Canadian Products Destined for Vietnam
A-6A Intruder bomber metal bonded components F-4 weapons release computer
A-7 navigational system F-4 weapons release system
A-7A map display system F-5 fuel cells
aircraft engines, gasoline F-5 wing mounted fuel tanks
aircraft gunnery fire control components fibreglass bazooka barrels
aircraft landing gear components flight instruments
aircraft launching equipment 4.3 inch shells
airframe structural components fuses and primers
ammunition 30-125mm gas reciprocating engines
antenna waveguides gas turbines and jet engines
anti-personel grenades gear boxes
armor, personnel generators
artillery propellants green berets
Beaver, Caribou, and other aircraft helicopter landing and security systems
bomb bays helicopter rotor blades
boots helicopter simulator
cartridge casses and bomb bodies helicopter transmission
chemical defoliants hydraulics for F-111
communication equiptment M53 gun sights
crane and shovel attachments maintenance of aircraft engines
crash position indicator mecury batteries
demolitian materials modification and rebuilding of aircraft
Doppler navigational system morter casts
electrical and electronic parts napalm
F-4 Rolls Royce engines octral bursting agent
Otter landing gear optical sighting and ranging equiptment
passenger motor vehicles remote vapour detection devices
pipes and tubes rocket warheads
plastic personnel ground burst mines rubber fuel tanks
power conversion equiptment rye whiskey
PT6 twin engine for Beech King smoke gernades, flares, and pyrotechnics
prefabricated buildings special purpose clothing
radar equiptment airborne sweep wing actuator for F-111
radio and TV communication equiptment TNT
radio navigation equiptment airborne tires and tubes, pneumatic
radio relay sets trucks and truck tractors
radio TV equiptment except airborne underwater sound equiptment
bulk explosives