Will of Fulke Grevill

WILL OF FULKE GREVILL: In the Name of God Amen the xiith daye of September in the firste yere of the Reigne of ower sovereingne Ladie Queene Elizabethe/ I ffolke Grevill of Beechampcourte in the Countie of Warwicke knighte being sicke of boddie and hole of mynd I thanke god, trustinge by the merritts of Christes passion to be saved make my testamente and laste will as followeth/ I bequeathe my sowle to god in whome I put my hole truste for my salvation yd helpinge of my wief and children, to whose handes I wholy comytt them and all my doinge my boddie to be buried in one of the chantery Iles at the parrishe church of Alceser/ My funeralles to be done by the discretion of myne executors hereafter named, the poore having some releif of the towne there, and my especiall requeste to my executors for the love I have borne them and for the travell I have taken in establishinge the hole inheritance with my greate coste, also to be considered. I moste ernestly require them and on gods behalf charge them that any debts be paid yf I die before the accomplishment thereof, that is to saie to my frende John Leke of Edmondton as he hath a covenante Indented, with my hande and seale at hit and certaine obligations for the law therof which I truste he will conseder for my sacke, and helpe yow therin. Notwithsatndinge I made hym the Indenture I left my severall bylles in his handes, (all ys but one matter) I dought not he will deliver yow them And to my espetuall trusteys/ Item to my verie frend Mr latemaire of London xx L. my cosen Marrow requireth of me xx L but I paied hym x L therof by more/ he also I wolde wer reconed withe and paied his debte. My debte to Mr. Kirton and Mr. White, where Mr. Leke standeth bounde for me for the love of god straighte ridd hit. What lande soeld yow sell of yows or myne leave me not in debt nor come not in debte yowself/ Mr. Steven Halys in lyke case straight to be paied. Mr. Nedigate xl L. Mr. Marckham x L. Where he hath certaine bylles of myne not well kepte for that he had monney paied hym and yet in all his lyef he never made me accoumpte of that he receaved in the fforrest, nor for the polle rente when he had hit, then beinge but a xiii sh. iiii d. a yere/ where he asketh a byll of debte of his brother bowes, I did aske his brother whether Mr. Markham paied hym fower mks. for me, and he utterlie denied hit/ assuredly I paied hym my self yf he were alive he wolde instiffie hys. Symon Bellers xl sh. that I hadd of hym. my sadlers debte. pursers debte, they be not great/ Mr. James in flete street iiii L. he hath my gilte Goblet that kepte my sugar and the cover, and certaine thyngs remaininge as plate that I wolde have sett home/ Turner my cosen Marrows man hath certaine specialties of Mr. William Essex that I sholde owe hym. Turner promysed me I sholde be holpen for xx L. and hab was Mr. Essex mynde I sholde have favor I appele to my Cosen Marrowes consience/ therin I confessed the accon. uppon Turners promyse upon my faith he promised me both for xx L and the one half at the uttermoste, for he wolde doe my pleasure therin on his faith nowe I truste/ God send us all his grace Item to Mr. Maynarde of the vintray fower poundes or v L for wyn Item my debte to Chamblyes brother fishemonger for fishe xxx sh./ Item mistress Regge hath a byll of my hande for fower poundes but her husbande promised me for that he paied lesse to me than to Master Cornewell I sholde be holpen, and yow honestly good Grevill considered accordinge to his promise/ Item John Ratham of Cromwell hath a letter for iiii L let hit be paied/ And a byll of my hande in his mothers tyme/ And she had certaine golde of myne. Reccon with hym I counte hym honest/ My olde ladie Dermer I have paied her certaine pcells of monney and she hath an obligation of my hande for the pson of Kynnertons debte. And on my faith her husband was paied thys debte by my brother Thomas Grevill. I sente the debte of the hole obligation he showed my brother he colde not finde the obligation/ At my coming to London he showed me so, and and promised me I sholde take no harme therby for he wolde seke hit oute for me/ I never borrowed pounde nor grote of hym therefore loke well to hyt/ My Hostice at the White harte of Islington requireth iii or iiii shillinges. I praye let her have hit. I have manie Recoginsants hanginge in the Channcerie. I have paied the whole debte of them get them dismised. I am nothinge in my lorde of pembrokes debte/ Yf my lorde set on the xxvi L that James longworthy promised me sholde be paied, that being allowed or paied, make yow moste humble sute unto hym where I paied to his servente? to his use one hundrethe poundes for his good will/ for the attaininge of master Compton as my lorde Treasurer knowes, beside that I left lande, that that I made my ladie of pembroke pryvie to, for fower hundreth poundes lesse then I myghte have had/ yet I take god to recorde I never mente but to be ordered by my ii ladies who promised I shoolde be considered, yet I have nothing for theire books I made nor for my Travaile/ I truste theire honors will consider I sould my lands to the undoinge of my children. I paied my lorde five hundred poundes for my ladie his wyef And a hundred poundes to hym as afore, by the faith I beare to Christe, yf yow my wyef or thou my sonne maye have recompence I will thanke God and them, otherwise they doe me wronge. I truste they will consider yow. I will also and require yow to performe hit that my ii sonnes Robert & Edward may have ii ffermes, that ys latimer and Hasleor, as my wyef will appointe them/ and of a smale rente besides theire annuyties granted before I wente therow with the good Ladie of Westmorlande her councell and myne beinge privie unto hit. my ii daughters having also to theire marriage fower hundred mks apece, that ys Blanche and Katherin. for the others I thanke god bee bestowed/ I have paied my son Harris fouer score pounds and more and my costs travell to Yorkshere I truste he will allowe me. My sonne Conwaye ys paied. yf god send me lyef I will doe for my sonne Conwaye, he moste nede hyt/ but for them bothe as I maye and so doe yow good Grevyll. my debte beinge paied, more I owe unto the executors of Mr. Edward Lyttellton Knight xx L not yet paied/ to recon with them that boughte woode in stafford Sheire for my debts to them, I thinke Morgaine knoweth the reconinge and hath the billes/ Stepiltons be reconed with all, for that hanges betwen thym and me. Item where I have tyed the Manor of Over to my self and my wyef duringe her naturall lyef, withoute ympeachemente of any waste/ And so to my eldest sonne ffolke Gryvell and to the heires of his boddie/ And for lacke of suche yssue to the use of me and myne heires as more plainelie appereth by a paire of Indentures made betwene my sonne and me of the one partie, and Edwarde Griffen and Baset ffeldinge Esquires on the other partie/ wherin I have comitted a speciall truste as my moste assured frends yf I dye that they levey and paye oute of the saide Mannor all my debts with certaine landes appointed by commite by the late Counties of Westmorland I have appointed my executores to hande the same Mannors, yf nede be for xvj yeres to paie and towardes the paiments of all my debts and suche thinges as my wyef gave in her sicknes to duites as oweth by a boke in paper and my hand at hit, accordinge to her will, my promice and my sons/ And here I praye my sede wyef and sonne to see my debts paied/ and make them myne executors, and truste they will see my debts paied and consider my Travell as aforesaide/ Thomas Smith of Stretforth duly? to be reconed all for monney I owe hym/ but see my reconige and billes with all that he hath/ by me ffowlke Grevyll

(proved 7 December 1560, P.C.C., 59 Mellershe)

Submitter < href="mailto:azazella@primenet.com">Kathy Weigel

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