In the name of god amen the year of our lord god ML CCCCC xl the ix day of August I Rychard Wyggeley of Mydylton being of perfect memorie make order my testament & last will in manner & fourme ffolowying ffyrst I bequethe my soule to almyghty god my maker & redemer & my body to be buryed in the church of Wyrkysworth befor the Saynt Katheryne quor. Item I wyll that on the day of my buryall I will that all thynges shalbe ordred by the dyscresions of my executors Item I bequethe to our lady prest to praye ffor me iij s ij d Item I bequethe to any prest that doth contynues at Wyrkysworth to pray for me iiij d Item I bequethe to eyther of the Howses of Lychfeld & Coventree iiij d Item I bequethe to Yssabell my wyff duryng her lyve a close called Senyer ffield lying ruin in the Parysh of Matelock in all howses belongyng therwith in all & syngley thyraffterwords Item I wyll that my sayd wyff shall have suffycyent wode both ffor her fyre & to bake & to have her arythe & bellows only profit provyded that if my son do make any sale of wode that then my sayd wyff to have the thryd part of the sayd wode Item I bequethe to my sayd wyff Yssabell a mese place lying ruin that sayd Parysh of Matlock lying now in the (torn paper) of Roger Waker Item I bequethe all my land (torn paper)in Mynster to my sayd wyff beyng inover in the Hullying of Rychard Lonmas (?) provyded that iff my sayd wyff do marye & take a husband that the day she shall have none of this land that I have bequethed her butt only the thryde part of my lande Item I bequethe to my son John my hell boole after that two fyres be burned so that he shall have nothyng butt a black Hyllyng at the syght of iiij honest men indeferent taken & the resydue that wylbe made att the sayd two fyres to go to the behave of my sayd wyff & my chyldren Item I bequethe to my two doghters Elyzabeth & Katheryne to eyther of them xxxiij l & xiij s iii d to thyr maryage provyded my sayd son & my sayd wyff shall have the custodye of the sayd xxxiij l xiij s iii d fyndyng fifty out foertye to be payd att the day of maryages of my sayd doghters Item I wyll that John my son shall have the smyltying slagges of my bole that he to gyff a reward to my wyff & chyldren att the syght off iiij men Edward Walker George Madder Jamys Deyne John Pozor Item I bequethe to Alys of Hogstin toward her maryage xxs Item To any chyld that my broder will have iij s iij d Item I bequethe to a prest that shall syng xxx masses for me x s Item I beqhethe to the chapell of Cromford ij s Item I wyll that my executors shall gyff the poor pepull ii s ii d Item I bequethe to Yssabell my wyff the thryd part of all my goods both movable & unmovable Item I bequethe to William my broder vi s viij d Item I bequethe to my daughtor Crystyne xx s & a reward at the syght of my wyff provyded that yff my wyff do marie that then the halfe that she shulde have equilly devyded with John shall be dysposyd to my iij daughtors
The resydue of my goods when my detts be payd & all my bequeths ffulfylled I wyll shall remayne to my wyff Yssabell & John my son equally to be devyded betwyxt them whome I make order my true & lawfull executors In matteres whyrof I have called & dyssyred to beyr recorde of thys my testament & last wyll thes presens Rychard Moor my Lasftly father John Lees (illegible) Jamys Deyne and Edward Boll Raffe Cadman a Ut other men Here ffolowyth the detts that Rychard Wyggeley hath makyng fyn ffyrst William Alanes (?) of Bonsall xxxix s The church wardens of Bonsall xiij s Henry Bestewic (?) of Bonsall iij s iij d Henry Brogon iiij L (torn paper) William Wyld of Watstonwell(?) xx s Raff Creckeshaw(?) of Bolsover xiij s iiij d Fenton of Hasselwode xx s Thomas Helliot of Asheleyhey x L iij s iii d John Wyggeley xx s William Flecher (?) s Robert Wode of Alton xx s William Heyne (?) Hychynson of Yreton vij s iijd Raff Gell Caryston iij L vi s viij d John Alsopp of Hognoston v L i s Henry Flynt of Mattlock iij s George Davyd xxi L Thomas Spensor xiij s iiij d The executors of Mr. Edward Bereford xxx s The executors of Margrett Gell xx s Raff Gell of Hopton vij s Robert Madder of Crych v s (torn paper) Roger Moore of Derby iiij L
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