
-Head shots are sometimes crucial, and kill guards in one shot if your aim is true.

-Sidestep frequently, especially when you're trapped in a corner. (R + Left-C or Right-C)

-Ducking behind crates is a good idea, just be ready to run backwards when the crate explodes! (R + Down-C)

-To get a better time on some stages, go through the stage first (usually on Agent with a whole bunch of good cheats on) and remember where objects are located and where you could find your objectives on a higher difficulty level.

-The easiest cheat in the game to get is the Runway. Beat it in 5 minutes and the DK cheat is yours. It's perfect on headshots, but it was so easy to get......even on 00Agent, I beat it in 2:09 (I know its not the best, just for example). I wish I could take off a few minutes and slap them on to some places like the Facility and Train. B^)

-The Aztec and Egypt levels won't open up until you beat the game on Secret Agent, then 00Agent...they will open up one at a time.

-Once you beat the game on 00Agent, a new mode, 007 will open up, allowing you to edit the game, like enemy health, your health, etc.

-In Agent level, destroy the crates near the end of the train car you start out in to get a RC-P90.

-Don't underestimate the power of the KF7 Soviet rifle - it's pretty awesome.

-In Multiplayer, if you have Rockets, you can fire at the ceiling (if your friend is hiding a floor above you) or a wall (if you know your friend is hiding there) to "gas" them out. Hehe.

-Master the Grenade Launcher. Remember to shoot high at a corner of a wall to get maximum distance.

-You can zoom up the Sniper Rifle by pressing Up-C when you hold R, or zoom out by pressing Down-C.

-Once you beat all the levels up to Cradle, you'll get a Cougar Magnum. It's very powerful, and goes through many soldiers at once.

-If you get the Gold PP7, it's probably the best gun you'll have. It's faster then the Golden Gun and has the same effect, unless it hits their gun or hat.

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