""Apr 5. 1474, John Lacy of Cromwelbotnhum. To be buried in the parish church of Halyfax. My best beast to the Vicar of the said church for a morturary. Ij for wax candles to be burned round my body on the day of my burial. To every chaplain present at my funeral and mass xii To the two parish clerks xii. To every minor clerk ij. To the said church for 2 torches to be burned about my body on the said day vj viinj. To 4 poor men carrying lights about my body at the time of my funeral and mass the said day iiij each. To the light of the cross of said church xii. To the light of B. V. Mary xii. To every other light of said church vj. To the fabric of the bell tower v marcs. All my funeral expenses on the day of my burial, as well in the church as in the town, to be paid out of my own goods. To the fabric of the Church of Rothwell vj viij. To the lights of the Church of Methlay vi viii. I give for the exhibition of one priest in Eland Church viij. To the town of Mythlay for a perpetual exhibition for one priest s. And for the making of a chalice there iij iiij. To ElizaBETH Flyntill x marcs for her marriage. To Johan Lacy, daughter of Gilbert Lacy for her marriage x marcs. To John Lacy, son of Richard Lacy. Xl. To George Kay si. To George Lacy xl. To every one of the issue of my sons and daughters a bullock (buculum) worth iij iiij, or iij iiij in money. To Edumd Tailyour my servant xx. To Rich Coltman xiij iiij. To Marion Hawkyerd xx and a bed "sufficienter ornatum," To Roger Fourth of Methlay a young ox worth x or more. To Eyote his wife a heifer worth is or more. To Rich their son a black Tunic of Worsett. To Agnes Meer a russet gown reaching to the ankles. ("togam russetam taharem') . To John Fourth a short russet gown. To the said Roger and the his wife all my bedding (lectualia) with the clothes (pannis) thereto belonging. To my said son Richard xx marcs. To Nicholas Savyll and his wife sons and daughters x to be equally amonng them. To Ralph Bukley for his faithful service xxvj viij. To Persevell Amyas, his wife sons and daughters, v marcs to be equally divided amongst them. To Gilbert Lacy his wife sons and daughters v marcs to be equally divided amongst them. To John Rysshworth, his wife sons and daughters, xl to be divided amongst them. To Brian Thornhill and his wife xl. To John Thronhill son of said Brian sl. To the order of Friars Preachers of Pontefract while I hold the close at Methlay yearly a fat bullocvk worth xiij iiij vj marcs yearly. For the exhibition of a priest in the parish church of Halyfax, to celebrate for my soul, the souls of my ex.wives, and for the souls of those whose goods I have (justly and unjustly) had, and for the souls of all the faithful departed for 10 years, and longer if my goods should suffice. For a yearly obit to be had for me and my wives vj viij, as my executors shall receive it from William Wode and his executors for the rent of a certain close called Pokokecroft. Residue to Richard Lacy and Gilbert Lacy my sons, Persevell Amyhas and John Rysshworth aforesaid, whom I appoint executors, to dispose thereof for me and mine as shall seems best to them.

Witnesses, Robert Ecclesay, Robert Peke and Dominus Thomas Aglesthorp. Pr. 7 June 1474 by the exors."

(J. W. Clay, Halifax Wills, page 18)

Submitter Ruth Keys Clark

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