We at Shinra welcome you to Neo Midgar Version 8.0! Ever wanted a site where Midgar was explained like a real city? instead of playing it in FF7? well this site contains all of the info you're looking for! from the top plate to the bottom plate, this site will explain everything you need to know about Midgar's technological aspects and structure! But these are my own estimations so if there's any architects out there, please tell me! So we at Shinra hope you enjoy your stay here at Neo Midgar! ^_^ All
of the pictures and midis were taken from RPG Gamer. |
This site will no longer be updated: Dead forever.
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DISCLAIMER: Midgar is a city in the game Final Fantasy 7 and is copyrighted by Square Soft. Neo Midgar and all original ideas are copyrighted by me, Castor Troy. Feel free to take any image on this page, but do not copy my original info, I spent hours coming up with that stuff and if you do take my info, I will send SOLDIER and the Turks to hunt you down, I'm sorry if this is sounding a bit rude and mean (I'm not really a mean person) but now I'm gonna be a bit more protective about my stuff, k? ^_^ Apologies if this offends you...