The Blue Phoenix and Other Mysteries...

The Blue Phoenix is NOT in..










The Blue Phoenix's Past:

The ancient hero who killed the great monster had a wife who created the Blue Phoenix to protect the world just in case Black Magic (the great monster) was ever released again. Puck, the sidekick of the hero, with Ghost, was left with the duty of implanting the Blue Phoenix in the choosen one..


Angel's Girls:

Angel is the mother of Achika and Pixie.


Monol and Sueki Suezo:

Monol was the monster responsible of telling the "heroes of the land" about the Ancient War. Sueki Suezo was suppose to tell Holly of the true powers of the stone, but Puck killed him to keep it confidential and after Moo was defeated, Sueki found himself locked in another Mystery Disk.

That's why he says: "DDDAAAMMNN YYOOOUUU!" and runs away. But, he'll be back.......

Biting the Dust Soon.......

*Durahan: after taking over Holly's body, the rebels attack him, but Holly kills him with her love. (and the help of Pixie and Tiger!)

*Hell Heart: The rebels

*more badies: the rebels

*Lady Darkness/Mara: the rebels

*Holly--comes back: Lady Darkness/Mara kidnaps her and tortures her until she is too weak to breathe. In genki's arms, she dies.

*Big Blue--come back: Amenhotep

*Amenhotep: a P.Oed Pixie

*Black magic: Blue Phoenix/the rebels

*Blue Phoenix: uses all of energy

The Badies! The Badies!

Mara's Secret:

She's Lady darkness in disguise


Black Magic:

The monster imprisoned by the hero. Came out by the energy of Moo's mind.