FCRA President
Scott Hawkins
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Welcome to FCRA:

Finally Fresno's Conservative Community has a place to go to on the net. Thanks to Mr. Lucketta, our Senate District Director and WebMaster, we are now able to meet the political needs of almost everyone over-land, by-phone and now through the inter-net.

Consider these thoughts:

The California Republican Party is going through some major changes and it is mostly due to the efforts of the members of the CRA. Not just in this county but in the others as well. While others, in 1996, bailed out of the Republican Party in hopes of maintaining the Constitutiional and Conservative agenda, the rest of us steadied the course, and are now ready and in position to the take the helm. We know what is RIGHT, and we know how to inform the people of their FREEDOMS under the Constitution and will remain doggedly-determined to drive out those devil-may-care democrats from their prideful perches.

A Reason to Join:

It's True. We have Been RIGHT Since 1934 !
JOIN The CRA TODAY ! It was the grass-roots efforts of the CRA that helped Ronald Reagan into the Governors Mansion and untimately into the WHITEHOUSE. You know we can do it again, and you know that you want to be part of it.

So what are you waiting for ? Lets get it on !

Please address all your comments to FCRA President Scott Hawkins.
Warning: Any misleading statements or misquotes from any of FCRA Press Releases or FCRA messages will lead to judicial consequences.

FCRA © Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved.