- Whale Watching On Hwy 101 of The Oregon Coast
- Take a look at the opportunities to see these great creatures on one of the most beautiful accessible coastlines in the world!
- Oregon State Parks and Whale Watching
- Unique opportunities through Oregon's State Parks to learn more about whales, become a part of a team that observes the number of whales and the behavior of these endangered creatures.
- Oregon Coast Aquarium
- Rated as one of the best in the world come and learn more about my favorite sea creature the Orca as well as other marine life in the aquarium.
- Welcome To Portland Oregon
- Visit one of the most beautiful cities in the west!
- Whale Watcher Expert System
- An entertaining, educational application. Interactive whale identifier, if you like it, there's a download. Lots of links to other whale and scientific sites.
- A Whale of a Site
- Return to the home page!