May 12, 2000
Dear Friends, acquaintances, and surfers,
First and foremost, once again a personal, heart
felt... 'THANK YOU' to all the United
States Veterans. To all those who's names and
pages found a home on my Veterans pages. My
deepest apologizes for the loss of several of
these pages.
For all those who helped support and had a link
to my page for the missing and abused
another personal... 'THANK YOU' and God
Bless everyone for watching out for the little
ones. Kathy[Chatty-Kathy], thank you so much for
the extra space you provided for the children.
To the 'VA Bluesman'... Thank You for
sharing the love of the music. May it always
continue to play sweet and true from here on in.
For all those who started out with me on homepage designing... Nancy[aaa-na], Mar[Java47],
Linda[snowqueen aka snowfromky], madu1[Piper],
Paty[Patycake9431]... it was a blast and I loved
ever moment. (Thank goodness for cotton balls,
snowballs, waterballons, and only we know what
For everyone that visited my site THE HEART OF COUNTRYfoxzz...signed my guest books and or
emailed me with reponses of how much they enjoyed their visit... 'THANK YOU' once again.
I try never to leave any loose ends. What was not lost I have removed. This site along with my four others at TRIPOD and my two at
ANGELFIRE have been removed completely.
There are no directories, images, etc left under
these sites. Only this page.
As for my REAL AUDIO pages at GEOCITIES,
I am still deciding if I will rework them again.
There are already many WORKING real audio sites
out there to enjoy and sooner or later G2 will
be coming for WebTV users.
In computer language...HTML...means HYPER TEXT
MARKUP LANGUAGE. For COUNTRYfoxzz the meaning
was a little different.
H=happiness, helping,& hoping.
T=today, tomorrow, & togetherness.
M=magic, music, & memories.
L=learning, listening, & laughter.
Add all these together and the outcome equals
as always,