
This page deals with culture. You probably guessed that from the title. Well, on this page you can learn about Japanese culture relating to Sailor Moon and you can learn a little about Sailor Moon in other countries. Most of this information was found at Castle in the Sky - Sailor Moon. It's a great page! I suggest you go there and read their illustrated episode summaries. They are very good. On with the culture.

Names and Translations

Inner Senshi

  English Japanese Meaning Japanese Planet Name Meaning Birthday Zodiac Sign Blood Type
Sailor Moon Serena Tsukino Usagi Rabbit of the moon getsu moon June 30 Cancer O
Sailor Mercury Amy Anderson Mizuno Ami friend of water suisei sui= water September 10 Virgo A
Sailor Mars Raye Hino Hino Rei spirit of fire Kasei ka= fire April 18 Aries AB
Sailor Jupiter Lita Kino Makoto faithfulness of tree mokusei moku= tree December 5 Sagittarius O
Sailor Venus Mina Aino Minako love's beautiful child kinsei kin= gold October 22 Libra B
Tuxedo Mask (Tuxedo Kamen) Darien Chiba Mamoru Protector of Earth   Chi= earth August 3   A

In Japanese the family name is written first. This would be like writing the name John Smith as Smith John. The girls birthdates, zodic signs, and their powers are all related the planet they are soldier of. "Rabbit of the Moon" refers to a Japanese custom saying that you an see the outline of rabbit in the face of a full moon.

Outer Senshi

  English Japanese Meaning Birthday Blood Type
Sailor Chibi Moon Rini Chibi-Usa little Usagi June 30 O
Sailor Pluto Celia Meioh Setsuna meioh= underworld king October 29 A
Sailor Uranus Corrin Tenoh Haruka tenoh= sky king January 27 B
Sailor Neptune Nerissa Kaioh Michiru kaioh= ocean king March 6 O
Sailor Saturn   Tomoe Hotaru tomoe=Saturn


January 6 AB

The Outer senshi are also named for their planet. In ancient Romanology, Pluto was the ruler of Hades, Uranus was the ruler of the Heavens and Neptune was the ruler of the seas.


Other "Good Guys"

Japanese English Identity
Osaka Naru Molly Baker Serena's red haired friend
Furuhata Motoki Andrew Guy who works at the arcade
Umino Gurio Melvin The school nerd
Tuxedo Umino Kamen Tuxedo Melvin The school nerd trying to be a superhero
Urawa Ryo Greg The boy who likes Ami
Tsukino Shingo Sammy Serena's brother
Kayama Mika Mika Cassidy Sammy's friend
Sakurda Haruna Patricia Haruna Serena's school teacher
Kumada Yuuichirou Chad Grandpa's "assistant" (Rei's crush)
Reika Rita Andrew's Girlfriend
Shinozaki Ken Lita's friend


Japanese English
Dark Kingdom Negaverse
Queen Beryl Queen Beryl
Jadeite Jadeite
Nephrite Nephlite
Zoisite zoisite
Kunzite Malachite
Ail/Ginga Seijuurou Alan
Ann/Ginga Natsumi Ann
Rubeus Rubeus
Ayakashi Cooan Catsy
Ayakashi Beruche Birdie
Ayakashi Karaberas Avery
Ayakashi Petz Prisma
Esmeraude Emerald
Dimando Diamond
Safiel Saphire


In both Japanese and Chinese, the family name is written first and the given name is written second. The Japanese don't usually have middle names. Japanese names are almost always used with a title. The title is a suffix like "-san" or "-chan". Family names are always used except when talking to friends or family.

