~ HTML Tutorial ~
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E-mail: Electronic Mail HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language WWW: World Wide Web HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol
GIF: Is a graphics file format abbreviated
for: JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group MIDI: Musical Instruments Digital Interface RAM - RealAudioMetafile, NOT designed for email. WAV - WaveformAudioFileFormat (MIcrosoft)
URL: Uniform Resource Locator FTP: File Transfer Protocol FYI: For Your Information FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions |
~ Email sig ~
OK, lets keep this lesson nice and simple. Step #1
Go to your "email", then click on "settings" on
the top bar, then click on "signature".
Note: If you need to clean out a mess in your sig box, use "Cmd" + "A", then "Delete".
You will also need to learn CCP (Cut, Copy, Paste). It is sooo simple to learn, and simple to use! You will avoid a lot of typos with CCP.
A large percent of "Why won't it work?" is due
to typos.
So many people post "I know I entered the
Upon review, it is usually The TYPO Gremlin Struck Again! Once you use CCP a few times, you will wonder how you ever got along without it!
Step #2
1. The very first tag you enter is the opening
And the very last entry is the closing
2. The second tag must be the opening
BODY tag:
The body tag can have several attributes.
The closing body tag: </BODY>, must go NOTE: Only one set of HTML tags to any document !!!
Step #3 BODY Attributes
<HTML> Or if you just want a solid color background: <BODY bgcolor="???" text="???">
The font
colors must be
compatible with
Text and images and all the rest of everything goes here...
</BODY> But of course, You can use what ever background your li'lle heart desires. Note: If the image you are tring to use is smaller than the actual page size, it will "tile".
Do NOT, however, use the noembed tags when posting or all the elements will be boxed in a grey/white field. You must remember to add the noembed tags when emailing and remove them when posting. Be sure to remove the <noembed> tags before posting, however. The "ghost bar" problem does not occur in posts, and the <noembed> tags can cause problems in posts. Here we have learned to use "wallpaper" as the "background", change the text color, have a bgcolor - to fill in the blanks, so you don't have that default gray box to type in. Practice it a few times, sending email to yourself, 'till you get the hang of it. Play around with the font color, etc.
The image tag, IMG which appears in the BODY is a
link to where the image is stored.
The code is: <img src="URL" height="??? width="???">
Want a border to frame the image?
<embed src="http://URL of sound"> This will give a speaker icon to click on. <bgsound src="URL of sound" loop="2">
With this tag, the song will start automatically.
Note: You can only have ONE autostart song tag in the sig box. Here is a code for on and off button:
<form method="get" action="http://URLofMidi"> NOTE: Use only midis and wavs in email.
They were designed for Website pages. When used in email, With autostart they tend to FREEZE UP the webtv box, and have to unplug the unit to get out of it! This is detrimental to the box!!!
You can make a lot of enemies freezing up people's webtv box!!! Also, when you try to use Real Audio, you are actually STEALING expensive bandwidth!!! They are designed to be ONLY played on the Hosts Website! ( usually by clicking on ) A lot of fine Real Audio Host have had their site shut down because of bandwidth theft to the tune of several thousands of dollars per month! And you CANNOT transload Real Audio! If you try to transload a ram, you are actually just transloading a REFERENCE pointer file that links to the actual LIVE STREAM HOST! So this is the order for the code: <HTML>
<img other images, text, etc. <embed src="http://URL of midi"> </BODY> </HTML>
You must write the URL exactly as it appears.
This is one reason Cut, Copy, Paste is so
Another reason you might get a blank box instead
of the image is: It is best to Upload the image to your Scrapbook for usage.
How do you find the URL of a graphic or sound?
To Center The Graphics:
Here's how to type the tags to center a
graphic. ![]() You can also align the image to the RIGHT: <img align="right" src="https://members.tripod.com/~Cannonball2/gif-2/bud1.jpg" height="88" width="150"> ![]() Images above the BODY
Use this command: To make a clickable link for your email, use this command:
<a To have an image to click on for email, use this command:
<a And you will get this:
You can change the font color and/or size:
Note: The font tag attributes in the sig
box only effect the text that is in the
sig box.
2. To have graphic as background:
3. Use attribute text color="color code or name"
4. To use an image:
5. To align image: <center> image
6. To make a link:
7. To make a song play automatically:
8. To have a speaker to click on to play
9. To make an email link: 10. Text styles & line breaks.
Now PRACTICE your codes on your email page
a. The body tag attributes of link or vlink. BTW the WebTV browser doesn't see the attribute of alink.
( To change the color of a link text use this
code: b. The body tag attributes of transition, logo, address, credits, hspace, vspace, xspeed, yspeed or instructions. c. Any type of javascript d. Head and title tags
e. The use of meta tags naturally since you can
not use the above.
HTML + CCP = FUN !!!
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