I've found many Pearl Jam pages to be very repetitious:  biographies, the same pictures over and over again, the same audio files.  Nothing personal, except for the occasional interpretations of songs like 'Yellow Ledbetter'.  This page isn't going to tell you who influenced Mike McCready or where the name Pearl Jam originated.  Rather, this is an attempt to share with those I know and don't know my few experiences with the band and various band members.  I am also taking this opportunity to commend Canadian Pearl Jammers, and will share my hours upon hours waiting in line for Barrie tickets.  Enjoy.  I hope that in the future, especially after this summer, I will have many, many more experiences to share.


My first real Pearl Jam experience and probably the most memorable as I met my favourite member of the band, bassist Jeff Ament, and was able to experience Three Fish live, something truly surreal.  
Sunday, July 7, 1996 
My first Pearl Jam concert.  Words could barely explain my emotions but I still managed to write a 5 typed-page long epic review on the concert, and the time spent before (preparing) and after (recovering)... 
Saturday, September 21, 1996
(Source:  Garden of Stone)
(Source:  Epic Records))
I had met other bands at Toronto's 102.1 The Edge studios prior, but this was special.  Stone Gossard and other Brad member Shawn Smith were doing some promo for the band, their show was 19+, so this was my only way to see them... 
Wednesday, October 8, 1997 
The adventure began at 4:30 in the morning, as the sun was creeping up slowly in the east, I joined a group of fellow Pearl Jammers anxiously awaiting Barrie, Ontario tickets to go on sale at 10 a.m... 
Saturday, May 9, 1998


Last updated:  Monday, December 4, 2000     
 Special thanks to
And to Laurie - my real PJ buddy - "Some words when spoken, can't be taken back" (that's for sure)
And to Pearl Jam, who have inspired me in many more ways than one.
Much love and thanks.

About the Author
This page isn't about links, but those that I find relevant and good are on the appropriate journal pages above.
If you would like to contact me for any reason, please feel free to do so:
  Please sign my Dreambook...

© Carolyn Richter for most articles, photographs and pictures on this site, unless otherwise stated
where the rightful owner is fully acknowledged and thanked.  Please do not use this stuff without
my permission because I worked my arse off to make this site decent.  Thanks again, eh.