The characteristics and dynamics of tar pollution on the beaches of
Trinidad and Tobago, 1983, Mar. Poll.Bull., vol.14, no.5,
p.170-178. [191 KB]
Coastal regression and transgression at the junction of Serpent's Mouth
and the Gulf of Paria, Trinidad, 1984, Proc. 10th Carib.Geol.Confer.,
Cartagena, Colombia. [selection page]
Toxic substances in the coastal environment of the US Virgin Islands,
1986, Proc. 12th Caribbean Geol. Confer., p. 282-289. [19 KB]
Status of Beaches and Coastal Area Management in Trinidad and Tobago,
1982-1992, Progr. 13th Carib.Geol.Confer., Pinas del Rio, Cuba.
Integrated Coastal Area Management.
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latest modification: January 13,1999