tehnebrae can best be understood by reading his homepage...just click on his underlined name. This page is devoted to the beautiful face and figure of the young being who finally became his own, binding the two brothers inside him, thanks to a special collar he now wears.

The pics used for Tehn are specific ones from the anime titled "Bastard", and are of the anti-hero of the story, Darshu, AKA, Dark Shneider (*refuses to comment on that God-awful name*). If you like violence, bad language, horrible place and character names (Like Bonjovina, Metallicana), and spells that will leave you groaning (Stryper and Halloween...ug), this is the anime for you. At least it's interesting.... Anyway, thanks for visiting, sign the Guestbook, and enjoy the lovely scenery! And...oh yes...some of the pics are of his other aspects, the demon and the angel. Green eyes for Tehn, blue for the angel, and red for the demon.

Where angels fear to tread, these poor souls have trodden:

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