
To The Realm of the Unicorn

...where unicorns roam freely in the minds of those who believe...

There has always been, as far as I can tell, much discussion about the existence of unicorns. This is mainly because there is very little that is actually known about unicorns so it is left up to what people believe.

Some ideas, like those presented in the poem The Unicorn, by Shel Silverstein have a somewhat religious undertone to them in that he says a reason why there are no longer any unicorns is because they failed to get on Noah's Ark when the Great Flood happenned. Now, I do not subscribe to any particular religious belief, so I can't say that this never happened. But I do say that this is not my preferred belief.

So what is my preferred belief, you ask? Well thats not an easy question to answer because I am not sure there is just one answer. When I am speaking with people who say unicorns never existed and they are nothing but a fairy tale, I try to go about things from a more scientific point of view. That is to say that I present the evolution idea that maybe the unicorn no longer needed the horn and over the course of history it gradually disappeared. The unicorn then looked like what we now call a horse. I like this idea, and it is entirely plausible, but it's not much fun.

I prefer to think that unicorns may have once had a position of great status in society, but then they got tired of how things were going and now have gone the way of some of the other mythical creatures: the dragons, and the fairies. Maybe one day all who believe will be taken to this magical world to enjoy once again the company of these mythical creatures. Where is the land they have gone to? I am not sure, for I have only visited it in my dreams where I have frolicked with these mystical creatures. However, Alabama has tried to answer the question of where the beloved animal has gone in a song. There is also another poem, called the Lost Unicorn which addresses the idea of where one may currently find a unicorn. With regard to how unicorns may have once been treated, a great poem is The Unicorn, by E.V. Rieu which tells of the glory in which this animal may once have stood.

For now, I believe, unicorns roam freely in the hearts and minds of those who believe. There are, apparently, many who believe in unicorns in some form or another. This is obvious through the amount of poems and songs, and other stuff on the subject of unicorns.

One of my favorite songs is The Last Unicorn, performed by the group America. One of the main reasons that I enjoy this song is because it shows hope. The unicorn wants to let people that it is still alive. This doesnt evenreally seem to be any sort of magical world in which it is present. Just today's world. It seems as if he is telling people to keep the faith and not give up. So long as you believe, the Unicorn is still very much alive.

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