Most Polite -sama The villians call Beryl "Queen Beryl-sama". Sailor Moon calls Tuxedo mask "Tuxedo Kamen-sama
Professionals -sensei Used for doctors, teachers. Miss haruna, the schoolteacher, is called "haruna-sensei" or just "Sensei"
Normal Politeness -san Used for everyone else
Senior Students -senpai Title for an older schoolmate. Sometimes used by girls to address their boyfriend if he is in an older grade. Makoto (Lita) calls her old boyfriend "Senpai"
Less formal -kun Used between friends or to address someone more junior than yourself
Least formal -chan talking to best friends or relatives. In Sailor Moon, the girls call each other "Usagi-chan", "Ami-chan", "Rei-chan", etc.
Pet Names -chan Usagi calls Mamoru "Mamo-chan". -chan can be used for anything cute like kids, babies, cute animals, etc.
Pet Names -ko Mamoru calls Usagi "Usako" (-ko is a feminine ending)

Not using any suffix indicates a very clase relationship which could include immidiate family, childhood friends, etc. "Sensei" and "Senpai" can be used by themselves or as suffix added to someone's name


The Planets and Days of the Week

Planet Japanese Planet Translations Day of Week Japanese Day of Week Spanish Day of Week French Day of Week
Moon getsu getsu= moon Monday getsuyobi lunes lundi
Mars kasei ka= fire Tuesday kayobi martes mardi
Mercury suisei sui= water Wednesday suiyobi miercoles mercredi
Jupiter mokusei moku= tree Thursday mokuyobi jueves jeudi
Venus kinsei kin=gold Friday kinyobi viernes vendredi

Here is what the characters are called in different languages.

Japanese English French Spanish
Tsukino Usagi Serena Bunny Serena
Mizuno Ami Amy Anderson Molly Amy
Hino Rei Raye Hino Raya Raye
Kino Makoto Lita Marcy Lita
Aino Minako Mina Mathilda Mina
Chiba Mamoru Darien Bourdu Darien
Tuxedo Kamen Tuxedo Mask L'homme masque Tuxedo Mask
Chibi Usa Rini Camille Rini
Luna Luna Luna Luna
Artemis Artemis Artemis Artemis
Endymion Prince Darien Endimion Principe Endimion
tsukikage no knight Moonlight Knight Le chevalier de clair de lune Caballero de la Luna
Osaka Naru Molly Nanou Molly
Umino Gurio Melvin Marc Kelvin
Yuuichirou Chad Theodore Nicholas
Furuhata Motoki Andrew Tony Andrew
Urawa Ryo Greg Eric Richard
Tsukino Shingo Sammy   Sammy
Kayama Mika Mika Cassidy    
Sakurada Haruna Patricia Haruna Madame Rose/La prof Monica Haruna

Attacks and Powers

Japanese English French Spanish
Moon prism power, make up! Moo Prism Power pouvoir du prism lunaire transforme moi (moon prism power transform me) Por el poder del prisma Lunar
Moon crystal power, make up! Moon Crystal Power pouvoir du cristal lunaire transforme moi (moon crystal power transform me) Por el poder del Cristal Lunar
Moon Tiara, Action Moon Tiara Magic Freezbee lunaire agit tout de suite (moon frisbee react now) Tiara Lunar, Accion
Moon Tiara Stardust     Tiara lunar polvo de estrella
Shabon Spray Mercury Bubbles Blast Pallettes d'argents agit tout de suite (silver pieces react now) Burbujas de Mercurio estallen!
Shabon Spray Freezing Mercury ice Bubbles Freeze paillettes d'argent agissez tout de suite Burbujas congelantes
Shine Aqua Illusion Mercury Ice Storm Blast   Fulgor del agua de Mercurio
Fire Soul Mars Fire Ignite ame de feu agit tout de suite Fuego de Marte enciente
Burning Mandala Mars Celestial Fire Surround   Fuego de marte enciente
Jupiter Thunder Supreme Thunder Crash Tonnerre supreme agit tout de suite Truenos de Jupiter resuenen
Supreme Thunder Dragon Jupiter Thunder Dragon   Dragon de jupiter resuenen
Sparkling Wide Pressure Jupiter Thunder Clap Zap   Centellas de Jupiter resuenen
Crescent Beam Venus Crescent Beam Smash Croissants d'amour agit tout de suite! ("Love's croissants react now!) Rayo creciente de Venus fulmina
Venus Lovely Chain Venus Love Chain Encircle   Cadena de mor de Venus, fulmina

As you can probably tell from viewing this page, Sailor Moon is popular all over the world. The contries it has been aired in include: Australia, Canada, Chile, Columbia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Malaysia, Mexico, Argentina, Paraguay, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, and the United States of America.