Photo: Cat looking into mouse cage.Curiosity!
"Can you come out and play?"Photo: Cat looking at mouse in cage.

Photo: Cat with mouse."

These pictures were taken under the supervision of my son,
with the understanding that the mice were food
for his snake, Godzilla.
Whiskers and I were allowed to visit and investigate these strange
little creatures, but had to give them back.
Being raised an indoor cat, Whiskers is no mouser.
The mice ignore her, they don't know she's a cat.
When a mouse gets loose, "YIKES!" she is great at finding them.
She will follow the scent,
then she simply sits down and mews to tell us she has found the mouse.
She is so proud of herself and I tell her what a good kitty she is.
The only thing she hunts and eats is an occasional bug.

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