Queen Baryell

Queen Baryell was the Queen of the Negaverse. She was trying to gather energy for some reason when Sailor Moon appeared. She sent out her first two Generals(Jedite and Nephlyte) to stop her and gather energy. She send her third General, Zoicite to gather the Rainbow Crystals and her last General, Malichite, to get the Imperium Silver Crystal from Sailor Moon and Destroy the Sailor Scouts.

In the end, the scouts beat all of the Generals and go to fight Queen Baryell herself. On the way to her fortress, all of the scouts are killed except Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon reaches the Queen and defeates her as Princess Serena with her cresent wand and crystal and with the help of her friend's spirits

Our Thoughts

I(Camo) don't like Queen Baryell. She was just way to self confident! I hate it when people get like that. She put up a good fight in the end though. On a scale of 1-10 I would give her a 5. I guess I really have nothing more to say

I (Star) also did not like queen Baryell. She was annoying nd agrivating. She was way too overconfident and thought she could beat anything that stood in her way. She was evil and cruel (which is ok in this case since she is a villian). On a scale from 1-10, I would give her a 4 1/2.