Prince Diamond

Prince Diamond was the leader of the Dark Moon Family. He was very stubborn and proud. He was trying to take over the Earth so he teamed up with the Wise Man.

The Dark Moon Family lived on Earth in the Future during the reign of Neo Queen Serenity(the Serena of the Future). For some reason they were banished from the Earth to a distant moon. Seeking revenge Diamond decides to travle to the Past and take over Earth when it is weaker. He first sends Rubius and the four Sisters to Earth, but when they fail, he sends Emerald(who also fails).

Then the scouts travle to the Future and defeat to try to save Neo Queen Serenity, but they can't. When they return to Earth, Diamond, with the help of Wicked Lady and the Wise Man, has placed a gigant dark crystal on Earth that grows and will eventually take Earth over.

Eventually the Wise Man and Wicked Lady turn on him(just like his brother Saphire told he they would). The Wise Man kills Emerald and Saphire and tries to kill Sailor Moon too. Oh yeah, Diamond is in love with Sailor Moon and is always trying to turn her evil and it never works. In the end the Wise Man kills him too and that is the end of the Dark Moon Family

Our Thoughts

I(Camo)didn't hate Diamond but I didn't like him either. He was very stuck up. His favorite line was "I always get everything that I want, always". I didn't like it how he was always trying to kidnapp Sailor Moon either. That got annoying. But he was ok in the end of the season. On a scale of 1-10 I give him a 5.5

I (Star) didn't like diamond very much at all. Ok he's got cool hair, I'll give him that. But what's with the funky eye in the middle of his head and what's with him always trying to seduce Sailor Moon. Couldn't he see that she had a boyfriend and that they were truly in love?? I did feel sorry for him when Saphire died. That was so sad. On a scale of 1-10 I would give him a 5.